Marine Terlizzi
jungalistaaa is one of the top Photography influencer in United States with 8831 audience and 8.86% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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A 2020 Christmas spent in Marrakesh ❤️

A 2020 Christmas spent in Marrakesh ❤️

Desert amigos ????
Fun fact: Camels have three sets of eyelids and two rows of eyelashes to keep sand out of their eyes ????

Desert amigos ???? Fun fact: Camels have three sets of eyelids an Read More

Arabian sunsets in the desert ????

Arabian sunsets in the desert ????

LOLA ????
Sweet, sassy, mischievous, stubborn, cute as hell.
Loves belly rubs, swimming, playing tug of war, strawberry popsicles, ripping my clothes to shreds, and licking my entire face.
Does not like being told no ????

LOLA ???? Sweet, sassy, mischievous, stubborn, cute as hell. Love Read More

Oh hi there ????????

Oh hi there ????????

Where I’d rather be. I miss you, winter ❄️

Where I’d rather be. I miss you, winter ❄️

the dreamiest California mountain scene ????

the dreamiest California mountain scene ????

Nothing like a good road trip through the redwoods ????????✨

Nothing like a good road trip through the redwoods ????????✨


