Emily ✨ Self Care Seductress

Emily | Self Care and Wellness is one of the top Beauty influencer in United States with 10422 audience and 0.64% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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You know the feeling when you’re super excited about something but you know you need to rest or else you’ll burn out your ENERGY? 

I’m there ✨

It’s been a hectic week and it’s only Wednesday.

I’ve been integrating the healing from the retreat, with my life as a mother and a wife ?

The new moon manifesting energy has catapulted me into launching a new self care program ?

My husband is working late all week so I’m solo from wake up to bedtime ?

And both cars needed new brake parts ??‍♀️

My energy is activated and my VIBE is high, but my body needs REST and STILLNESS ✨

And so I’m logging off, turning inward, grounding myself, and simply being still…amidst the chaos of mothering a toddler. 

When was the last time you logged off for a mid-week social media break? ✌️?✨

#selfcare #unplugged #yoga #innerpeace #momlife #socialmediabreak

You know the feeling when you’re super excited about something Read More

“You seem pretty easy to work with,” a workman said to me today. 

“I am. But I wasn’t always…Which is why when I lose my sh*t, you know it’s for good reason.” ?

I wasn’t always this zen ?

I was once an angry, pissed off, resentful young woman determined to attack the world that was against me.

Day in and day out, I found something to be offended by, a fight to pick, a reason to be annoyed. ?

Everyone was an “idiot” and I hated the world. 


I was like this for years. 

Then one day, something in me flipped, and I decided I was over it. ??‍♀️

I didn’t want to feel this way.

Life was too short to waste it on a life I wasn’t obsessed with. ?

I wanted a life that felt good. 

A life where I didn’t have an anxious guilty feeling all the time. 

A life where put myself first out of love for me, not as punishment for others. 

I realized that if everyone around me sucked, chances are I was part of the problem. ❌

So I buckled down and got to work…on MYSELF ?

Therapy. Meditation. Retreats. Yoga. Crystals. Workshops. Energy healing. Journaling. Oils. 

I self cared my face off ? I even became a cycling instructor ?

And something changed…

The world was sunnier, the people were happier, and I became a hugger. ?

The anger that used to rise so quickly was gone, the disappointing nag didn’t tug as hard, and people didn’t suck so much. 

Fun Emily came back. ? The woman I was before people and the world brought me down. 

Devoting energy to and truly connecting with MYSELF has been life changing. ✨?

So yes, pest control guy…

I am a super chill, easy to work with, low drama, 5-star review just to be nice type of person. 

Because I want to be…and work a bit everyday to make it so.✨

#selfcare #mentalhealth #healingjourney #selfcarecoach

“You seem pretty easy to work with,” a workman said to me tod Read More

Stop and smell the roses ? You’ve heard this saying as a reminder to pause and be present (? legit) but did you know that smelling roses actually raises your vibration? It’s true! ✨

Roses have a vibrational energy of 320MHz which is the highest tangible frequency of any flower ?

Turns out, simply smelling roses or rose oil can raise your vibrational energy and make you feel better ✨

I’ve always been anti-roses because they’re soooo commercialized and wayyyy too Hallmark for me, but this new found knowledge has totally flipped the script. I’ve been called out by nature! ?

Need some good vibes today? Go for a walk and sniff your neighbor’s roses ??‍♀️ or seek out a rose garden and get your good vibes on! ✨?
#selfcare #highvibes #bepresent

Stop and smell the roses ? You’ve heard this saying as a remind Read More

Do you make time for yourself in the morning? ☀️

I do. My morning coffee ritual ☕️

Every morning, I take a moment for myself over my cup of coffee.

It’s BLISS but it’s also a MUST DO ?

My coffee ritual is a…
✨ mindful moment of stillness
? to align my energy and
?‍♀️ ensure that I’ve prioritized myself
? before serving others

A few moments of peace and calm before adulting begins, and I’m ON until my toddler is sleeping—anyone else miss solo bathroom breaks? ??‍♀️

Whether it lasts 30 seconds or 30 minutes, this is a non-negotiable ritual. 

My coffee ritual starts my day with joy, mindfulness, and gratitude ✨

It sets the tone that I’m worthy of things that feel good and make me happy ?

It reminds me that filling my cup is the ONLY way to pour into others ☀️

I do this every day. My family knows it and supports it. 

This is MY time. ?

I’m a happier and more successful woman, wife, mother, business owner, and coach because of this ritual. 

Do you have something you do that starts your day off right? What’s your non-negotiable morning ritual? ✨☕️?

#metime #selfcare #selfworth

Do you make time for yourself in the morning? ☀️ I do. My mo Read More

It’s PANTY RAID day at my house! ?

Unpacking and putting laundry away during this hurricane weather gave me the perfect excuse to de-clutter my drawers. Literally ?

I put on some fun music and danced around, pulling out any bra or panties that no longer fit me, make me feel sexy, or bring me joy ? 

Self care is more than manicures and baths.

It’s doing things that align with the way you want to feel AND the life you want to live ?

When was the last time you cleaned out your underwear drawer?

#selfcare #selflove #bodypositive #rainyday

It’s PANTY RAID day at my house! ? Unpacking and putting laund Read More

It’s Friday ✨??

Close your eyes and breathe it in.

Let everything disappear for just a moment, as you hold yourself in stillness. 

Exhale. Let something go. 

You made it. ?

Your toddler might have just washed the kitchen floor with the dog’s water bowl, but you made it.

Happy Friday, friends! ?

#selfcare #tgif #momlife

It’s Friday ✨?? Close your eyes and breathe it in. Let ever Read More

Peace out ✌️ I’m off to a women’s retreat for the weekend. Ready for some yoga, soul searching, and woo-woo ✨

I’ve been CRAVING this work for a while. See you on the enlightened flip side! 

Have you ever been on a retreat? #selfcare #woowoo #selfdiscoveryjourney

Peace out ✌️ I’m off to a women’s retreat for the weekend Read More

Celebrating 2 years of Zoey ✨ Happy Birthday, baby girl ? #motherhood #happybirthday

Celebrating 2 years of Zoey ✨ Happy Birthday, baby girl ? #moth Read More

Is playing in the pool with your kids, self care? It is for me! ?

I’m sitting on an Adirondack chair in the shady part of the yard, listening to the wind in the trees (and nearby street traffic ?) with my feet in the pool while my daughter plays totally naked. 

She might have screamed “OFF!!!” at the top of her lungs until I stripped her down, and she keeps drinking pool water…but other than that, it’s total BLISS! ✨?☀️

SELF CARE isn’t just alone time.

It’s also soaking in the glorious moments you find when you PAUSE… and pay attention to what’s going on amidst your busy life ? 

#simpleselfcare #selfcare #momlife #toddlerlife

Is playing in the pool with your kids, self care? It is for me! ? Read More
