eSNa (에스나)
eSNa (에스나) is one of the top Business influencer in Korea, Republic of with 30395 audience and 3.76% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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When you dress up to go out..and then you come home in 30 minutes cuz you can’t handle being outside anymore..but you haven’t put on make up all year so you have a makeshift photo shoot at home, alone. TADA. Happy Halloween everyone ????

#toolazytogoout #eSNa #esnainkorea #esnathesinger #에스나 #나가기너무귀찮아 #결국엔다시집 #집이최고 #집순이

When you dress up to go out..and then you come home in 30 minutes Read More

November in #LA ☀️????????????
It’s been two years since I’ve been home!
Ironically celebrating my 12 year anniversary moving to Korea in Los Angeles ^^ 
Happy thanksgiving!

엘에이에 11월은 사랑 ????
고향을 2년만에 왔다는!
아이러니한건 한국으로 이사 간지 12주년이 되는 오늘을 엘에이에서 보내고 있네 ㅋㅋ

#esnainla #eSNa #에스나 #esnathesinger #losangeles

November in #LA ☀️???????????? It’s been two years since I� Read More

오늘 데뷔 7주년인걸 까먹었네 ㅋㅋ 앞으로 더 멋있는 아티스트가 되기 위해 노력하겠습니다. 언제나 응원 해주는 모든 분들께 너무 감사하다는!!

Completely forgot today was my 7 year anniversary since I debuted!! I promise to be strive to be a better artist every day. Thank you to everyone who is constantly showing me love and support! 

#7yearanniversary #7주년 #데뷔7주년 #에스나 #eSNa #esnainkorea #esnathesinger

오늘 데뷔 7주년인걸 까먹었네 ㅋㅋ 앞으로 더 멋 Read More

Literally walked into #Christmas with my babies in New York! @therealminnn @kevinwoo_official 
This place captured my soul lol

#newyork #earlychristmas #esnainnewyork #eSNa #에스나 #esnathesinger

Literally walked into #Christmas with my babies in New York! @the Read More

I went back to my alma mater @ucla and visited all my nostalgic spots. 

My first job was at the distribution center at the student store.

I sat at the exact spot on Jann steps where my first love and I decided to pursue our long distance relationship.

Powell Library, where I used to study for my finals.

Royce Hall, where I performed and graduated. 

Kerkhoff steps, where I would always chill between classes. 

McClure stage, where I auditioned for my first ever competitive dance team @nsumodern 

I am a proud Bruin. 

#ucla #bruin #eSNa #esnainla #esnathesinger #에스나

I went back to my alma mater @ucla and visited all my nostalgic s Read More

Took my baby @mylilyoda with me on set to shoot my MV. A good boy he was. 

#takeyourdogtoworkday #Playboy #나쁜자식 #에스나 #eSNa #esnathesinger #esnainkorea

Took my baby @mylilyoda with me on set to shoot my MV. A good boy Read More

Selfies galore cuz I haven’t posted in a while. Apologies lol

#byesummer #eSNa #esnathesinger #esnainkorea #에스나

Selfies galore cuz I haven’t posted in a while. Apologies lol Read More
