Kim Anami
Kim Anami is one of the top influencer with 139666 audience and 0.98% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Menstruation can and ought to be an easy, even pleasurable time.⁠
A woman has the opportunity to tap into a deeper part in herself, and her unconscious and to other dimensions of existence.⁠
You don’t need drugs to get there. ⁠
You get it for free, every month. ⁠
In other cultures, and in ancient times, especially in First Nations cultures, men did vision quests and women had periods. ⁠
Men did sweat lodges and women had periods. ⁠
Women had access to this monthly power portal opening, simply as part of being women. ⁠
Men had to seek it out. ⁠
This is the truth. ⁠
You can get high and access altered states of consciousness, simply through your monthly menstruation. ⁠
It’s just like childbirth: it was intended to be orgasmic, ecstatic and a deep, spiritual initiation for women. ⁠
Not a surgical opportunity to be managed by men, drugs or surgery. ⁠
Periods are the same. They don’t need managing, and if they do, your body is trying to tell you something. ⁠
Our bodies are full of wisdom and information for us, if we are willing to listen. ⁠
If it isn’t working for you, and your period feels anything but that, you can listen for the solutions in my podcast episode: Magical Menstruation. ⁠
Image via @ayakhnina⁠

#selfcaresaturday⁠ ⁠ Menstruation can and ought to be an easy Read More

Being well-f**ked catalyzes your true and deepest potential.⁠
All the potential that lays dormant in you, just waiting to be lit up.⁠
And when it does, all your unseen, deeply craved, unvoiced parts that make you full, rise up and come to the surface.⁠
You wake up.⁠
You “come to.”⁠
Your inner light gets brighter, spreading out and igniting those around you as well.⁠
You know when you are truly nourished, because you have lots to give.⁠
You are connected to source and now you can uplift in the world.⁠
You glow. ⁠
People want to know:⁠
“What are you doing differently?”⁠
“Something has changed with you…I can’t quite put my finger on it.”⁠
It’s a tangible quality that you wear. ⁠
Others see it and feel it.⁠
And are attracted to it.⁠
Being well-f**ked changes your life.⁠
It opens up a channel to the direct, creative, love power of the universe.⁠
Coming through your heart and your genitals.⁠
It sets your life on fire.⁠
Image via @milesparish100

Being well-f**ked catalyzes your true and deepest potential.⁠ � Read More

Sex—the right kind of sex—is the magic bullet for all that ails you.⁠
It will transform your life.⁠
I have watched women heal everything from past trauma, to relationship and body weight issues, to find their true calling. ⁠
All through the power of their vaginas.⁠
Your vagina is your mover and shaker!⁠
And power source.⁠
If you heal, activate and learn to use it as a compass in your life.⁠
When you do, you become a beacon and a force to be reckoned with.⁠
All while having the most life-changing, ecstatic, sexual and orgasmic experiences of your life.⁠
To reach the level of gourmet sex, the heart and the genitals have to be involved. ⁠
This is deep, surrendered, letting-go-to-your-core type of sex. ⁠
And that’s the kind of sex that changes you. ⁠
Gourmet sex, as a couple or individual, is the kind of sex that draws on all of you. ⁠
Heart, spirit, genitals—you are open. ⁠
You allow yourself to be vulnerable and to be seen.⁠
That’s the kind of sex that nourishes you.⁠

Sex—the right kind of sex—is the magic bullet for all that ai Read More

The sexiest thing for the animal and the spiritual man is his woman in the throes of ecstasy and bliss. ⁠
She is wide open, insatiable, available, like the divine and the infinite itself. ⁠
Through her ultimate surrender and abandon, she ignites his fire. ⁠
She opens into the void, she invites him in, and within this, he can simultaneously let go of himself and find himself.⁠
In that place where she gives him the gift of her utter openness and vulnerability, where she has completely let go, something in him responds viscerally. ⁠
He rises up in this masculine energy to honor and to protect and to serve. ⁠
It’s the call of the masculine, which is ignited by the openness of the feminine.⁠
This is the ultimate balancer for him. ⁠
This is where he finds his strength and his purpose and his renewal.⁠
Whether he consciously knows all of that or not, I can’t say.⁠
He may just think that he’s responding to this woman who has fully given herself to him, and yet she remains intact and autonomous. ⁠
She can bravely go into all of these deep and life-changing places, the abyss, and then bring them both back more alive than they were before.⁠
This is the territory of the holy f**k, where you dive into these—and in women, this usually corresponds to the vaginal orgasms, G-Spot orgasms, cervical orgasms, that are characterized by this incredible level of surrender and opening and letting go. ⁠
That is the price of admission. ⁠
That is how you get there.⁠
Via @thelosttwo

The sexiest thing for the animal and the spiritual man is his wom Read More

Sexual Superfoods: Pumpkin⁠
The flesh of the pumpkin is naturally sweet and works equally well as an ingredient in dishes from desserts to soups and smoothie bowls like these.⁠
Pumpkin, which is technically a fruit, is a particularly good source of beta carotene, which the body converts to Vitamin A.⁠
In addition to being a key factor in protecting eye health, Vitamin A is also essential for the production of the sex hormones in both men and women. ⁠
Besides powerfully supporting the libido, Vitamin A is also thought to play an important part in egg health and implantation in pregnancy, as well as support the growth of the unborn baby.⁠
Getting Vitamin A through a balanced diet can also mean getting healthy antioxidants at the same time. ⁠
The notable antioxidants in pumpkin include alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. ⁠
These can help neutralize free radicals and promote cell health, which supports healthy longevity and feelings of well being overall. ⁠
Adding any antioxidants to the diet can help support the production of sex hormones, as well as help the liver process any hormones that we no longer have use for in the body. ⁠
Antioxidants are also known to help boost and keep those energy levels high, right where we want them! ⁠
Of course, the flesh of the pumpkin is not the only edible part of the bright squash...we love those pumpkin seeds as well. ⁠
The pumpkin seeds are great sources of zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. ⁠
Whichever part you prefer, the pumpkin is one healthy fall snack. ⁠
Image via @itsallgoodvegan⁠

