???Gabi The Artist ™ |??????|

💃🏽🎸Gabi The Artist ™ |🇺🇸🇵🇷🇪🇸| is one of the top Music influencer in United States with 18191 audience and 0.97% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Okay y’all so if you weren’t aware I’m a gamer nerd and I w Read More

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mama! I thank God everyday for blessing me with you in my life. I will always have your back?. 
On days we both may not feel strong , I see God’s strength shining through you! You continue to walk through any obstacles thrown at you by the Grace Of God and the love in your heart! You are so much stronger than you know. My cancer kickin praying warrior! Thank you for your faith you are a light on this earth and your peaceful and fighting spirit always stands tall and courageous against any giant! We will get through it! I love you beyond words ??☀️✝️ 

#HappyBirthday #MarisolDennis #PrayerWarrior #CancerSurvivor #GodIsLove #GodIsAwesome #FamilyFirst #MyQueen #MotherAndDaughter #believeinyourself #youareloved #BirthdayGirl #Igotyourback #WarriorOfLight #JesusLovesYou #MyAngel #Milagros

Happy Birthday to my beautiful Mama! I thank God everyday for ble Read More

Protected by God ?? ?

No matter how bad things may be for you right now… never lose sight of how much God loves you! You are protected and our dark times teach us strength and gratitude among many other things! We always have hope through him who loves us , we are never alone ??

? @protected.by.god 
? @henrinho_vfx 

#GodIsLove #ProtectedByGod #JesusLovesYou #NeverGiveUp #BadTimesDontLast #HopeForever #AnchoredInChrist #ChildOfGod #YouAreSafe #YouAreEnough #FlowerChild #Sunshine #HealingJourney #GuardianAngels #GodisGood #Gratitude #Blessed

Protected by God ?? ? No matter how bad things may be for you ri Read More

Hey fam ??? Click the link in my bio to experience some loving and healing vibrations ?

“Gabi The Artist visited the greenhouse for some Cactus Ecotherapy. Not only did she adorn a beautiful red-tinted small barrel cactus that had very long spines with red glass seed beads, she composed a song on the spot after interacting with the desert plants. An emotional ballad, relating the similarities between cactus and human emotions also became a duet with nature as the local birds and insects outside joined in.” 
- Gwen Charles 

I had such a wonderful and beautiful experience and I wanted to share it with you guys! A huge thanks and a lot of love to Gwen Charles ( @gwencharles.studio ) for inviting me to her cactus sanctuary. I truly feel like this was so needed for my spirit and I pray that whoever finds this video will be uplifted and reminded we are in this together! Don’t give up , you are so loved! 
- Gabi 

“We aren’t so much different 
Somehow were kinda the same
Sometimes I’m prickly on the outside, sometimes I cause others pain
But deep down all I need is 
and all you need is 
somehow, we just need love and each other 
we need love, time and attention 
and affection 
and attention
I know what it’s like to be heavily guarded
I know what it’s like to feel alone
But you are not on your own
You’re not on your own
Soft and gentle inside 
You don’t have to hide who you are 
You’re safe now
You’re safe now child”
-Gabi The Artist

#GabiTheArtist #GwenCharles #CactusEcotherapy #SpreadLove #SpreadKindness #MotherEarth #GodIsLove #SaveOurPlanet #PlantLovers #CactusLovers #CactusLove #WeAreOne #HealingVibrations #HealingMusic #SoundTherapy #MusicForTheSoul #LoveisLove #WeAreTheSame #cactusflower #GreenHouse #TaylorGuitars #AcousticMusic #GiftedAndBringsInstrument #NjMusicScene

Hey fam ??? Click the link in my bio to experience some loving an Read More

Hi guys ! So this video is way over due , but it was so worth the Read More

Learning everyday 
To protect the peace
God has given to me 

#FlowerChild #PeaceOfmind #LifeIsBeautiful #GodIsLove #GodIsGood #HealingJourney #SelfLove #Butterflygirl #BlackIsBeautiful #Smilebright #Blackgirlmagic #AfroLatina #positivevibes #loveyourself #Flygirl #MadeFree #FreeIsMe #Kindnessiskey #PeaceBeWithYou #JesusLovesYou

??☮️ Learning everyday To protect the peace God has given to Read More

I felt this in my spirit ?????? Amen

#Amen #UniversalLove #GodIsGood #GodIsLove #HigherSelf #LookForTheGood #NoTurningBack #MovingForward #Growth #HealingJourney #HealingVibes #WarriorSpirit #LifeIsBeautiful #WarriorOfLight #HeartOfLife #Spirit

I felt this in my spirit ?????? Amen #Amen #UniversalLove #GodIs Read More

This is such a beautiful experience and I love bringing you guys Read More

Today I choose to keep my love on top ❤️
I think we all have our days when we struggle to see the love within! I want to remind you : That you have a choice everyday to show yourself love, and you are someone worth loving! ? Please use kind words to yourself , you are deserving of all the love you are receiving ❤️ Give some love to your heart❤️ God loves you and all your flaws so who are you not to love ?

#GodLovesYou #JesusLovesYou #SelfLove #SelfAcceptance #HealingJourney #KeithHarring #GabiTheArtist #BlessedVibes #SafeSpace #PositiveVibes #GoodEnergy #smilelove #kindnessisfree #BlackGirlMagic #Afrolatina #MadeFree #SelfAware #openheartopenmind #LoveOnTop

Today I choose to keep my love on top ❤️ I think we all have Read More
