Wellness Fitness Yoga Influencers in the USA

Reach out to 1101 quality influencers in seconds and sell to their audiences

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1101 influencers listed

What Keepface offers once you buy this list of influencers?

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All influencers are audience checked and verified. We handpicked 1101 influencers who create quality content, highly engaging and keen to collaborate.

Reach out

Write your brief and submit to all influencers in this list. Within hours, you will start getting responses of those influencers who are willing to promote your brand and products.


Use Keepface messenger tool with the influencers and make individual dealmaking: barter, paid, performance based campaigns.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best number of influencers to make a yoga, wellness, fitness campaign?

We collected 1101 influencers qualified for creating unique content about yoga, wellness, fitness.

What is the country of influencers in “Wellness Fitness Yoga Influencers in the USA” ?

We have 37% is United States influencers, 16% is Azerbaijan influencers, 7% is Turkey influencers, 40% is other country influencers in this list.

What is the audience size of influencers?

We have 37% regular-influencer, 20% mid-influencer, 18% micro-influencer, 25% other type influencers in this list.

What is the influencer response rate of yoga, wellness, fitness?

Average response rate of influencers is 5-25% depending on the attractiveness of brand and offer.

What is the engagement rate of these influencers?

Average engagement rate of all 1101 “Wellness Fitness Yoga Influencers in the USA” is 27.41%.

How to find best influencers in yoga, wellness, fitness?

We collected verified influencers which can create the best branded content in yoga, wellness, fitness.


Nano-influencer (0-5K), Micro-influencer (5K-15K), Regular-influencer (15K-50K), Rising-influencer (50K-100K), Mid-influencer (100K-500K), Macro-influencer (500K-1M), Mega-influencer (1M+)

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