Basma Elkhereiji
Basma Elkhereiji is one of the top Lifestyle influencer in Saudi Arabia with 60746 audience and 0.83% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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What is your Dream Car
Draw your Dream Car with @toyotaalj
Last day of submission is the 27th of January

What is your Dream Car Draw your Dream Car with @toyotaalj Last d Read More

خلوا أطفالكم يحلقوا بخيالهم ويرسموا سيارة أحلامهم مع مسابقة @toyotaalj

خلوا أطفالكم يحلقوا بخيالهم ويرسمو Read More

شاركوا أطفالكم في مسابقة "سيارة أحل Read More

Sometimes I can’t believe that I am a mother to a teenage daughter…

It can be both beautiful and brutal all at the same time. One minute she is giving me hugs and snuggling with me on the couch watching our favorite TV show and then the next minute , I don’t understand and I’m not with it ….

It’s not an easy time at all, but i  love her fiercely and even with all the drama I wouldn’t change her for anything in the world. She is my heart and soul out walking around in the world .
 Trying to be come a young lady , independent and fierce…
Lana if you are reading this , 
 I  may annoy you, lecture you, embarrass you, drive you crazy and even make you hate me some days. But NO ONE will ever love you like i do 
Always know :

“You are beautiful. You are valuable. You are enough.”

“No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby girl.”

Sometimes I can’t believe that I am a mother to a teenage daugh Read More

I am a Mother , 
I am a Daughter , 
I am a Sister, 
I am a Friend, 
I am a Restaurateur, 
I am me sometimes, I put on a mask a lot of times , 
And I am doing my best to make sure I do everything I can to be a good mother (sometimes), a good daughter (sometimes) a good sister (sometimes), and so on and so forth… 
And if I drop the ball sometimes with one part of my life , it’s also ok ! 
Let’s be kind to one another , and support each other… 
Let’s lend a helping hand when we can , and say sorry I can’t when we can’t … 
Let’s not hold ourselves to an unrealistic standard and expect perfection in every aspect of our lives … 
Let’s say it as is , let’s not make other moms feel bad about themselves because they parent differently, let’s not judge…
Everyone is going through their own battles , the only thing we know about anything that we are entitled to do our best or least or whatever …
Let everyone be, and focus on your life … and what’s important to you ????????

I am a Mother , I am a Daughter , I am a Sister, I am a Friend Read More

Ok these will be a tell all couple of posts … 
Be prepared … 
Ready … 
Here it goes … 
I always get positive comments about how I raise my daughters … and moms telling me that I am their idol and they want to be like me…( I never know why) 
Here is my biggest secret, it’s a constant internal struggle, and I sometimes feel that I’m doing a (Sh*t) job and that I’m a horrible mother … actually, a lot of times… I compare myself to other moms that are full time moms , dedicated to their kids and are involved in every little detail of their lives … 
That know all the schedules, all the subjects, all the teachers , drop of and pick up from school every day … plan play dates … etc.
Spend much more time with their kids than I do … make their lunches , cook their dinner …
I question my choices of how I chose to live my life,to raise them , where and how much time I spend with them …
It’s a constant internal conversation… yes, I sometimes over compensate for my choices , and what I have to do to be able to give them the life they want ( I want for them)… it’s not Easy … it’s really hard …

Ok these will be a tell all couple of posts … Be prepared … Read More

Every time I visit my beloved Egypt, “there is something just so warm about it.” Even in this freezing weather “An intangible warmth that everyone understands yet cannot always explain, you  just feel it …”its a warmth of giving hearts, hearts that share beauty of humanity , culture and love. Im always overwhelmed with feelings of gratitude and love …thank you Egypt until next time❤️

Every time I visit my beloved Egypt, “there is something just s Read More

Happy Birthday to my dear @rashabakrelgammal I know we planned something else for this glorious occasion, ولكن و عسى أن تكرهو شيئا و هو خير لكم …
You were sad , I jumped on a plane, bought a loaf of bread from @diverbaker and we broke bread and celebrated … 
May we always have many celebrations and  accomplishments to enjoy and celebrate together …
Can’t wait for you in saudi … to celebrate you Saudi Style

Happy Birthday to my dear @rashabakrelgammal I know we planned so Read More

True friends are those who have always been there for you  as You go through your tough years, those times where I seemed to be riddled with more trials and tribulations than triumphs. They are not friends of convenience but rather they are friends who have been there despite the challenges of time and distance, and who are simply in it for the friendship alone without expectations in return. They aren’t easily hurt by a lack of frequent contact with each other, but they simply know that we are there for each other when we’re needed.
‎مافيش إثبات أكثر من ال يوستفندي في الحسين مع شوية شاي كشري و عم أكرم في ورشته ???? مع @nadzezz و @rashabakrelgammal قصة تعبيرية عن الصداقة الي أقدرها من أعماق قلبي … 
I love you girls ????

True friends are those who have always been there for you as You Read More
