KYLE GRAY is one of the top influencer with 110914 audience and 2.8% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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When I got my first deck of angel cards at 14 years old, I was mesmerised by them. The idea that this little bundle of cards could connect me with the intelligence and guidance of angels wowed me. I remember the respect I had for my cards, I wouldn't let anyone touch them and every day I would count them to make sure they were all there.

Over the years, through experience and practice I have come to shift my perspective around the cards and the potential I've found in the cards has broadened. One of the big shifts that I've come to find with the cards is that they are not the magic, we are. When we begin to work with angel cards, we put ourselves in a space where we open up to the messages and love of the angels. By working with cards we set a clear intention to connect beyond this world and into the angelic realm. The cards hold the space but the real miracle is inside you!

It has therefore become clear that cards aren't magical but more they are mirrors. It's our energy, light and presence that allow them to work and it's through our intention that we are able to forge the link between this world and the next.

I’m excited to be hosting my annual free angel training and it’s starting next Wednesday 26 May — last year the turn out was so big that my video provider sent me a warning saying if I use so much bandwidth again they would shut my account.

This rule breaker wants to make that happen again. 

Will you join me? ?
When I got my first deck of angel cards at 14 years old, I was mesmerised by them. The idea that this little bundle of cards could connect me with the intelligence and guidance of angels wowed me. I remember the respect I had for my cards, I wouldn't let anyone touch them and every day I would count them to make sure they were all there.

Over the years, through experience and practice I have come to shift my perspective around the cards and the potential I've found in the cards has broadened. One of the big shifts that I've come to find with the cards is that they are not the magic, we are. When we begin to work with angel cards, we put ourselves in a space where we open up to the messages and love of the angels. By working with cards we set a clear intention to connect beyond this world and into the angelic realm. The cards hold the space but the real miracle is inside you!

It has therefore become clear that cards aren't magical but more they are mirrors. It's our energy, light and presence that allow them to work and it's through our intention that we are able to forge the link between this world and the next.

I’m excited to be hosting my annual free angel training and it’s starting next Wednesday 26 May — last year the turn out was so big that my video provider sent me a warning saying if I use so much bandwidth again they would shut my account.

This rule breaker wants to make that happen again. 

Will you join me? ?

When I got my first deck of angel cards at 14 years old, I was m Read More

I don’t know about you — but I think the healing space is filled with too much perfectionism. 

The wounded can heal for through the cracks of their wound the light will emerge.

Just because you’re healing doesn’t mean you can’t lead someone else to it.

To teach is to learn.

To share is to experience.


I don’t know about you — but I think the healing space is fil Read More


Via @everything.aligns

??‍♂️ Via @everything.aligns

Puppy break ?

Pomchi: Wolf
Chihuahua: Thor

@thorandwolf ???
Puppy break ?

Pomchi: Wolf
Chihuahua: Thor

@thorandwolf ???
Puppy break ?

Pomchi: Wolf
Chihuahua: Thor

@thorandwolf ???

Puppy break ? Pomchi: Wolf Chihuahua: Thor @thorandwolf ???

Developing your spiritual and angelic connection is not a learning experience — it’s a remembrance.

❤️?? Looking forward to tonight’s free zoom class! Have you booked your spot? Link in bio

Developing your spiritual and angelic connection is not a learnin Read More

Free training starts tomorrow. Learn how to upgrade your spiritua Read More

People often say: “why can you hear angels and I can’t?”

My reply is always: “how often do you spend listening?”

Hearing angels doesn’t mean you are special or gifted. 

Hearing angels means you are willing and patient.

Learn how to open up in my free angel training starting tomorrow. Link in my profile to save your place ☝?

People often say: “why can you hear angels and I can’t?” M Read More

I was blown away by Friday’s live stream — when I was telling my friends about some of the connections,  I cried.

Running a spiritual business and being an author has a lot of behind the scenes work. Often working to deadlines, doing columns, planning courses and so on — but there’s something just so magic about working one on one with others.

I was so touched by the vulnerability.

I was honoured to share intuition.

I feel so grateful to represent the angels in this way.

Can we also just acknowledge how synchronistic the readings were?

I’m so grateful to all those who came on and allowed me to do what I do.

I’m excited for what’s coming this week too — on Wednesday my first instalment of my 2-part angel training begins (it’s free see the link in my bio) and then I’ll be back on IG live on Friday for my recurring show which I’m now calling Friday Light Live ?

Would love to see you all there!!

Thank you angels! ❤️
I was blown away by Friday’s live stream — when I was telling my friends about some of the connections,  I cried.

Running a spiritual business and being an author has a lot of behind the scenes work. Often working to deadlines, doing columns, planning courses and so on — but there’s something just so magic about working one on one with others.

I was so touched by the vulnerability.

I was honoured to share intuition.

I feel so grateful to represent the angels in this way.

Can we also just acknowledge how synchronistic the readings were?

I’m so grateful to all those who came on and allowed me to do what I do.

I’m excited for what’s coming this week too — on Wednesday my first instalment of my 2-part angel training begins (it’s free see the link in my bio) and then I’ll be back on IG live on Friday for my recurring show which I’m now calling Friday Light Live ?

Would love to see you all there!!

Thank you angels! ❤️

I was blown away by Friday’s live stream — when I was telling Read More

In moments of darkness and uncertainty, use your prayers to welcome the light ❤️

In moments of darkness and uncertainty, use your prayers to welco Read More
