maddie chambers
maddie chambers is one of the top influencer in United States with 5170 audience and 3.97% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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I don’t play games but when I do, I bring a teammate

I don’t play games but when I do, I bring a teammate

here’s a photo of me with a red bag- cause Valentine’s Day ?❤️

here’s a photo of me with a red bag- cause Valentine’s Day ?❤️

one more for the ppl in the back... I got a dog. ? 

Also can we talk about how incredible this @gogetpersonalised sweatshirt my peeps got me is?! And yes. Hudson is smizing.

one more for the ppl in the back... I got a dog. ? Also can we Read More

call @garrettcarterdesigns for any and all interior design needs. Or for a good mirror selfie.

call @garrettcarterdesigns for any and all interior design needs. Read More

not so sure about this snow stuff ?

not so sure about this snow stuff ?

hi I’m Hudson and I know I’m cute.

hi I’m Hudson and I know I’m cute.

still unsure about coffee/tea. Swipe ??

**disclaimer! thanks to a friend I was informed that coffee can be very dangerous to small dogs so while I never intended for him to ever take a sip, maybe little Huds is so smart he already knew!!!!! Friendly PSA to other dog owners!

still unsure about coffee/tea. Swipe ?? **disclaimer! thanks to Read More

just in case you didn’t know, I got a dog.

just in case you didn’t know, I got a dog.

hi hoomans

hi hoomans
