Karly Almon B.S., C.S.C.S.

Karly Almon B.S., C.S.C.S. is one of the top influencer in United States with 17675 audience and 0.54% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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What does dieting mean to you? 
I hate food pictures so please scroll to see a typical meal while “dieting”- look, I gotta get your attention somehow!

Blah food? 
Craving everything? 
Missing celebrations?

Well…. you’re not wrong.

Dieting sucks.

It’s a lot easier to eat filling, nutritionally dense foods in amounts your body can use based on your activity.

Don’t make ‘dieting’ more difficult than it needs to be by drastically cutting food out or telling yourself foods are ‘off limits’. 

Prioritize foods that fill you up with fewer calories 
-think veggies, potatoes, lots of water

Prepare food, basically
-limit sauces, toppings, ‘extras’.

Focus on colorful foods
-they pack more nutritional punch, typically (not always).

Stop dreading dieting, start using it as an excuse to try new foods, new combos, putting pieces together (if you’re counting macros, this is quite enjoyable).

#monday #diet #dieting #prep #weightloss #fittips #fatloss #dobetter #fitness #shelifts

What does dieting mean to you? I hate food pictures so please sc Read More

NOT MY GIG I’ll admit it: any type of oly lifting has scared m Read More


 you wake up and think fuck yea! 
Others are just you saying “fuck” under your breath as you realize what all the cookies, pizza, and extras have been doing.

It is what it is and if you stress about every day you can’t see every abs you’re going to stress yourself into not seeing your abs at all.

Control your controllables (for me, that’s water and workouts in times like these where foods I don’t normally eat are plentiful).

Relax. Seriously, stop stressing about the scale, your abs, whatever… an increase in stress = increases in stress hormones like cortisol that can make matters worse.

Use those extra calories to lift, bigger, better, faster, whatever your well fed self wants to do but put some big intensities into your workouts- that’s way more fun anyways!

SOME DAYS… you wake up and think fuck yea! Others are just y Read More

Injuries, when not overly severe, can be a blessing. The amount o Read More

I’m oddly surprised how quickly I’m back under a bar given wh Read More

Do you remember your “ah ha!” moment?
Where it all clicks? 
Me either.

I remember blips on the road to where I am now. Moments along the way that something made sense and it then became a foundation or another brick in the wall of moments that made a difference in some way to this life. 

I still have these moments, 15 years after I graduated college  and felt like I had it all figured out…. Moments in the gym, parenting, adulting, living…. I had no idea what the hell I was doing 15 years ago, but I started collecting the tid bits…. Lots of collecting. 

Stop looking for the “Ah Ha!” and start gathering the tid bits that build your journey.

Do you remember your “ah ha!” moment? Where it all clicks? N Read More

DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH? Specific for the ladies but think about you Read More

INJURIES SUCK ASS And I seem to be good at pushing myself just a Read More


Comes in all forms, from all people and can be interpreted in so many ways.

Yours could find your way to someone, through this post, who needs it.

Drop your advice below
???????? ???????? ????????

ADVICE. Comes in all forms, from all people and can be interpret Read More
