Dijital Pazarlamanın Atan Kalbi, Ünlüler: Kadın Oyuncu Influencer’ler

Kabul etsekte etmesekte sosyal medya olmadan hayatımızı hayal edemeyiz. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ve diğer sosyal medya platformlarının patlamasından önce bile, markalar ünlüleri (eskiden onları kadın ve erkek oyuncu etkileyicileri olarak adlandırmazdık) reklamlarında kullanırdı ve potansiyel müşterilere ulaşmanın ve etkilemenin en etkili yolu olarak görürlerdi. Sosyal medyanın ani yükselişiyle birlikte,influencer marketing (etkileyici pazarlama) dünyası büyük ölçüde değişti. Aylık 1 milyardan fazla aktif kullanıcısı olan Instagram, dünyanın en başarılı sosyal medya ağıdır. Birçok harika özellikleri sayesinde Instagramda kampanya süreci hem influencer hem de marka için gözle görülür derecede kolaylaşmıştır. 

Ünlülerin ilk influencer’ler olduğunu söyleresek yanılmış sayılmayız. Markalar kitle tarafından en çok sevilen kadın ve erkek oyuncularla anlaşma imzalamak için birbirleriyle yarışıyorlar. Belki geçmişte değil, ama şimdi hemen hemen her ajans promosyon amaçları için  tüm oyuncuların  “takipçileri”ni de dikkate alıyor. Sadece ünlü bir marka için bazı içerikleri paylaşmak, oyuncu influencer’larla anlaşma imzalamak anlamına gelmiyor. Dahası, çok sayıda takipçiye sahip olmak, önemli bir katılım olmadan o kadar da büyük bir anlam ifade etmiyor.

Yukarıda söylediğimiz sebepleri ele alarak, markalar için her şeyin sorunsuz sonuçlanmasını sağlamak nedeniyle sizin için doğru influencer’leri buluyoruz. Keepface‘in geniş hizmet çeşitliliği ile, sponsorlu içerik, incelemeler, marka elçisi rolü ve bunun gibi diğer hizmetlerimizi muhteşem oyuncu influencer’lerimizle işbirliği yapmanın birden fazla yolunu size sunuyoruz. Keepface, influencer’leri tek bir platformda tanımanıza, şartınızı tartışmasına ve iş birliği yapmanıza yardımcı olur. 350 binden fazla influencer ve içerik oluşturucunun erişimi ile işiniz için mükemmel eşleşmeleri bulabilirsiniz. Yapmanız gereken tek şey  Keepface.com gidin, ücretsiz bir demo alın ve kampanyanız için doğru aktris influencer`i işe alın. 

Bu blogda, en çok sevilen oyuncu influencer’ları toplamaya çalıştık. Hızlı bir hatırlatma da edelim ki, tüm bu muhteşem aktris influencer’ler Keepface’in veritabanında mevcuttur. Peki ne bekliyorsunuz?  Romantik komediler, süper kahraman filmleri, dramalar veya korku filmleri/ dizileri ne olursa olsun üzerlerine konuşacağımız her bir influencer bizim için  çok özeldir. O halde hemen başlayalım.

Hande Erchel

Yetenekli ve güzel oyuncu ve model Hande Ercel 2013’ten beri şov dünyasında aktif olarak çalışıyor. Hande, İngilizcede “Sun’s daughters” anlamına gelen “Güneşin kızları”adlı Türk televizyon dizisinde Selin Yılmaz rolüyle tanınıyor. O bir model olarak farklı ajanslar için poz verdi. Gelecek vaat eden ve güzel bir oyuncu olan Hande, 2012’den itibaren farklı ajanslar için modellik yapmaya başladı. Bu endüstrinin bir parçası olmak birçok kızın hayalidir, mankenlik ve oyunculuk kariyerine başlamadan önce Hande de o kızlardan biriydi.

20.7 milyondan fazla Instagram takipçisi ve Twitter’da 280.000’den fazla takipçisi ile güçlü bir sosyal medya etkisi var. Katılım oranı delicesine yüksek  %12.88-tir.

Priyanka Chopra Jonas

Priyanka Chopra bir aktör, şarkıcı, yapımcı ve hayırsever ve 2000 Miss World yarışmasının galibidir. Ulusal Film Ödülü ve beş Filmfare ödülü de dahil olmak üzere birçok ödül aldı ve 2016 yılında Hindistan Hükümeti tarafından dördüncü en yüksek sivil ödül olan Padma Shri’ye layık görüldü. Oyunculuk kariyerine ek olarak, Chopra hayırsever çalışmaları ile ünlüdür ve 2010 yılında UNICEF Çocuk Hakları iyi niyet elçisi olarak atanmıştır. Bir şarkıcı olarak üç tekli (single) yayınladı. Instagramdaki kitlesi 62.4 milyon ve katılım oranı ise %1.47-dir.

Fahriye Evcen Özçivit

Ünlü türk oyuncusu Fahriye Evcen ilk sinema deneyimini 11 Nisan 2008 tarihinde yayınlanan Cennet filminde başrol oyuncusu olarak yaşadı. 2017 yılında Los Angeles merkezli Buzznet isimli internet sitesinin açtığı “Dünyanın En Güzel 30 Kadını” oylamasında, aralarında Gigi Hadid, Emma Watson, Adriana Lima, Hillary Clinton ve Angelina Jolie’nin de yer aldığı listede dokuzuncu sırada yer aldı. Şu an aktif olarak Instagram kullanan güzel oyuncu kendi hesabında sıklıkla markaların reklamlarını yapıyor. 11.7 milyon takipçisi olan Fahriyenin katılım oranı 8.24%-tır.

