Seena Akbary
Seena Akbary is one of the top Sport/Fitness influencer in UAE with 102997 audience and 4.38% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Ultimate Total Shoulder workout? 20kg vest, 15kg dumbells ? Pick Read More

We all have moments when we think to ourselves “I should have...” and for many of us, it paralyzes us instead of pushing us forward. Having that moment is natural, but what you do next may not be as intuitive. The best way I view these moments are as gateways to action. Let’s say I have a “I should have” moment. I instantly take a second to think about my beliefs in that moment, because beliefs lead to emotions, emotions lead to action, and action leads to results. The trick is, if my beliefs are productive, I get a productive result. If they’re not... well, you get the idea. 

So, when you have a moment when something has passed you by, you need to believe you can still DO with your current circumstances. Believe you’re resourceful enough to overcome obstacles along the way such as a moment you feel was lost. Importantly, give yourself permission to feel bad, but make it productive. How? List your negative beliefs and convert them into ways to overcome each one that leads to action. Create a plan for your “next time.”

I always say, move on but don’t move on without learning. There is no such thing as failure, just results. There are no problems, only questions. If you have a problem, answer it. Negative emotions become habit if you let them stay negative. 

Your mind is extremely powerful. How you think is how you feel and how you feel is what determines your actions on a consistent basis.

You have to be able to diagnose yourself, and once you do, you’ll be able to get results. Beliefs lead to everything you get in life.
2020 Under Armour challenge @underarmourme during @dubaifitnesschallenge 
#sportsphychology #fitnessmotivation #underarmour #mindcoach #mydubai #uae #dubaifitnesschallenge #dubai30x30
We all have moments when we think to ourselves “I should have...” and for many of us, it paralyzes us instead of pushing us forward. Having that moment is natural, but what you do next may not be as intuitive. The best way I view these moments are as gateways to action. Let’s say I have a “I should have” moment. I instantly take a second to think about my beliefs in that moment, because beliefs lead to emotions, emotions lead to action, and action leads to results. The trick is, if my beliefs are productive, I get a productive result. If they’re not... well, you get the idea. 

So, when you have a moment when something has passed you by, you need to believe you can still DO with your current circumstances. Believe you’re resourceful enough to overcome obstacles along the way such as a moment you feel was lost. Importantly, give yourself permission to feel bad, but make it productive. How? List your negative beliefs and convert them into ways to overcome each one that leads to action. Create a plan for your “next time.”

I always say, move on but don’t move on without learning. There is no such thing as failure, just results. There are no problems, only questions. If you have a problem, answer it. Negative emotions become habit if you let them stay negative. 

Your mind is extremely powerful. How you think is how you feel and how you feel is what determines your actions on a consistent basis.

You have to be able to diagnose yourself, and once you do, you’ll be able to get results. Beliefs lead to everything you get in life.
2020 Under Armour challenge @underarmourme during @dubaifitnesschallenge 
#sportsphychology #fitnessmotivation #underarmour #mindcoach #mydubai #uae #dubaifitnesschallenge #dubai30x30
We all have moments when we think to ourselves “I should have...” and for many of us, it paralyzes us instead of pushing us forward. Having that moment is natural, but what you do next may not be as intuitive. The best way I view these moments are as gateways to action. Let’s say I have a “I should have” moment. I instantly take a second to think about my beliefs in that moment, because beliefs lead to emotions, emotions lead to action, and action leads to results. The trick is, if my beliefs are productive, I get a productive result. If they’re not... well, you get the idea. 

So, when you have a moment when something has passed you by, you need to believe you can still DO with your current circumstances. Believe you’re resourceful enough to overcome obstacles along the way such as a moment you feel was lost. Importantly, give yourself permission to feel bad, but make it productive. How? List your negative beliefs and convert them into ways to overcome each one that leads to action. Create a plan for your “next time.”

I always say, move on but don’t move on without learning. There is no such thing as failure, just results. There are no problems, only questions. If you have a problem, answer it. Negative emotions become habit if you let them stay negative. 

Your mind is extremely powerful. How you think is how you feel and how you feel is what determines your actions on a consistent basis.

You have to be able to diagnose yourself, and once you do, you’ll be able to get results. Beliefs lead to everything you get in life.
2020 Under Armour challenge @underarmourme during @dubaifitnesschallenge 
#sportsphychology #fitnessmotivation #underarmour #mindcoach #mydubai #uae #dubaifitnesschallenge #dubai30x30
We all have moments when we think to ourselves “I should have...” and for many of us, it paralyzes us instead of pushing us forward. Having that moment is natural, but what you do next may not be as intuitive. The best way I view these moments are as gateways to action. Let’s say I have a “I should have” moment. I instantly take a second to think about my beliefs in that moment, because beliefs lead to emotions, emotions lead to action, and action leads to results. The trick is, if my beliefs are productive, I get a productive result. If they’re not... well, you get the idea. 

So, when you have a moment when something has passed you by, you need to believe you can still DO with your current circumstances. Believe you’re resourceful enough to overcome obstacles along the way such as a moment you feel was lost. Importantly, give yourself permission to feel bad, but make it productive. How? List your negative beliefs and convert them into ways to overcome each one that leads to action. Create a plan for your “next time.”

I always say, move on but don’t move on without learning. There is no such thing as failure, just results. There are no problems, only questions. If you have a problem, answer it. Negative emotions become habit if you let them stay negative. 

Your mind is extremely powerful. How you think is how you feel and how you feel is what determines your actions on a consistent basis.

You have to be able to diagnose yourself, and once you do, you’ll be able to get results. Beliefs lead to everything you get in life.
2020 Under Armour challenge @underarmourme during @dubaifitnesschallenge 
#sportsphychology #fitnessmotivation #underarmour #mindcoach #mydubai #uae #dubaifitnesschallenge #dubai30x30

We all have moments when we think to ourselves “I should have.. Read More

What does it mean to be victorious??For me, it means to be victor Read More

5 workouts , 3 rounds, 1 minute each workout. 20 seconds rest bet Read More

Thank you @underarmourme for making this pregame challenge coachi Read More

It took me a few days to put this experience into words because i Read More

UAE ?? Friends, the best time of the year is HERE! The 4th annual Dubai Fitness Challenge is already underway and you don’t want to miss everything that’s to come. Your city has turned into a gym - what better way to get out there? No excuses. My pledge this year is to work on my mobility and flexibility for at least 3 time a week for at least 30 minutes.

What’s your pledge? Tag me and @dubaifitnesschallenge with your pledge this season! 

More info:

The Dubai Fitness Challenge started 30 October and goes until 28 November. Want to reserve your spot for classes? Go to

For more information on the Dubai Fitness Challenge, visit

I’ll be giving explosive strength conditioning classes every Friday at 10:15am and Boxing/military style HIIT class on Sunday 15/11 and 22/11. Don’t miss out!?

Please keep in mind the Dubai Fitness Challenge takes COVID 19 seriously and is taking all safety precautions in line with sanitation standards.
#dubai30x30 #dubaifitnesschallenge #mydubai #dubai2020

UAE ?? Friends, the best time of the year is HERE! The 4th annual Read More

Every day I live by the idea that if I’m not pushing an extra 2 Read More

?‍?Feeling like an astronaut in the ocean? #srilanka #astronaut Read More