Sexual Superfoods: Pumpkin⁠ ⁠ The flesh of the pumpkin is nat Read More

I have always seen sex as having the power to rejuvenate me. ⁠
After a deep sexual encounter, I feel reborn.⁠
Sex can be many things—an expression of love, a desire to connect more deeply and a way to clear the cobwebs in your being and recalibrate you.⁠
I love sex for its ability to dislodge me when I feel stuck.⁠
Anal stimulation is especially good for this.⁠
A lot of tension gets stored in the ass—physically and energetically.⁠
By opening up the area, we are forcing ourselves to relax and to let go deep within ourselves. ⁠
Gently prying, relaxing and penetration can be just what we need to access the inaccessible.⁠
You are practicing the art of letting go.⁠
Being penetrated, in an area as sensitive as the ass, incrementally opens you. ⁠
On all levels of your being. ⁠
It teaches you how to relax and surrender. ⁠
And fall into the unknown.⁠
My Shiva Wands are designed to gently open and also to take you to deep and orgasmic ecstasy. ⁠
The Initiate piece is for curious beginners, while Intermediate is for those more experienced in the genre.⁠
Swipe up in my story or click the link in my bio to visit the Anami Alchemia shop.⁠
Photo by @purienne

I have always seen sex as having the power to rejuvenate me. ⁠ Read More

Deep love wraps a protective cloak around you.⁠
That vulnerability and power is intensified through deep sex.⁠
You are emotionally open and that openness and vulnerability transfers into your sexual life.⁠
It is the deepest level of vulnerability you will ever feel, and it also from where you’ll receive your greatest power.⁠
The work that is far more important than learning where to place your fingers or other appendages in sex (thought this work doesn’t hurt either) is the constant unveiling and courage to be open.⁠
So keep going.⁠
Vulnerability is your secret weapon.⁠
The work involved in staying open, staying vulnerable, in relationship is constant.⁠
I use the analogy of having a clear pane of glass between two people.⁠
When you are communicating openly, and regularly, about the little things and the deeper things between you, the glass stays clear.⁠
When you hold back and there becomes a build up of things that haven’t been said, they fill up the space and they create splotches of mud on the glass.⁠
So glass clearing becomes your daily practice.⁠
It may be old mud or recent mud.⁠
All of it needs to be cleaned away in order to maintain that poignant level of vulnerability that makes for amazing and life-changing sex.⁠
The irony is that shared vulnerability is what makes you the strongest.⁠
It gives you an aura of beauty and vitality that is unmistakable, wildly attractive and magnetic.⁠
It also protects you.⁠
Image by

Deep love wraps a protective cloak around you.⁠ ⁠ That vulner Read More

#selfcaresaturday ⁠
There is always a cost to disowning your power.⁠
I have seen over and over again, that once women truly come into contact with and own their sexual energy and power, their menstrual, pre-menstrual and menopausal issues evaporate.⁠
One problem is a weak vagina. ⁠
If your vagina is weak, it’s numb.⁠
A numb vagina means you are out of touch with your own sexual centre. ⁠
Your capacity for pleasure is dimmed. ⁠
You aren’t operating from the magnificent power source from which you birth and create your life: your vagina.⁠
Which means, you are operating at a deficiency.⁠
Physiologically speaking, a weak and numb vagina means there is poor blood circulation in your nether-regions.⁠
This means that whatever hormones that ought to be flowing in the reproductive regions, are not.⁠
When you exercise your pelvic muscles (yo, vaginal weight lifting!), you improve blood flow and thus hormonal flow.⁠
Better-flowing hormones means better feelings.⁠
It also means naturally lubricating menopausal vaginas.⁠
Because circulation = lubrication.⁠
Jade eggs are the absolute best tool for vaginal fitness. ⁠
Swipe up in my story to learn more about the Jade Egg Salonette, and click the link in my bio to join my newsletter and receive updates about upcoming salons. ⁠
Art by @la_morse

#selfcaresaturday ⁠ ⁠ There is always a cost to disowning you Read More

⁠Anyone can have a high libido. ⁠
If you don’t right now, its’ because something has gotten in the way of it coming out in its pure, joyous and voracious form. ⁠
Your libido is your barometer. ⁠
Rather than a fancy, “you’re lucky if you get it” gift from the Libido Fairy, your libido is your oracle. ⁠
It tells you what’s what. ⁠
If it’s low, then there are areas where, over the years, it has been silenced. ⁠
And now it’s your job to help find its voice again. ⁠
Clear your blocks.⁠
Then kickstart it. ⁠
Get in motion. ⁠
Just do it. ⁠
Start having sex, whether with yourself or with your partner. ⁠
Commit to a 30-day sex challenge. I have a YouTube video on how to set this up, but really, it’s as simple as it sounds:⁠
Have sex every day for 30 days. ⁠
Then you’ll harness Newton’s Second Law of Motion: That of momentum: Once an object is in motion, it stays in motion. ⁠
Unless you are so blocked up, that you need to go back and clear more blocks. ⁠
For many people though, the act of prioritizing sex and committing to it, sets in motion a new habit and pattern in their lives. ⁠
Their bodies and brains get so high from all the sex, that they now crave sex as a way to experience daily ecstasy. ⁠
And…who wouldn’t want that.⁠
Image via @katerinandyinon

⁠Anyone can have a high libido. ⁠ ⁠ If you don’t right no Read More