Danna Paola 

Danna Paola, Meksikalı oyuncu, şarkıcı ve modeldir. Erken çocukluk ve ergenlik döneminde düzinelerce televizyon projesinde rol alan bir çocuk oyuncu ve şarkıcı olarak popülerlik kazandı. Yine de, Netflix şovu “Elite”deki inanılmaz performansından sonra onu dünya çapında tanımaya başladığımızı düşünüyorum. Sosyal medyayı oldukça aktif kullanan genç oyuncunun paylaşımlarının büyük bir kısmı ortak olduğu markalar için hazırladığı içeriklerden oluşuyor. Dannanın 30.5 milyon Instagram takipçi olmakla yanı sıra 4.19% katılım oranına sahiptir.

Neslihan Atagül

Oyunculuk hayatına ilk kez 2006’da Yaprak Dökümü dizisinde Deniz karakteriyle adım atan Neslihan Atagül kısa sürede şöhret basamaklarını bir-bir aşarak zirveye yükselmiştir. Güzelliği ve yeteneği ile izleyenlerin dikkatini çeken oyuncu sosyal medyada da kendinden bahs ettiriyor. 11.8 milyon takipçisi olan güzel oyuncu paylaştığı göz alıcı içeriklerle herkesi kendine bir daha hayran bırakmaktadır. 

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5 Adımda Makyaj İnfluencer’i Olmanın Yolları

Güzellik konusunun sağlık ve sıhhat ile birlikte insanların listelerinde üst sıralarda olduğunu fark etmiş olmanız gerek. Sağlıklı olmanın yanı sıra genç ve güzel görünmek istememiz gizleyebileceğimiz bir şey değil. Güzellik alanındakı fenomenlerin sosyal medyayı şekillendirdiğini ve en son pazarlama trendlerine hızlı bir şekilde uyum sağladığını görmemek mümkün değil.

Kendinizi güzellik alanında görenlerden biriyseniz, daha spesifik olarak, diğer insanlar için ilham kaynağı olacak kişi olmak istiyorsanız, o zaman doğru yerdesiniz.Bu adımları izleyerek, bir güzellik influenceri kariyerine sıfırdan başlayabilirsiniz. Hadi o zaman, ne duruyoruz, işe koyulalım, işte ipuçlarınız.

Paylaşdığınız İçeriği “Kraliçe” Yapın

Hiç kimse ilk denemede bir makyaj dehası ya da cilt bakım gurusu olmanızı beklemiyor, ama sonunda bunu da yapmanız gerekecektir. Kitlenizin sizi ciddiye almasını istiyorsanız, cilt bakımının arkasındakı temel bilimi veya saç ve cildi etkileyen farklı bileşenleri bilmeniz gerekir.

Saçlarımın daha hızlı büyümesini nasıl sağlayabilirim? Makyaj fırçaları nasıl temizlenir? Rutin cilt bakımım ne olmalıdır? Göz çevresindeki kahverengi lekelerden nasıl kurtulabiliriz? Tırnaklarımı nasıl güçlendirebilirim?

Tüm cevaplar sizden bir tık uzakta. Zamanınızın çoğunu araştırmaya harcayın ve ardından takipçilerinize göz alıcı bir şekilde sunun. Bununla birlikte, sınırlarınızı  aşmak istiyorsanız, bu konuyla ilgili derslere, güzellik kongrelerine ve hatta seminerlere katılabilirsiniz, bunlar sizi en son trendlere güncel tutacaktır. Güzellik endüstrisinde de yeni araştırma ve teknolojiye her zaman dikkat edin.

Bir güzellik influencer’i olmak sadece her seferinde şık görünmekle ilgili değildir. Aynı zamanda mükemmel ürün ve endüstri bilgisine sahip olmak, lansmanlar, güzellik hackleri ve en son saç ve makyaj trendleri ile güncel kalmakla ilgilidir. Başarılı bir influencer olmak için, pazarlamanın püf noktalarını ve sosyal medya platformlarını anlamanız gerekir.

Nişinizi Doğru Seçin

Hepimiz güzelliğin çok kapsamlı  bir konu olduğu konusunda hemfikir olabiliriz ve sadece tek bir kişinin güzelliğin her yönünü bilmesi mümkün olmayabilir. Genel bilgiye sahip olmak en iyisidir, ancak çabalarınızı odak yönünüze koymak daha iyidir.

Ekstra para kazanmak için bazı güzellik ürünleri satmak isteyebilirsiniz, ancak enerjiniz cilt bakımı, saç bakımı veya daha dar konuları hedefleyebilir ki, kitleniz sizi bu konuda guru olarak görecektir.

Niş bir kitleye sahip güzellik influencerlerinin, kozmetik ve moda markalarının ürün tanıtımı için dikkat ettikleri kişiler olduğunu bilmeniz gerekir.

Sosyal Medya Hesaplarınızı Geliştirin

En önemli sorulardan biri, takipçilerinize nasıl ulaşacağınızdır? Bu soru için güçlü sosyal medya platformları geliştirmeniz gerekiyor.

