Lydia Page, Realtor & Investor
Lydia Page, Realtor & Investor is one of the top Business influencer in United States with 16460 audience and 2.98% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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How it’s going... I’m ready to meet my son ????? My daughter Read More

It’s February and this month is all about L O V E for meeee! ?❤️?❤️ 

I’m celebrating God’s love for me, self-love of the woman I am (and the woman I’m becoming), and love for my son who I’m going to meet any day now! ?

Sis, now is the time to push the gas. Stay focus on your mission. You have everything you need to create the life you want to live. 

Just like Young Baby Tate said, ...” I’m a dream, I’m a Queen, I do what I wanna do and I’m who I wanna be, cause I am me!” 
& that’s on Mary had a little lamb! ?

It’s February and this month is all about L O V E for meeee! ?� Read More

Reflecting on the last 9 months ✨ Excited to meet my suga bear Read More

Motherhood loading ... ✨
I have to admit becoming a mother has made me want to work harder and strive to be someone my son is proud of. My focus is now and forever aimed towards legacy building.

One of the most common and easiest ways to create legacy and pass down wealth is through owning real estate. If you’re interested in buying, selling or investing in real estate send me an email or click the link in my bio.

I have a 90 day Homeowner Challenge happening right now. Let’s make 2021 they year you start building for your family’s future. ???❤️

Motherhood loading ... ✨ I have to admit becoming a mother has Read More

It looks like I’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day twice this year! ?

Happy Founders’ Day, to my Oh So Pretty Sorors! ??

Cheers to 113 years of Sisterhood, Scholarship & Service to ALL MANKIND!

It looks like I’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day twice this yea Read More

SWIPE// We are only a few short weeks away from the arrival of baby DJ. I feel prepared and confident about approaching labor and delivery thanks to @Tinyhood. I recently completed their Childbirth 101: From Labor through Postpartum flagship course. It was filled with all the information I needed to know so I could feel less anxious about giving birth to my favorite person. 

All their courses are flexible and convenient to watch on any device from the comfort of your own home. I was able to complete my course over a period of about three days. It has 6 modules and I completed two a day.

Tay sat with me for several of the videos. The breathing techniques and exercise videos were helpful for us to learn together since he’s going to be my primary support system in the delivery room. I also put their printout “Supporting Your Loved Ones During the Postpartum Period” on our refrigerator and I’ll be emailing it to close friends/family members.

I’m sharing more about my experience with @Tinyhood Childbrith 101 in my stories today. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have or use my link to visit

 P.S. You can use the code

SWIPE// We are only a few short weeks away from the arrival of ba Read More

Soaking up these last few weeks of pregnancy. I’m feeling everything deeply and I’m thinking even deeper. Using this time to figure out what my mood is and where I want me energy to be. I’m preparing to step into motherhood... ✨

P.S. I’m having my virtual baby shower today we are exactly 3 weeks out. 
Any words of advice?

Soaking up these last few weeks of pregnancy. I’m feeling every Read More

Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️?
This year is extra special because it’s the three of us together. ?
I’ve never felt a love quite like this!

Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️? This year is extra special becaus Read More

Are you ready to move in 2021 with confidence, determination, and intentionality?

I’m inviting you to join me for the next 90 days of 2021, on a 90 Days to Homeowner Challenge. ✨?

I’ll share all you need to know about what it will take for YOU to become a homeowner in 2021—so you’ll have the confidence and preparation you need to put yourself in a position to buy a home in 2021.

If you’re up for the challenge, just click the link in my bio to immediately get access to the 90-Day digital guide & work book. 

The challenge is free— you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sign up today because I only have a limited number of seats. ??


Are you ready to move in 2021 with confidence, determination, and Read More
