Lina Mayorga
Lina Mayorga is one of the top Beauty influencer in United States with 47378 audience and 4.04% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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I want to invite you to join the #makeitfeelright movement with @ Read More

Get Ready With Me: Two Words - Holiday Remix ???????????? Guess w Read More

It can not always be night and dark???? ????Today’s Makeup Look Read More

If you hear about sustainable fashion and only think about organic cotton and recycled plastic, you are definitely missing out on the amazing new fabrics developments that the industry is creating. As a fashion designer, It makes me feel good to use all types of materials especially if they are made with the intention to make the fashion industry and our clothes more sustainable. 

♻️I am sharing a sneak peek of my NEW COLLECTION with all of you @lina.mayorga - This dress was made with TENCEL ™ Lyocell fibers which were made by transforming wood pulp into cellulosic fibers with low environmental impact. As you can see, the fabric and the style are phenomenal and I am very proud of this design and how flowy the dress is thanks to the TENCEL ™ fabric. 

I make the pledge to not only make always sustainable vegan fashion for my brand @lina.mayorga and be transparent about my design process but also to wear and transform my own closet into a more eco-friendly one. I promise to only buy sustainable brands, make my own clothes or buy second-hand clothing. TENCEL ™, One Tree Planted, and I ( Fashion Fab News/@lina.mayorga ) want to know how you helping to transform the fashion industry. Join the #MakeItFeelRight movement and @tencel_global and One Tree Planted @onetreeplanted will plant 1 tree for every pledge made on social media #MakeAPledge . You can choose where you want your tree planted - I want mine planted in Colombia because I am Colombian and want my country to never lose its abundant natural landscaping ( I know it's one tree but it helps). 
Tell me where you are planting yours and don't forget to make a pledge on social media. 

#sustainable #sustainability #sustainablefashion #sustainablebrand #sustainablelifestyle

If you hear about sustainable fashion and only think about organi Read More

????LVMH announced the passing of @off____white ‘s and @louisvuitton ‘s fashion designer, Virgil Abloh. 
Rest In Peace @virgilabloh !

•LVMH, Louis Vuitton and Off White are devastated to announce the passing of Virgil Abloh, on Sunday, November 28th, of cancer, which he had been battling privately for several years. @lvmh 

« We are all shocked after this terrible news. Virgil was not only a genius designer, a visionary, he was also a man with a beautiful soul and great wisdom. The LVMH family joins me in this moment of great sorrow, and we are all thinking of his loved ones after the passing of their husband, their father, their brother or their friend. » 
Bernard Arnault

#fashionnews #virgilabloh #fashiondesigner #louisvuitton #lvmh #fashionfabnews

????LVMH announced the passing of @off____white ‘s and @louisvu Read More

Can’t get enough of @nct127 so I uploaded a reaction to their n Read More

The Fashion Reaction and analysis of @chaelincl ‘s new song - “Let It” is already on YouTube and my blog. - Link in Bio.
• What are your thoughts about CL’s looks and her song?
#kpopreaction #fashiondesigner #youtuber #kpopfashion #sustainablefashion #kfashion #sustainablefashion

The Fashion Reaction and analysis of @chaelincl ‘s new song - � Read More

La Catrina 2021 vs La Catrina 2011 ????????
- Funny enough 10 years later I repeated la Catrina makeup, both times I was in Florida and didn’t have all my makeup arsenal.
???? Which one is better 2021 or 2011 Catrina ?

- @pixibeauty x @tina_yong eyeshadow palette: Electric, Juicy, Rosie, After Dark.
- @nyxcosmetics Black Eyeliner.
- @makeuprevolution Bird of Paradise Eyeshadow Palette: Vaycay, Tocan Play, Tweet. 
- @covergirl clean fresh concealer: porcelain, light medium.
- @iliabeauty True Skin Serum Foundation.
- @pacificabeauty Vegan Collagen Mascara.
- @ardellbeauty Faux Mink 811.

#crueltyfreemakeup #halloweenmakeup #catrinamakeup #veganbeauty #veganhalloween #crueltyfreebeauty #diadelosmuertos

La Catrina 2021 vs La Catrina 2011 ???????? - Funny enough 10 yea Read More

Lina's Eco-friendly Advice???? • Feminine Care • Everyone’s Read More