Bu kısmı ciddiye almak çok önemlidir, çünkü para kazanmak istiyorsanız, bunu bir iş olarak yapmak zorundasınız. İlk olarak  kendinizi daha sonra ürün ve hizmeti satmak gerekecektir.

Asla İnstagram ile sınırlamayın. Kanatlarınızı açabildiğin kadar açın. Kendinizi görünür, yararlı, aktif, kalıcı, ulaşılabilir ve erişilebilir hale getirmeniz gerekir. İçeriğiniz takipçilerinizin isteklerini yansıtmalı ve onların istedikleri içeriği vermek için dinleme becerilerinizi kullanmanız gerekecektir.

Kendinizi bir marka haline getirmek oyun değiştiren bir eylemdir. Seçtiğiniz renk, stil, içerik vb. insanlara sizin özel biri olduğunuzu düşünmenizi sağlayacaktır.

İçeriğinizi ilgi çekici ve paylaşılabilir hale getirin. Takipçilerinizin yararlı ipuçlarınızı başkalarıyla paylaşmalarına teşvik edin. Ayrıca, hashtag’ler sizin için bulutları temizleyecek, içeriğinizi kategorize etmenize yardımcı olacak ve doğru hashtag’ler anında size daha fazla takipçi kazandırabilir. Birçok güzellik şirketi mikro influencer’lerle işbirliği yapmak istiyor ve çoğu zaman #discoverunder10k kullanıyor.  

Bir şey daha, bariz #güzellik, #makyaj hashtag’leri artık yararlı olmayabilir. Bunların yerine, #organic, #instamakeup, #ciltbakımı, #IGciltbakımı #bakımzamanı gibi hashtag’ler kitlenizin Instagramda paylaşımlarınızı atlayıp geçmesi yerine özel ilgi alanlarına göre bulmasına yardımcı olurlar.  

Hesabınızı en son trendler, ürün fotoğrafları ve benzeri ile karıştırdığınız sürece hangi sosyal medya devini seçtiğiniz önemli değildir. Daha fazla platform, daha fazla insan demektir. unutmayın. Günlük mesajları paylaşmak, kendinizi aktif tutmak kendinizi bu nişe adadığınızı hissettirecek ve bu işi ciddiye aldığınız için takip edilmeyi hak eden kişi siz olacaksınız.

Karışmak Yerine Öne Çıkın

Bu sektörde vizyonulu bir güzellik influenceri olduğunu iddia eden milyonlarca insan var. O zaman seni bu insanlardan farklı kılan nedir? Neden özelsin? Tüm bunların yanısıra yaratıcı olmak için beyninizi kullanın, kendinizi rakiplerinizden ayırın. Denemek istediğiniz fikir daha önce kullanılmışsa, size Pablo Picasso’nun bir keresinde çaldığı bir cümleyi hatırlatmama izin verin: “Amatörler ödünç alır, profesyoneller çalar”.

Benzersizliğiniz, herkesin kendilerinden bir şeyleri bulabileceği paylaşımlarınız, ipuçları ve püf noktalarınız, güncel ve modaya uygun içeriğiniz, ilgi çekici ve çeşitlendirilmiş konularınız ve düzenli bilgi akışınız sizi diğerlerinden farklı kılan özelliklerdir.

Markanızı Tanıtın

“Aman Tanrım, markam yok” diyebilirsin, ama bizim sana cevabımız şudur ki “tatlım, sen bir markasın.” Kendini çılgınca tanıt.

Bir avuç takipçi için itibarınızı feda etmeyin, her zaman takipçilerinizle aranızı iyi tutun. Kitleniz sizi fark ediyorsa, yaptığınız her şeyi fark edecektir: iyi, kötü ve çirkin 

İşe koyulmak için şimdiden daha iyi bir zaman mı var? Artık güzellik influencer’i olmanın yollarını biliyorsun. O halde ne bekliyorsun? Kollarını sıva ve işe koyul.

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Turn Your Hobby Into a Career: Easy Steps to Start Your Career as an Influencer

Doing the work you have a passion for is not actual work, it’s a hobby. Earning your life from the hobby is one of the best things you can do with your life. If you are reading this you probably had an experience with “ the real job” and positively you are fed up with it and now time to turn your passion into a career.

First and foremost setback in this mighty process is what kind of hobby will possibly let you keep  having a quality of life when you are not working 9 to 5 business based work. Before making life changing decisions you need to have short and long term goals. Planning to monetize your passion is the most important part of the process.

There are millions of people out there who are pursuing their dreams and interests, eventually thriving them into a career. The hobby is something that you take pleasure doing in your spare time. This might be taking photos, cooking, gardening, performing, gaming, caring for animals, writing etc. the list can go on and on but the crucial point is how to spend less time working and more time enjoying your passion and earning your life.

What Does Your Heart Desire?

At this point of our blog we are going to talk about influencing. You may think, wait I was planning to do my hobby and earn money how come I need to know about influencing. The thing is the society we live in demands us to put something on the table if we want to make money . In your case it’s making people trust you.  Here is why random people rely on your personal decisions. 

You may not realize but being an influencer is quite a ruthless process. You can put all the effort but people may not be interested in, this time you either change your mind or give your everything to your audience.

Influencing is a vitally important leadership skill which you have a control over others choices, opinions and behaviours. In order to be in charge of others, you need to make them trust you. And believe it or not, the reward of your efforts will yield a profit after deepening the trust between you and the people who follow your steps. 

