عائشة أحمد النعمه ✨

Aisha Al Naama is one of the top Lifestyle influencer in Qatar with 1418 audience and 52.89% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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We all smile in the same language ❤️

We all smile in the same language ❤️

“Look for the valleys, the green places and fly through them. There will always be a way through.”

“Look for the valleys, the green places and fly through them. T Read More

Be the best version of yourself ??

Be the best version of yourself ?? #internationalwomensday

الصحة النفسية لازم تكون في مقدمة أولوياتنا لان
المرض النفسي مب اقل أهمية عن المرض الجسدي وكل إنسان في مرحلة من حياته ممكن يمر بظروف صعبة تأثر على صحته النفسية 
ودورنا احنا ان نزيد الوعي ونشيل وصمة العار من الأمراض النفسية 
As a global community, mental health should be at the forefront of our concerns today. We live in a fast paced world, with our lifestyle on carefully curated display— showing “the best of ourselves” to the public. People who are experiencing depression and anxiety are getting younger, and we as a community have a responsibility to listen without judgement, but with compassion and empathy to those who suffer in silence. Remember, mental health does not discriminate and can happen to any one of us. If you or anyone you know is struggling with any form of mental illness, do not be ashamed to seek out professional help, because it is out there!
#mentalhealthawareness #wmhd2018

الصحة النفسية لازم تكون في مقدمة أو Read More

Guys it’s finally out!! My first ever cover magazine with these women @nadazeidanofficial @yasmian for @graziaqatar October issue. ‘The power issue’ celebrating women in sports and adventure!! So grateful for this experience and can’t wait to get my hands on the real copy! 
Thank you @bianca.brigitte.bonomi for making this happen and @missgorgeousmars for making us look fabulous and @wdoha for always being so accommodating ???

Guys it’s finally out!! My first ever cover magazine with these Read More

Turning 29- as I truly don’t believe our lives should be celebrated in one day but rather everyday. Today is an opportunity to reflect and be grateful for the people in my life, the memories made with the people I love, the opportunities I was given, the adventures I have had, the challenges that made me who I am and hopefully will continue making me grow.
Today is a reminder to keep our hearts open, judge less and spread more love ✨

Turning 29- as I truly don’t believe our lives should be celebr Read More

‎شاركت مع مجموعة من الاشخاص في تنظيف شاطئ من شواطئ قطر بهدف التوعية بنظافة البيئة..ما كنّا نتوقع كمية ونوعية النفايات اللي شفناها وجمعناها 
أتمنى ان كل شخص يساهم في الحفاظ على نظافة بيئتنا او ابسط شي نكون مسؤولين عن التخلص من مهملاتنا بوعي اكثر 
Took part in a beach cleanup and the amount of trash we found was unbelievable.
Swipe to see some of what we found. If you’d like to contribute and take part in one of the beach cleanups you can join @deap_qatar, a Qatar based community that organizes weekly cleanups.

‎شاركت مع مجموعة من الاشخاص في تنظي Read More



Ready for Ooredoo’s half marathon next week.
My first run in 2019 and the longest since May 2016.
Invest in yourself, you’d be surprised to see how far you’re capable of reaching. 
الحمدلله ??✨

Ready for Ooredoo’s half marathon next week. My first run in 20 Read More
