Dr. Elizabeth Lambaer

Dr Elizabeth Lambaer is one of the top Beauty influencer in United States with 22745 audience and 5.1% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Just in case you didn't know how SPECIAL You ARE...⁣

Just in case you didn't know how SPECIAL You ARE...⁣ ⁣ "In al Read More

Break the RULES!!! I had the great honor of being interviewed by Read More

“Love is just Pure Love Essence, and then it finds its most perfect way to express itself”💜⁣
Sometimes Valentine’s Day can bring up a lot of emotions and pressure for people who are not in an intimate loving relationship. I share this quote to remind you that there are countless different ways to give, receive and enjoy love.⁣
For example, this photo of my incredibly talented dear friend & dance partner, Stephen @steviejdance and me was taken by the amazing Bryan Wesley Williams @bryanwesleywilliams at one of our recent video shoots.⁣
Looking at the photo, one might assume that we are together, but that is not true. The passion, creativity, respect and love we share is exclusively reserved for the dance floor, And... that doesn’t make it any less precious, amazing, beautiful or fulfilling!⁣
So, on this weekend that is dedicated to love, if you are currently single, and not that happy about it, instead of being upset or disappointed by what you think you might not have, look around your life right now and take a moment to appreciate all the love you do have!⁣
For example, I am so grateful for all my beautiful friends, dance partners, everyone here on my social media platforms and all the amazing people who make my life so rich and beautiful.⁣
Who are you grateful for, and why? Message me below and let me know!⁣
Happy Love Day My Beautiful Friends!⁣
#love #valentinesday #dance #dancepartner #salsa #salsadance #bachata #bachatadancing #latina #latindance #sexy #sexydance #passion #followyourbliss #dance #dowhatyoulove #josephcampbell #inspiration

“Love is just Pure Love Essence, and then it finds its most per Read More

Monday Motivation (Ok I’m a day late!) but this message couldn’t wait til next week⁣
News Flash...  ⁣
Living in a sexy, strong, fit, youthful body is NOT a privilege strictly reserved for those under 30 yrs⁣
If you’re smart, pay attention to your body, feed it what it needs to stay healthy & strong and exercise daily, work on your expansive mindset, open your heart to giving & receiving love, discover & express the depths of your soul & get in touch with your spirit, YOU can stay radiant, beautiful, youthful & sexy your entire life!⁣
And, the absolutely stunning Sommer Ray @sommerray  pictured here with me, knows a little bit about this because, as you flip to the 2nd photo, you’ll see her gorgeous mother, Shannon Ray @shannon_rayyy who is killing it at 55 years YOUNG (and with 3 children!!!)⁣
So no excuses... start where you’re at, And if you want support, I am here for you!⁣
You can go watch my inspiring videos on YouTube, check out my book, “Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of Youth” or DM me about my Brand new group coaching program, “Hello... your Life is Calling!”⁣
Message me below or DM me for questions. The link to sign up for my program is in my IG bio🦋💕⁣
#sommerraygoals ⁣
#sommerray ⁣
#strongwomen ⁣⁣⁣⁣
#hotgirl ⁣⁣⁣⁣
#gatinha ⁣⁣⁣⁣
#hermosas ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Monday Motivation (Ok I’m a day late!) but this message couldn� Read More

C is for...

C is for Calm- something the world needs a whole lot more of right now

C is for Clarity- to know & trust  TRUTH with your deepest Intuition 

 C is for Courage- to weather the storm with grace

C is for Compassion to love when you’d rather hate

C is for Communication- to genuinely listen when you’d rather retort 

C is for Crazy- ALL y’all who took ALL the Toilet Paper at the grocery store and didn’t leave a single roll for the rest of us!😂🤣😂

Oh Yes, and...

C is for Cozumel- That gorgeous tropical island in the Mexican Riviera, where are my soul longs to return some day❤️


C is for... C is for Calm- something the world needs a whole lot Read More

Hi Everyone, check this out! I was a guest panelist on my dear f Read More

Hi Everyone, There is so much fear, panic and sense of isolation Read More

Want the Secret to Eternal Youthfulness...Fall in LOVE with Your Read More