Find Your Niche

Once you get enough people to follow you, the number  doesn’t need to be immerse, because well-read brands are not essentially focusing on a huge audience, they are in the search of people who have an ability to encourage others and to act on their recommendations. 

If  you have a quick look on Instagram, you will see millions of fitness influencers, on Youtube gamers, travellers ruling over people’s interests. So how will you make yourself stand out from the crowd? You need to specialize your content. 

Let me give you a little personal example; there is a boy on Youtube called Milad Mirg. As a person who loves to watch food making videos I accidentally came across a video. I saw a person making subway sandwiches (seemed yummy), while sharing short stories. Now he answers the questions from the comment section while making appealing foods. Videos are either a few seconds or 1-2 minutes long. He has more than 1.21 Million subscribers. 

All I want to tell you is you don’t necessarily need to stand out to be a successful social media influencer. Just be authentic and engaging with your audience, inspire them while enjoying yourself. Only then will your niche be as plain as nose on your face.

Monetize Your Influence

After finding the best match to your interests, the thing which gives you tremendous satisfaction, another vital part arises from here which is to make money out of it. Nowadays the majority of people claim that influencing is not an actual career, yet the same mass of people want to be one of them. So when you determine about starting your career as an influencer, never let those people discourage you. Major part of the influencers getting paid for promoting brands’ products and services. Sponsorship is the great way to make a big chunk of money. 

In one of our previous blogs we explained why content is the king of influencer marketing. Thereof your content will decide your further partnership for you. The better content, the better partnership algorithm works most of the time. Your relevance as an influencer, reach and engagement rate highlights your distinguished features, but brands possibly will scroll down your social media accounts to make sure the quality of the content you created to make sure your influence is worth to pay.

No matter how detailed you have been taught, the only essential step to achievement comes from experience. Before getting solid results you might wait months or even years, patience and commitments will honour your satisfying outcome. Creating authentic, appealing content and putting consistent effort on your work will drive brands to collaborate with you undoubtedly.  One blog couldn’t be enough to explain the whole concept, so maybe we will meet the other one again.  

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Quick Look Back at the History of Influencer Marketing

If  we don’t take into consideration today’s fuss about influencer marketing strategies and take a look at the history we will see that influencer marketing has even started before the creation of social media. The definition of the “influencer” is a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media. Clear message and easy to understand but is it? Can anybody be an influencer? 

What makes a Person an Influencer

Beautiful minds inspire others. Just think, do we like influencers just because we want to be like them?  The answer is  yes for some of us, but for the rest of us, we value the effort they put in their work. The influencers inspire us to be the best version of ourselves, do the right thing in every condition and keep pushing our boundaries.

The influencers take action deliberately. They don’t have magic sticks which make all of their dreams come true. They build their name bit by bit. No matter if we call them content creators, mentors, guides, experts or anything like that, they all serve to the same purpose. Creating the impact they were aiming for is their solemn duty.

Honesty saves everyone’s time. Indeed it does. Would you rely on someone who lies to you? Possibly there isn’t any worse thing for  an influencer to tell a lie and get caught. Because once it happens that influencer’s credibility flies out of the window and it’s unlikely to repair again. The reputation is the essence of the influencer’s ability to influence.

This is not a controversial matter, whether or not you have a great thought or actions, if you have people who think like you, in another word if they can relate with you, these people will follow you. However was this always like that? Let’s have a look at the dusty pages of history.

The Blonde Bombshell was on Duty

The Blonde Bombshell, Marilyn Monroe skyrocketed the sales of Chanel №5. In April 1952, Marilyn Monroe appeared for the first time on the cover of Life Magazine, and the article mentions her answer to the question, “What do you wear to bed?” and her reply, “a few drops of Chanel №5”.

Now when we see one or another celebrity praise a perfume it’s quite normal, but Marilyn Monroe was the first celebrity who was endorsing a perfume. Chanel №5 is the most famous and best selling perfume but the popularity of the icon escalated in the twinkling of an eye. 

After that brands discovered the way to use the power of popularity and public images of the celebrities they use it unceasingly. That was easier to entice potential customers with the personalization of celebrities’ looks and their ways of living. 

A Long Way from Down to the Top

Have you heard about Nancy Green? She was one of the first African American models in history to become the face of a popular food product. She didn’t have a beautiful body to show off, we can’t call her a scholar because she was’t. Nancy was a slave, then nanny and cook finally an influencer who fight against the racial discrimination. 

In 1889 Nancy Green was hired to promote a brand called “Aunt Jemima”. The product itself was out of ordinary for its time, self-rising pancake flour with a Black woman’s face on the box  made an instant hit across the country. If we look at the 21st century’s individual’s perspective, yes the design may seem racial and stereotypical nevertheless it was innovative for the 1880s. Green made the big chunk of money while working for the brand for 33 years until her unexpected death. Moreover she became one of the most influential advocates who spoke out against poverty and equal rights.

“Because They’re Worth It”

If you go out and ask a random person who is the second person did a revolutionary act in any case for the first time, it would be doubtful that you will find the right answer. However, we know our pioneers. In 1971, when women didn’t even have a voice over the product specifically manufactured for them, L’Oréal made something groundbreaking. Those days were special for the women’s rights movement  but still advertising controlled by men and women were completely left out.

