Anurag Raturi
Anurag is one of the top Entertainment influencer in India with 3407 audience and 35.81% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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If you visit Mussourie anytime this is one of the few most calm places and watching the majestic Lord Buddha statue is also soothing to the eyes...

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future,concentrate the mind on the present moment - Lord Buddha
#photographers_of_india #_soi #moodygrams #ourmoodydays #bokeh_shotz #milliondollarvisuals #gramslayers #maibhisadakchap #fstopgear #shotzdelight #shotonlumix #shotonlexar #shotononeplus #creativeoptic #photoshop #depthobsessed #unknownperspectives #lensball #watchthisinstagood #agameoftones #visualambassadors #theportraitpr0ject #artofvisuals #igtones #ig_color #ourcolourdays #ourmoodydays

If you visit Mussourie anytime this is one of the few most calm p Read More

I would never stop creating just for the reason that every piece of content I create gives me inner peace......
BTW this is the @huaweimobilein @huaweimobileczsk P30 Pro..... I would love get hands on this beast...
#ps_glow #fxcreatives #ps_daydream)#creartmood#creative mobs #ig_killerz #adobestudents #imaginativeuniverse #igtones #launchdsigns #illgrammers #thegraphicspr0ject #enter_imagination #edit_grams #digitallyart #huaweip30pro #creativegrammer #discoveredit #createcommune #edit_perfection #thevisualgods #PrekonejLimityFotografie #theuniversalart #exploretocreat #entersurrealism #shotonp30pro #visual_creatorz #capturedonhuawei  #rewrittherules #kellansworld)

I would never stop creating just for the reason that every piece Read More

I would never stop creating just for the reason that every piece of content I create gives me inner peace......
BTW this is the @huaweimobilein @huaweimobileczsk P30 Pro..... I would love get hands on this beast...
.(#ps_glow)(#fxcreatives)(#ps_daydream)(#creartmood)(#creativemobs)(#ig_killerz)(#adobestudents)(#imaginativeuniverse)(#igtones)(#LaunchDsigns)(#illgrammers)(#thegraphicspr0ject))#enter_imagination)(#edit_grams)(#digitallyart)(#huaweip30pro)(#creativegrammer)(#discoveredit)(#createcommune)(#edit_perfection)(#thevisualgods)(#PrekonejLimityFotografie )(#theuniversalart)(#exploretocreat)(#entersurrealism)(#shotonp30pro)(#visual_creatorz)(#capturedonhuawei )(#rewrittherules )(#kellansworld)

I would never stop creating just for the reason that every piece Read More

Never regret for the road not taken.... take the road....
. #moodygrams #ourmoodydays #bokeh_shotz #shotforbeebom #f4fofficial #dof_addicts #indiapictures #_soi #poi #artofvisuals #ngtindia #depthobsessed #mypixeldiary #shotononeplus #shotonlumix #milliondollarvisuals #xceptionaledits #creativeoptic #thecreativers #fatalframes #way2ill #worldofartists #capture_today #reflectiongram #strangertonez #streetmobs #visualmobs #whpgoingplaces

Never regret for the road not taken.... take the road.... . . . . Read More

A shot from my weekend getaway to Mussourie had so much fun meeting old friends.... looking forward to meet them soon... will also post the process behind the post in stories. 
.in frame: @tanmay_benjwal
#portraitpage #portraitphotography #moodyports #depthobsessed #bokeh_shotz #maibhisadakchap #photographers_of_india #whpplanetearth #milliondollarvisuals #moodygrams #gramslayers #indiapictures #igtones #ig_color #ourcolourdays #ournaturedays #ourmoodydays #fstopgear #loweprocapturelife #yourmindshift #creativeoptic #enter_imagination #manipulationteam #theuniversalart #pulpkeyxyou #eclectic_shotz #artofvisuals #vsco360 #ps_wanderlust

A shot from my weekend getaway to Mussourie had so much fun meeti Read More

we are all somewhat lost... we may as well explore a little... . Read More

When you're completely lost, when you have no idea what comes next or why things are happening, faith is what gets you through. Even if you're not sure what you believe, you keep doing the things you know in your heart are the right things. That is faith.....
. #depthobsessed #bokeh_shotz #milliondollarvisuals #moodygrams #mg5k  #mypixeldiary #unknownperspectives #strangertonez #maibhisadakchap #illgrammers #bokehkillers #dof_addicts  #gramslayers #visualambassadors #visualmobs #streetmobs #ourstreetdays #shotzdelight  #igtones #ig_color
#ourmoodydays #ourcolourdays

When you're completely lost, when you have no idea what comes nex Read More

This fall used to be very beautiful a year ago. It had a large pool of water below it, large enough for a group of people to swim freely... and had greenery all around, but now it's not the same..... You see how our actions affect the nature....I went there a few days ago and discovered the pitiful condition of the fall the pool turned into a very small puddle and its rocky all around... we need to take this seriously and take actions to prevent the same happening to other natural habitats around us....
. #savenature #Unitednation #uttarakhandheaven @uttarakhand_tourismofficial @jktourismofficial #moodygrams #ourplanetdaily #saveplanet #instagram #whpseasonal #depthobsessed #kellansworld #milliondollarvisuals #loweprocapturelife #mythinktank #artofvisuals #creativeoptic #indiapictures #photographers_of_india #visualmobs #visualambassadors #jordhammondsundays #agameoftones @lumixuk #f4fofficial #igtones #ig_color #photographers_of_india #oph

This fall used to be very beautiful a year ago. It had a large po Read More
