Lauren Cadillac, RD, RDN, CPT
feelgooddietitian is one of the top Food influencer in United States with 147592 audience and 2.8% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Not fearing carbs is amazing but have you ever been regular ???? Read More

It’s almost 2022 and we’re still doing weight loss challenges??? Cmonnnnn????

Don’t we know that we can do lots of unhealthy things and lose weight? Don’t we know intentional weight loss diets are harmful, especially when they’re extreme/rapid?!

Did we learn nothing from the dumpster fire of a show, The Biggest Loser?!

I’ll admit - I LOVED The Biggest Loser when it was on. Anyone else???? I thought it was SoOoO iNsPiRinG ????

Now just the thought of it makes my skin crawl. Did you know they’ve studied the contestants on the show? If you’ve been on my page for some time, you probably won’t be shocked by the results. 

According to an article in the @nytimes (which has some fatphobic language so just warning you - “After The Biggest Loser, Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight”) referencing a study by Dr. Kevin Hall… “13 of the 14 contestants studied regained weight in the six years after the competition. Four contestants are heavier now than before the competition. Nearly all the contestants have slower metabolisms today than they did six years ago, and burn fewer calories than expected when at rest.”

Weight loss competitions are dangerous (and not sustainable) y’all. If you want to do some type of gym-based challenge, why not at least focus on personal bests (strength, speed, balance etc.) ?!

Do you have any non-weight goals/intentions you’re heading into 2022 with?? ????????????????????????❤️ #FeelGoodDietitian

It’s almost 2022 and we’re still doing weight loss challenges Read More

Merry Christmas from our little fam to yours ????????‍❤️‍????????????????????????????

Merry Christmas from our little fam to yours ????????‍❤️‍ Read More

……and after this holiday season too ????

It’s hard to believe that COVID is impacting yet another holiday season ???? 

COVID aside, what is your favorite holiday tradition ????????

Personally I love that we always throw on the same Johnny Mathis CD ???? brings me back ???? #FeelGoodDietitian

……and after this holiday season too ???? It’s hard to beli Read More

My apologizes for the profanities - the remixes of these TT soun Read More

Great post/caption by @the.nondietpsych Anyone else sick of the stupid infographic posts about how many calories are in the Christmas chocolates ???? or how many calories to burn off Christmas lunch … ????????‍♀️????????‍♀️ MEEEEEE

Things do leave at the door this Christmas 
Guilt around food???????? 
Shame around food ???????? 
The ‘earn it’ mentality ???????? 
Diet talk with Aunty Karen???????? 

Food is such a massive part of celebrating, bringing together friends and family members over warming meals or hearty drinks. 

DONT ???????? LET ???????? DIET ???????? CULTURE ???????? RUIN ???????? CHRISTMAS ???????? 

Sick of being stuck in the same restrict-binge-guilt cycle? It is time to get unstuck. Click the link in my bio to apply for 1-on-1 coaching (and lock in 2021 pricing) or get on the waitlist for my January group coaching. Waitlisters get first access and early bird specials! ????#FeelGoodDietitian

Great post/caption by @the.nondietpsych Anyone else sick of the s Read More

Have you been caught in the “one last diet” trap?? ???? It m Read More

What “rules” do you have about exercise? ????????

Do you have to break a sweat for it to “count”?
Workout for ___ minutes for it to “count”?
Run X miles for it to “count”?
Burn ___ calories per session?

All these rules end up making exercise and movement feel like a chore, instead of something that COULD bring us joy. 

You might find that without the rules, you still hate running, jump rope and weight lifting. That’s FINE! Find what YOU enjoy. 

Maybe that’s rock climbing, walking your dog, cleaning your home, throwing a frisbee, dancing in your underwear, playing volleyball, playing with your kids, hiking, gardening, WHATEVER. 

Do what brings you JOY ☺️❤️ I’ve tagged a few fabulous accounts that focus on intuitive movement. Feel free to tag your favorites???????? #FeelGoodDietitian

What “rules” do you have about exercise? ???????? Do you hav Read More

❌No cookie cutter meal plans ❌No eat this not that ❌No swa Read More