“Because I’m Worth It” said brand ambassador Joanne Dusseau for the first time and it changed the views of women forever. Some sources claim that L’Oréal came up with this tagline because they wanted to beat their competitor Clairol and encourage women to spend more money on their product. Well, it worked. Because in the 70s almost every commercial featured male actors and showed their perspectives. If you take a look at Clairol’s ads in the 1970s you will see women with a male voiceover. However in the L’Oréal advertisement we see a woman who narrates that she  bought  a premium beauty product for the first time just for herself. The tagline slightly changed over the course of history and evolved its latest form, “ Because You’re Worth It”. Yet no matter how you comprehend it the slogan has been translated into 40 languages and it gave women confidence when they didn’t use to feel they are worth it. L’Oréal didn’t just became the pioneer in feminist advertising, more importantly it influenced the women’s outlooks about themselves.

It doesn’t matter who was the first influencer or when  exactly influencing has started. What we are making of it is the thing we need to focus on and thrive. Try to be a better influential leader to relate and impact others in a deep and sincere way.

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What is Earned Media Value and Influencer Media Value

Before the influencer era, earned media typically bound up with the editorial and mentions of brands in newspapers and magazines. But nowadays, all this changed, everyone can count as influencers on social media. Imagine one tweet or one post from an ordinary user on social media can make a Mexican wave and it can affect positively or negatively the brand’s online presence. That is why every single post on social media counts as a form of earned media. It increases the importance of Earned Media Value(EMV). Analysis and understanding of Earned Media Value are now becoming a clearer way for brands to evaluate the value of their investment in social media. In this blog, we will define EMV and demonstrate the usability of this metric in influencer marketing.


What is Earned Media Value (EMV)?

What is Earned Media Valuee

Earned media value is a more advanced metric about a brand that refers to the sum of any type of mention gained through social media, websites, blogs, forums, reviews, and so on. That mentions not from advertising (paid media) and didn’t come from brand’s media channels(owned media).  Take a look at our previous blog to learn more details on the differences between each type of media. In General, this form of media includes word-of-mouth, recommendations, or conversations about the brand.


Marketers used to measure EMV entirely on user-generated content (UGC) and were not invested in it as it was not considered very valuable to brands. Nowadays, sponsored ads, influencers, and many such factors have increased the value of EMV and motivate brands to invest in it.


EMV helps brands understand how their marketing path and online presence affects their potential customers. If the earned media value is low, it is usually an indication of mistakes in marketing strategy. If EMV is high, it shows that this brand is on the right track or builds meaningful connections with its target audience.


The connection between IMV and EMV

The connection between influencers(Influencer media value) and EMV

The earned media value (EMV) is the method of calculating the value from every type of media. However, influencer media value (IMV) is more specific than EMV, focusing solely on influencer marketing.


Influencer marketing is a relatively new strategy for marketers who are willing to build strong relationships with their target audience. It is obvious that influencer marketing is the best of the effective marketing strategies. For this reason, the EMV model was adopted as an influencer media value (IMV) and applied to the influencer field with minor changes. It is proved that influencer posts lead to better quality impressions than traditional PPC(Pay-per-click) ads. That is why marketers shift EMV to influencer marketing.


Why Earned Media Value is Important to Influencer Marketing

why emv is so important

Both earned media value and influencer media value assist brands to predict which influencers are likely to have the highest ROI.  Of course, after knowing this possibility, brands can easily choose the right path and strategy to increase awareness and sales.


But do not forget that, firstly, you should identify a well-grounded perspective to calculating EMV and IMV, which could help you make better influencer marketing decisions. 


Gaining a solid understanding of your EMV and IMV can help you save paid media costs by showing you which influencers also possess high EMV.


How to Calculate Influencer Earned Media Value

How to Calculate Influencer Earned Media Value

Since earned media is so valuable, you will want to calculate it to identify how it contributes to your brand’s sales. The problem with this is that there is no agreed formula for calculating earned media value.  Here are a few different methodologies for calculating EMV.


  1. Based on Non-Paid Impressions

Calculation: Impressions(Non-paid) x CPM


2.  Based on Organic and Viral Impressions

Calculate: Impression(Organic Impressions Over Last 30 Days) x CPM x Average CLV(Customer Lifetime Value)


3. Based on Reach and Conversion:

Calculate: Reached Users X CPM by Vertical x Conversion Factor 


These aren’t even all of the methods people have used to calculate EMV.  For influencer campaigns, calculating EMV can help brands figure out how effective influencer activities have been.  In influencer marketing, there are two methods to calculate EMV according  to marketing KPI (impression or engagement)


  • Emv based on Impressions 

If your target is to drive brand awareness, then you should track and calculate an EMV based on Impression. For that, you need to determine CPM (cost per impression). For instance, it can be based on the brand’s previous paid influencer campaigns or known digital media rates.

You can then calculate the Impressions EMV by multiplying the Impression CPM by the free impressions delivered / 1,000.

(Impressions) * (Cost per 1,000 or CPM) 


  • EMV based on engagement

If engagement is more significant than an impression for your marketing strategy, you can also track an EMV based on engagement. In the calculation process, the same way is followed as above.

Figure out Engagement CPM, then multiply the Engagement CPM by the free engagements delivered (likes + comments) / 1,000.


Of course, calculating these formulas is not easy. With Keepface, brands can track engagement, along with influencer EMV. Brands can use EMV metrics to identify where they will get maximum ROI.  Keepface uses proprietary technology to quantify the value of Influencer media value, making IMV the standard for measuring social media buzz and engagement.

