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The day The Allies invaded France, and told Hitler that his days were numbered. America’s Greatest Generation fully engaged and committed to liberating countries most will never see, but thanks to war fighters and hero’s, the likes of Jim Clermont and many others freedom and opportunity exists today. I could go on and on about my friend Jim, his legacy and wonderful family but I suggest to hop on over to Ramsey Russell’s feed at @ramseyrussellgetducks and check out his podcast with Mr. Clermont. He had the distinct pleasure of meeting the man in person.
I can only hope the young guns log out of Facebook long enough, shut their mouths for a few hours, and take the time to listen how a real American badass truly earns a reputation.
Note: Jim is shown here 3rd from left with his mates.
Make sure you listen…

D-Day The day The Allies invaded France, and told Hitler that his Read More

Happy Memorial Day to all the the soldiers and service members who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Without all of you there’s no way we have the life and share it with those we love most. For that, we are indebted and most grateful. Love. The BOSSMen.??

Happy Memorial Day to all the the soldiers and service members wh Read More

Wishing you all a banger 2021 season. Best of luck to you! Commen Read More

There’s nothing in the outdoors that rivals the smell of decaying aspen leaves and a spent shell. Add the most startling flush in the upland world and that’s hunting ruffed grouse in the northwoods. There’s so much to respect and love about this sport and bird. Where they live, colored covers so brilliant Crayola has yet to find the name. Access to quality ground for everyday-common-walkin’-the-streets-people and as far as table fare goes — forget about it, nothings close.
Here’s to the smell of success in ‘21 and the best of seasons.

WILD THINGS & WILD PLACES. There’s nothing in the outdoors that Read More



Nine-hour roadie today to make good on a coveted invite to the early blue-wing spectacle at my bud Digger's camp. The Allman Bros namesake track cranked to 11 for directional highway meditations with a gut fulla gas-station coffee. “Cap” and six hot case mini tacos riding shotgun, because nutrition. Phone on Do Not Disturb, eyes taking in the miles. 
I appreciate the feel of Digger's camp. Laid-back, old-school perfect. Vintage art covering the walls that drips tradition and respect to the old ways and old souls. I also groove on the way Digger hunts this place. Or more specifically, how he doesn't. The birds get plenty of rest, no two spots are shot back-to-back and the vibe feels about as chill as I do right now. The 28 ga. Winchester Model 21 cased in the backseat'll be chowing on 2 ¾

SOUTHBOUND Nine-hour roadie today to make good on a coveted invit Read More

Hillbilly Jim here don’t give a rat's ass that the new BOSS website launched at 4pm EST this afternoon. 
Expect way faster load times, loads of new DUCKCAMP FORMALWEAR, custom calls, limited quantities of shells in our most popular loads. Super pumped to hear the reactions from our BOSS brethren. Yes, there’s even a place for you to leave your 5 star review.
OK, brass tacks: Upper Midwest opener update. No secret we've been moving faster around the BOSS HQ than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. But, like you, Opening Weekend is pretty much a religious holiday for anyone we wanna call a friend. Must be observed. 
A few of us pointed the truck tires south and met up with the OG @jefffoiles on some fantastic goose ground he had access to in the neighborhood of southern Minnesota BOSSMen. Won’t bore you with all the details, save for 20 early-season honkers getting up-close and personal before finding themselves pancaked over decoys, not a single cripple in the mix and we were re-introduced to the Hillbilly Jim we spoke of earlier. From frog gigging to morel picking to goose smashing, this dude's a true old-school punisher and he's got his head in the right place. Owns only one call, but makes it sing perfect. Old-school camo, because he knows better. Shoots the same gun he's shot since the beginning of time, shoots it well and regularly insisted he's 'got the world by the ass.' The folks we meet on these rando hunts are probably among the things we love most and like Digger @gooselore for us, it’s about the characters with true character. 
Interesting note on shells: Two of us went with the venerable Shorty 5 like we always do. You don’t mess with perfection. Hillbilly Jim shot whatever he could scrounge off us and couldn’t stop comparing copper-plated BOSS to the old days of lead. For those of you living in states with early openers, what shells found their way into your sinister MoneyBag? Real curious where your head's at on our early-season birds. Shell and species. Go:

NEW WEBSITE IS UP! Hillbilly Jim here don’t give a rat's ass th Read More


We'd love to tell you at BOSS we don't get too political, but that'd be a lie. Life is politics, and given each of us here live our lives in our own #unmuzzled way, there's room at the BOSS table for anyone working to make this nation a better place for her children. Sometimes we disagree on what that would take, and that's ok. The important part is to keep having the conversations, knowing only a fool's satisfied with being the single voice in a room.

Today's events in Kabul are heavy on our minds right now, as the news filters in of US troops perishing alongside our Afghan allies. Two trillion dollars wasted and weapons recaptured by the Taliban while the United States struggles to fund humanitarian battles within our own borders. Nearly 75,000 lives lost in total. All with the support of four administrations, both Democrat and Republican. Your favorite team's guilty here. Make no mistake. And besides, finger pointing ain't the answer, anyway. Never will be.

It's decency. Mindfulness. The vulnerability it takes to be kind and the bravery to say enough's enough. I know, as a country of brothers and sisters, we're better than allowing unwinnable wars that seek to only line the pockets of folks I hesitate to call Americans. I pray for the day when we're big enough to set aside political differences and demand an end to senseless waste like the events witnessed in Afghanistan. 

Today my granddaughter ran circles around myself, my son and my daughter, who'd came over shortly after the second bombing. We painted the stars on the flag in my barn to honor the fallen and it gave us all some much-needed perspective. Love and family and country, BOSSmen. That's America, not some red vs. blue manufactured drama and division. 

Last we checked, the flag was sewn with both colors and those colors have stood side-by-side for 243 years. The question is, why won't we?

PRIORITIES We'd love to tell you at BOSS we don't get too politi Read More


Today's pop quiz:

Q: What's the single-most overlooked conservation tool in wingshooting?

Think hard on that one, BOSSmen.

A: You're looking it straight into its stunning amber eyeball.

We've long said this at BOSS, but it's amazing how often I'm reminded of how critical to conservation a well-trained Retriever truly is. Just yesterday, me and  longtime dog trainer messiah Tom Dokken were out at @dokkensoakridge watching his current charge of dogs progress. I remember turning to Dok after one of the pups was given a single mark, released into a very average 50-yard retrieve and dropped it in Dok's hand a couple of minutes later.

THE BIRDS' BEST FRIEND Today's pop quiz: Q: What's the single-m Read More
