Green Bar Bahrain since 2006
Green Bar Bahrain since 2006 is one of the top Beauty influencer in Bahrain with 16847 audience and 0.62% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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المخزن الأساسي : جرين بار يُنتج فحم نواة التمر الذي يتميز بإزالة الغازات ، إمتصاص السموم  من الطعام و تنقية الماء . لمعرفة المزيد عن طريقة إنتاج هذا المُنتج تحقق من صفحتنا الرئيسية في تغطية كاملة لخطوات الإنتاج

Pantry Essential: Green Bar produced Date Seed Charcoal. 

Removes gas, neutralizes and absorbs poison from food, and purifies water! Head over to our highlights to see the process of how we produce our charcoal!


المخزن الأساسي : جرين بار يُنتج فحم Read More

Have you heard of Omani Lime Bowling? 

Swipe right to learn more about our Omani Lime Lip Balm. 


Have you heard of Omani Lime Bowling? Swipe right to learn more Read More

البيئه راس مالكم

Invest in your environment and wildlife, it’s your best return. 

#GreenBarInc #EarthDay2021

البيئه راس مالكم Invest in your environment and wi Read More

عود فاخر بأساس نباتي من دون إضافات إصطناعية. ببساطة اشعل رأس المثلث و انفخ لإخماد الشعلة و استمتع بعبير العود . متوفر الآن للشحن الدولي.

Majestic Oud. A completely plant based formula with no added perfume or synthetics. Simply light, blow, and let the majestic oud aroma fill your space. International shipping is available!


عود فاخر بأساس نباتي من دون إضافات إ Read More

عيدكم مبارك و انشاء الله من عواده!!!! Read More

A method widely used in Arabian farms, can you guess what it’s called?


A method widely used in Arabian farms, can you guess what it’s Read More

Our Eid Gift Sets are now live on our website! 

The Day and Night Sets have been curated with products that will energize and awaken you, or help you wind down after a long day. 

The gift of self-care.

Our Eid Gift Sets are now live on our website! 

The Day and Night Sets have been curated with products that will energize and awaken you, or help you wind down after a long day. 

The gift of self-care.

Our Eid Gift Sets are now live on our website! 

The Day and Night Sets have been curated with products that will energize and awaken you, or help you wind down after a long day. 

The gift of self-care.


Our Eid Gift Sets are now live on our website! The Day and Nigh Read More

شجرة التين الأخضر.  نحن لا نعتمد فقط على المكونات المستوردة عالية الجودة ، بل من الضروري أن نستخدم الحصاد المحلي أيضًا.

 تشتمل مكوناتنا على نباتات محلية لم يتم استهلاكها تجاريًا ويتم حصادها موسمياً ، مما يساهم بتوفير مستوى عالٍ من العناصر الغذائية.

The Green Bar Fig tree. We don’t only rely on high quality imported ingredients it’s essential that we use local harvest as well. 

Our ingredients include native plants that have not been touched commercially and are harvested seasonally, providing a high level of nutrients.

شجرة التين الأخضر.  نحن لا نعتمد فقط على المكونات المستوردة عالية الجودة ، بل من الضروري أن نستخدم الحصاد المحلي أيضًا.

 تشتمل مكوناتنا على نباتات محلية لم يتم استهلاكها تجاريًا ويتم حصادها موسمياً ، مما يساهم بتوفير مستوى عالٍ من العناصر الغذائية.

The Green Bar Fig tree. We don’t only rely on high quality imported ingredients it’s essential that we use local harvest as well. 

Our ingredients include native plants that have not been touched commercially and are harvested seasonally, providing a high level of nutrients.


شجرة التين الأخضر. نحن لا نعتمد فقط Read More

Hydrating your skin is just as important in the summer as it is in the winter. Our Antioxidant Moisturizer offers a holistic approach to help your skin recover from the sun, pollution, and stress! 

#GreenBarInc #SummerHydration

Hydrating your skin is just as important in the summer as it is i Read More