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Why Content Marketing is Still Important in 2021

We all will remember 2020 for its extraordinary challenges, probably as long as we live. Businesses big and small faced tough times and significant losses. The challenges of the pandemic combined with a lack of proper planning contributed to a global economic depression. Nobody could predict businesses would shut down and operation would either have to be shifted online or paused for months.

2020 taught us some important lessons, such as the need to always have a plan B, the relevance of online shopping platforms for business of all kinds, and the importance of digital infrastructure such as safe and reliable online payment systems. Content marketing has been popular for several years now, but it has not been consistently implemented across the board. Now, when still don’t know how long it will take to completely get back to normal, we need to plan this year differently. In this context, content marketing is more relevant than ever and is one of the best ways to promote your business and build revenue.

Build trust in your brand

In general, consumers favoured in-person purchases over virtual shopping before the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, a significant percentage of consumers are hesitant while shopping online because they aren’t yet comfortable with the process and they may be afraid of getting the wrong product or even being scammed.

In this context, quality content can make your customer comfortable and more likely to trust your brand. This trust will also help you to build a long-lasting relationship with your customers and potential customers.

COVID-19 made online shopping a must

The pandemic has put in-person shopping out of reach for many people, so as a replacement they have temporarily shifted to online shopping. This has turned into a golden opportunity for brands to produce quality content because if consumers develop trust in the business and their products, they will continue to buy these products online even after the pandemic is over.

Additionally, because customers have shifted online, they are looking for more information about brands and products to before making purchasing decisions. Therefore, investing in content marketing will help you to attract more site visitors and convert more visitors into sales.

Content market is not product marketing

Marketing alone does not generate optimal results: your customers will find plenty of alternatives online so you need to ensure your product stands out to beat the competition. Product marketing only deals with the marketing of one product. Consumers these days are increasingly cynical about advertising and marketing materials, and are skeptical about the claims you may make about your products in your web copy or advertising.

This is where content marketing comes in: engaging and interesting content that demonstrates all features of the product and why they are beneficial will convince your customers to make a purchase. 

What type of content should you produce?

Every brand has different content needs. Every product has a different target audience, so it is important to make sure that the content is will help you to reach the right audience, and be interesting and engaging for that audience. If the content will not engage your target audience of ideal customers, then it is essentially useless.

It is also important to keep content fresh: content should also be updated in order to stay relevant in today’s competitive market. Post new and relevant content regulary will allow you to continually engage with your audience.

2021 is the best opportunity to stand out

This year will be your big opportunity to make your brand stand out in the digital world. The online world is full of small companies and large brands, so it is your content that will show how interesting and unique your brand is.

As the world recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic slump, consumers will be exploring new brands and products, and content is your ticket to unlock this new business. Content marketing will not only help capture the attention of your potential customers through organic links and social media shares, but it can also boost your site’s SEO.

Build healthy relationships with your customers

Content marketing is also an excellent way to attract long-lasting customers. The relationship of any brand with its customers is based on trust and that is why providing them engaging and authoritative content is the foundation for lasting and loyal relationships with your customers.

Everything takes time

You need to be patient once you invest in content production. With time, a strong content marketing strategy will deliver results, but you won’t see these straight away. This is a long-term strategy and you need to keep monitoring your progress from and regularly update your content to get results. But most important, you need to stick with it and be patient – your investment will pay off in the long run!

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Why Keepface Influencer Store is Beneficial for Brands?

Keepface is a SaaS tool for brands to run influencer marketing, employee & customer advocacy campaigns through a single platform for maximizing marketing ROI since 2016. From 2016 till now we assist brands in their influencer marketing campaigns. Brands use our platform to identify, recruit, and negotiate with influencers by spending less time. 

Now we are proud to announce our new project, Influencer store under the slogan ‘Social Proof Creates Trust and Trust Sells’.

influencer store by Keepface

In our Influencer Store project, we create online stores for influencers to turn them into e-commerce owners. Influencers only need to create authentic content and promote products on social channels. The influencers who will participate in this project will have the opportunity to decorate their e-commerce stores with the products of their favorite brands and share their lifestyles with their audience.

Basically, we create an online store for influencers, they add their favorite items which they tested, loved, and endorsed, and in the online store influencers sell the products without investing in those products. Influencers only need to promote themselves and their products on their social media through engaging content.

influencer store by Keepface

This is how the system works in influencer stores: 


  1. Influencers create engaging and branded content by their favorite products.
  2. encourage their audience to purchase them. 
  3. Consumers are directed to the websites of the brands from the influencer stores because of the influencer endorsement.
  4. Brands get conversions and quality traffic.

Influencer store’s interface

Influencer stores have a quite simple interface so it facilitates the process of adopting by users. As you know a good User Interface is substantial because it can turn potential visitors into buyers as it makes easier interactions between the user and your website.

There are some important features which I would like to bring to your attention about the interface.

When you enter the influencer store you will see five sections at the top; home page, products, brands, apps, and story. 

  • The home page section will direct you to the landing page of the influencer’s store. 
  • With the product button, consumers can see the products which the influencer uses and recommend. Consumers can filter the products by their tag as well. 
  • In the brand’s section, we can see the influencer’s favorite brands that influencers use.
  • In the story part, you can see the products that the influencer shares with his/her daily life pictures and give information about products like where he/she bought a product, etc. You can click the Read more button for finding more information about products.

