Jess Garcia
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Remember, you were given as your richest birthright the privilege to control your own thoughts therefore, treat this divine gift with the profound respect to which it is entitled. Do not allow anyone to do your thinking for you. 

Think of your mind as a piece of land. Through diligent, planned work, it can be cultivated into a beautiful and productive garden. Or it can lie fallow, overrun by weeds sprouting from seed carried by passing birds and the wind.
Harvesting the bounty of your mind depends on careful effort and preparation by you, the gardener. All plans, purpose, and achievements are created by thought. Your thoughts, are the only thing over which you have complete control. You can use them wisely or unwisely, but however you do it, your thoughts have power—
(Serious F-kin Power!) 
The mind feeds upon that which we supply it, or that which is forced upon it, through our environment; therefore, let us select our environment, as far as possible, with the object of supplying the mind with suitable material out of which to carry on its work of attaining our defined aim.

Remember that every word spoken within your hearing, every sight that reaches your eyes, and every sense impression that you receive through any of the five senses, influences your thought as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This being true, can you not see the importance of controlling, as far as possible, the environment in which you live and work? Can you not see the importance of reading books that deal with subjects which are directly related to your ambitions and goals? Can you not see the importance of talking with people who are in sympathy with your aims, and, who will encourage you and spur you on toward their attainment?

Your daily associates constitute one of the most important and influential parts of your environment and may work for your progress or your regression, according to their nature. You should select as your most intimate daily associates those who are in sympathy with your aims and ideals—and whose mental attitude inspires you with enthusiasm, self-confidence, determination and ambition. #FlexinMexican #TOTD

#SaturdayThoughts Remember, you were given as your richest birth Read More

Before my son, I thought life was all about me — how do I make Read More

Happy Birthday to my little dude! Jesse James is 1 today!

Happy Birthday to my little dude! Jesse James is 1 today!

A big THANKS to all for the condolences. My feisty little Cachetona is finally resting. Amongst many other accolades, 100 plus grand and great-grandkids is a life well lived (and loved), and plenty of reason to celebrate a fruitful life. We're gonna cry a little; then we're gonna be feisty and strong just like Rita Ruby would. Love you, Grandma! #gonebutneverforgotten #RubyStrong #RedlandsCA #Redlands

A big THANKS to all for the condolences. My feisty little Cacheto Read More

All thought is creative! However, not all thought is constructive or positive. If you think thoughts of misery and poverty and see no way to avoid these conditions, then your thoughts will create those very conditions and curse you with them. But reverse the order, and think thoughts of a positive, expectant nature and your thoughts will create those conditions.
Thought magnetizes your entire personality and attracts to you the outward, physical things that harmonize with the nature of your thoughts. 
I am not urging you to accept this viewpoint. I am not even arguing its soundness. It's just a hypothesis (lol). You must carry it out to a point at which you can accept or reject it, in your own way, and of your own volition.

#totd #sundayvibes #think #believe #dont #thinkbetter

All thought is creative! However, not all thought is constructive Read More

What a weekend!!!!! Saturday, I caught up with a lot of family, met our new family, and most honorably(along with my little brother), I was bestowed with the honor of walking my baby sister down the aisle! Our Father (RIP), is smiling down on his baby girl. GOD IS GOOD!! #countyourblessings

What a weekend!!!!! Saturday, I caught up with a lot of family, m Read More

Remember that speech is the chief method of expressing your personality and for this reason, it is to your advantage to cultivate a style that is both forceful and pleasing. I do not recall a single outstanding attractive personality that was not made up, in part, of ability to speak with force and conviction. Study the prominent men and women of today, wherever you find them, and observe the significant fact that the more prominent they are the more efficient they are in speaking forcefully.

Study the outstanding figures of the past and observe that the most successful ones were those who were noted for their ability to speak with force and conviction. In the field of business, industry, and finance it seems also significant that the most prominent leaders are men and women who are able public speakers. In fact, no one may hope to become a prominent leader in any noteworthy undertaking without developing the ability to speak with a forcefulness that carries conviction. While the salesman may never deliver a public address, he will profit, nevertheless, if he develops the ability to do so, as this ability increases his power to talk convincingly in ordinary conversation. Lots of folks have the knowledge, but knowing is not enough. Not only must we know, we must be able to put what we know into grammatical, interesting, forceful English. We must learn to stand on our own two feet and speak without embarrassment. Knowledge is not power until it is transformed into organized and intelligent action or expression. #ihatequotes

Remember that speech is the chief method of expressing your perso Read More

By the performing more service and better service than that for which you are paid, you not only exercise your service-rendering qualities, and thereby develop skill and ability of an extraordinary sort, but you build reputation that is valuable.  You can command greater remuneration than those who do not perform such service. You will eventually develop sufficient strength to enable you to remove yourself from any undesirable station in life, and no one can or will desire to stop you.

The very fact that most people are rendering as little service as they can possibly get by with serves as an advantage to all who are rendering more service than that for which they are paid, because it enables all who do this to profit by comparison. You can “get by” if you render as little service as possible, but that is all you will get; and when work is slack and retrenchment sets in, you will be one of the first to be dismissed.

Personally I never received a promotion in my life that I could not trace directly to recognition that I had gained by rendering more service and better service than that for which I was paid.

Observance of this principle brings a two-fold reward. First, it brings the reward of greater material gain than that enjoyed by those who do not observe it; and, second, it brings that reward of happiness and satisfaction which come only to those who render such service. If you receive no pay except that which comes in your pay envelope, you are underpaid, no matter how much money that envelope contains.

#Shine #Grind #Work #Hustle #Getdirty #DoMore #DoBetter #RespectYourself

By the performing more service and better service than that for w Read More