Why is Keepface Influencer Store beneficial for brands?

influencer store

In general, influencer store projects are a combination of three concepts; affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, and social selling. It means that when brands join the influencer store, they can take advantage of all three of them together. To be more precise, businesses combine affiliate marketing and influencer marketing to reach social media-driven audiences and sell their products. It is a great strategy to invest in to build long-term relationships with customers.


  • First of all, influencer stores can help brands increase brand awareness while it is one of the main reasons why marketers use influencer marketing. As you know, influencer recommendations are noticed and taken into consideration by their followers so easily. By influencer stores, brands stand out and attract new followers for themselves, giving them increased visibility and the opportunity to gain more traction.


  •  You can also reach your target audience and sell your products much easier than any marketing strategy.  By the Influencer store, your products are more likely to be seen by your target audience or who might engage with you – which is the ultimate goal of the influencer store.


  • Influencer store projects increase your brand credibility and trust by partnering with influencers. Consumers tend to trust recommendations from influencers which is the biggest power of influencers. So when they add items to the influencer store it will be seen as a genuine testimonial and will help you build a trustful connection.


  • Influencer stores can also be beneficial to your search engine rankings as it helps to boost your reach. As you know, influencer marketing and affiliate marketing are both good for SEO. This means that you can improve your search engine ranking with influencer stores. Influencer stores  is a great opportunity to create better and the most important natural inbound links for your website.

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How Is Amazon AWS Certbolt Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Beneficial to IT Specialists?


There is a surprising increase in the popularity of AWS as a platform. Therefore, with an increasing number of customers, cloud computing can be a splendid skill for anyone with aspirations in IT. If it is about job security and great wages, then this is what you need. That is why instead of waiting and wasting your time, it is best to take advantage of the opportunity of making a great impact in the cloud domain. So, it is time for you to take up the Amazon AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Dumps Cloud Practitioner certificate with its related test CLF-C01 and launch into the arena of the cloud!

Why Opt for This Certificate?

Specialists who have arrived at the pinnacle of their IT careers began by laying an exceptional foundation. That is why great benefits await you if you start with the entry-level AWS Certbolt Certified Cloud Practitioner. These are enumerated as follows:

  • It establishes you in AWS cloud technology

AWS presents varied steps or levels within its certification schema. It begins with the entry-level and moves to the associate-level designations. After these two steps, one can strive for a professional-level certificate. This way, an Amazon AWS Certification Dumps practitioner can easily obtain what s/he needs to venture into the next phase of their careers. By launching in a strong way, you will get a career that really has a lot of perks like professional growth and remuneration. 

  • Show of skills and commitment to success

A certificate is a stamp of your skills in a distinct field. Regarding the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, earning it is a clear corroboration of having skills that relate to the prominent platform called Amazon Certification Dumps. Again, it is a display of the commitment you have with respect to your career and your role as well as what you do. 

  • Employment opportunities are enhanced

The Certbolt AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Dumps Cloud Practitioner certification is considered transformational when it comes to employment. This is due to how you come closer to your dream job after earning it. The other part remaining is for you to add it to your CV and apply to your most desired job role. There are increased chances of getting that role since this validation will enhance your potentiality.

  • Enhanced salary potential

Candidates who acquire the Certbolt Amazon AWS Certification Cloud Practitioner access massive opportunities that they can utilize in advancing their careers and earning fair pay. This would greatly rely on their levels of skills, where they are located, and how long they have been working in the specific role. ZipRecruiter.com offers the average emoluments for the USA specialists having such a certificate at $132,083 per year. 


Simply put, the Certbolt Amazon AWS Certification Training Course Cloud Practitioner certification is on demand since its basis is the globally appreciated platform within the expanse of cloud computing. With more businesses shifting to platforms such as AWS to enjoy enhanced efficiency that comes at reduced costs, anyone with this certificate and skills is going to benefit. Thus, to acquire it is to bestow yourself with expanded job opportunities as well as distinguished salaries. Go for it to start enjoying the perks!   

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The New Era of Online Shopping: Keepface Influencer Store

Modern days technological advances are pushing the envelope on a daily basis trying to improve and magnify our life experiences. As a matter of fact the abundance of these innovations make it hard to even keep track of them. However the information I am going to share with you will make your jaw drop. If you are an influencer or you have an intention to be, read more attentively, because the latest news from influencer marketing will bliss you out.


You may think that what is all this fuss about? It is about a groundbreaking announcement of Keepface Influencer Store. Still not excited? Wait for the thrilling news then. In Keepface Influencer Store, we turn social media influencers into entrepreneurs by creating their own online store.


Well, is there anyone who doesn’t love shopping? Maybe just a handful of people, but except those people we feel deep affection for shopping. Precisely, in the times like these. If we look at the bright-side of the situation, days when we had to visit the mall or shopping plaza and spend our whole time checking that there any brand store has got any deal or discount only just for a couple of dresses or accessories were gone with the wind.


However now we are living in the E-commerce era. Almost everything is just a click away from us. Just a little tap on our smartphones or tablets, then this thing miraculously will appear beside you. Have any clothes, accessories, cosmetics, or even household items seem appealing to you? Well we have Keepface Influencer Store for anything and everything.

Keepface is the Man Behind the Curtain

keepface influencer store


Before breaking our Influencer Store’s traits into pieces, I need to put Keepface in the picture and emphasise that the great mind behind this great Influencer Store project is Keepface


Now we need to spotlight this striking project, Influencer Store. Influencers are ordinary people, like the ones we pass everyday on the street, yet something makes them special that we can’t keep ourselves away from them. Yes, I might be talking about YOU! Influencers give inspiration, show what looks like the right decisions. This could be as small as an accessory you choose to wear or something big, like travelling the countries you have never been.


We, as a company , highly appreciate our influencers’ efforts. Maybe that’s why we lend them our hands to have online stores. Authentic content they created, the products they promoted through social media and most importantly the trust they built with their audience make them new generation entrepreneurs.

How does the Keepface Influencer Store work?

Keepface Influencer Store is just like any other store, but with more specific features. We have  already created the  Influencer Store for influencers and all you have to do is add your favorite clothes, shoes, household items, anything you gave a try, loved and endorsed.


 Here influencers need to urge their audience to take a look at the store with appealing and engaging content. These contents may be photo, video or story, doesn’t matter, anything you like. However when customers go to the store and purchase the items which the influencer promoted then this committed influencer got paid. 


Moreover my story part of the project is explicitly compelling, because here influencers may add their own pictures. So the audience can see the real product on the gorgeous influencers not on the zero size, super skinny model.


How does the Keepface Influencer Store work.



The Things You will Get From the Project


Let’s have a look at the things that you will get if you become the part of the Keepface Influencer Store:

  • Stable and increasing income;
  • Long-term cooperation with the top local and international brands;
  • Less time spent for negotiations;
  • Fully monetizing the audience;
  • Free e-commerce shop




Although the Keepface Influencer Store was newly established but it managed to create a common ground for influencers to engage with consumers and build authentic, emotional connections that are critical for business. With various astonishing  products, Influencer Store put itself in for being one of the top online platforms for clothes, bags, shoes, watches, jewellery, electronics, and  more with amazing deals from top brands.


Keepface’s monetization mechanism with high ROI will open the new income doors to your face. So more money you get, more products you promote and later on you will find yourself in the middle of a pleasant infinite loop. Keepface Influencer Store’s convenient features hundreds of well-known brands and millions of eye catching brands are on the tips of your fingers. 


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How to Make Your Brand Stand out in International Women’s Day

Although this year’s circumstances are quite different from previous years, we still celebrate the International Women’s Day with the same passion and compassion. Because 8 March is not just a day we can pass by and try to make up later, it is the day of raising awareness, fighting fiercely and knocking down all the setbacks  for women’s equality.  The marking of  economical, cultural and socio-political accomplishments of women all over the world is embodied in International Women’s Day. 


Since this empowering day comes along a couple of perplexing questions may  cross your minds. Does your brand need to get involved in International Women’s Day celebrations? If the answer is yes, what will make your brand stand out among oceans of other brands and their catchy campaigns? 


In this blog we will try to help you not only boost your brand sales but also raise awareness towards women’s empowerment movement. Moreover, if you are short on ideas about what kind of campaign you suppose to have, you may check our “ 5 Ideas for Influencer Marketing Campaign on International Women’s Day”  blog and have the down pat about this special day. So, roll up your sleeve  and let’s get started. 


Girls Can do anything Boys Can do and More

Girls Can do anything Boys Can do and More
Anne Shirley  said these words long ago and it made us think again that who can raise  awareness of the inequalities women face today, more than women who achieved everything by themselves. Women who are working towards gender equality in every aspect of their lives non-stop will shine the light on your brand amidst the unendurable digital crowd.


Collaborating with women influencers who can inspire with their personal stories and relate these stories to your brand won’t be missed out by their followers. People love personal stories especially social media users, that is why having more engagement among consumers will be the matter of time and loyalty of women influencers audience will become evident.



#ChooseToChallenge is the International Women’s Day campaign theme for 2021. “To change the world we need to challenge the world” they say. Smashing the patriarchy and burning it all down is not an easy process, because you are what you do.


In order to connect people from every demographic on International Women’s day you don’t need to be a global brand. Creative range of IWD hashtags and location tags will increase engagement insanely.


In fact unique and eccentric hashtags may be the best way to spread your brand’s message all over the world. While creating these hashtags you also can  encourage the influencers you work with to submit their pictures on the IWD site to show your brand’s solidarity and unity. Raise your hand high to show you’re in and that you commit to choose to challenge and call out inequality.


Special Content Strategy for Special Day

In one of our previous blogs we try to help you about how to make your content king, or let’s say queen. One way or another we should understand that particular dates deserve special and more attractive content, no doubt this could be one of the  greatest strategies to celebrate International Women’s Day.


Launching a social media campaign with micro and nano influencers will help you out while sharing your products and services with a bigger  audience. However you may also use this opportunity to raise social awareness, because it shouldn’t be all about boosting your sales.


Time to Raise Together

Time to Raise Together
In the modern world’s dog-eat-dog perception small businesses don’t survive. Especially women-owned businesses suffer more than others. Therefore you should use this occasion to lend a hand to the women who broke the mold. You can send these women-owned-businesses certain products and services they can make use of them or simply send an office gift. Don’t forget we rise by  lifting others.


We can’t ignore the fact that consumers are likely to choose the brands which weigh in on the modern world’s issues over other brands. If you show your interest in changing the world into an equal and better place for the people from every genders, race and nationality your brand visibility and presence will be superior, inevitably .

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