? Anja “nanna” Venter-Rausch

🦝 Anja “nanna” Venter-Rausch is one of the top influencer with 6425 audience and 3.72% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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“|kaggen fights with the Meerkats and pierces the gall of the dead eland (which was formerly |kaggen's pet). kaggen creates the Moon from his veldskoen, which he throws into the sky to light the darkness. The story continues about the Moon and how it is stabbed by the Sun. The angry Sun follows the spoor of the Moon as it (the Moon) travels in the sky. The Sun intends to fight the Moon. The Moon is pierced by the knife or rays of the Sun. In pain, the Moon sets slowly and dies but is reborn the next night when it lights up the darkness. A part of the Moon remains in the sky and lives while its decayed and wounded part dies away. The part of the Moon that lives is joined to its head, its face and its thinking strings. As the Moon grows, so does its stomach which becomes full and gives light for the people on the ground.” -  Kabbo (English translation “Dream”, aka Jantjie), prisoner number 4628 from the Breakwater convicts station, arrested for sharing in the spoils of stock theft in 1869, relating |Xam mythology to Lucy Loyd at Mowbray, Cape Town (1871-1873). ??? original artwork: “Home of the Fiscal Beelaerts van Blokland, corner of Strand and Burg Streets” - Samuel Davis (c. 1790) ??? #mantis #kaggen #xam #popsurrealism #lowbrowart #monstersatthecapeofgoodhope

“|kaggen fights with the Meerkats and pierces the gall of the d Read More

?baba Grootslang? a crop from “Grootslang II” ? my show launches on Thursday at @artist.admin! If anyone wants to get a look at the catalogue before it opens for the public, please DM me ? #grootslang #monstersatthecapeofgoodhope #popsurrealism #lowbrow #lowbrowart

?baba Grootslang? a crop from “Grootslang II” ? my show launc Read More

“The celebrated Swiss ichthyologist, Agassiz, once said: ‘The possibilities of existence run so deeply into the extravagant that there is scarcely any conception too extraordinary for Nature to realize,’ and this philosophical announcement has never been more substantially confirmed than by the discovery of the dingonek. [...]The Baganda, Wasoga, and Kavirondo tribes firmly believe that the white man, or, as they called him the “Muzungo,” had killed the dingonek and that in consequence they have become victims of the dreaded sleeping-sickness plague. Their idea probably is that the destruction of this animal, so long known and worshipped by them, would bring them bad luck, and as about this period—1905— the ravages of sleeping-sickness were extraordinarily severe...” - McClean’s, 1 January 1918, from an article titled “something about the dingonek: a new monster discovered in darkest Africa” ??? original artwork “The Strand street in Cape Town” by Jan Brandes (1786) ??? #afrikaiju #popsurrealism #lowbrowart #dingonek #watercolorpainting #artistsoninstagram #monstersatthecapeofgoodhope

“The celebrated Swiss ichthyologist, Agassiz, once said: ‘The Read More

“Grootslang was one of the first creatures the gods ever made. When man was nothing more than a primordial ooze waiting to be formed, the gods created a massive, powerful serpent, larger than an elephant and smarter than any man. It was a mistake. The gods were new to the art of creating life and they didn’t yet understand the dangers of making something as powerful as this great snake. They tried to correct it. The gods tried to exterminate every Grootslang that lived. They split the powers of the Grootslang and dispersed them across two species: the elephant and the snake. But one Grootslang managed to escape. She became the mother of a whole species of mythological creatures that the gods themselves called a deadly error.” - @all_thats_interesting ?? original artwork “traders at green market square” - Henry Clifford de Meillon (1825-1830) ?? #cryptozoology #grootslang #afrikaiju #monstersatthecapeofgoodhope #lowbrow #popsurrealism #watercolor #williamfehrcollection

“Grootslang was one of the first creatures the gods ever made. Read More

Impundulu, or the “lightning bird”, is a creature who features in the folklore of the Nguni people of Southern Africa. It is a vampiric creature associated with witchcraft and blood magic. Impundulu is the servant or familiar of a witch or witch doctor, and attacks the witch's enemies at their behest. Like vampires, they are immortal and outlive their masters. The creature is then inherited by family members who are also cunning folk. The creature takes the form of a giant black and white bird, which is said to summon thunder and lightning with its wings and talons. Since the 20th century, Impundulu,​ in Xhosa parlance, has referred to an entity that possesses those who are suffering from physical or mental afflictions. ?⚓️ original artwork: “Table Bay in 1679” by Aernout Smit (1680) ?⚓️ #afrikaiju #popsurrealism #lowbrowart #artistsoninstagram #watercolor #southafricanart #impundulu #tablebay

Impundulu, or the “lightning bird”, is a creature who feature Read More

The “Inkanyamba” is a legendary creature said to live in the bottom of the deepest bodies of water, typically where there are waterfalls. Those who have caught a glimpse of it describe it as a giant serpent with an equine head - not dissimilar to a dragon. It is a dangerous and destructive force that needs to be treated with great caution and respect. Across the country, when big storms are brewing, children are told across Nguni cultures that it is the Inkanyamba taking flight. Most active in the summer months, it is believed that the Inkanyamba’s frustrated search for a mate causes the seasonal storms. A similar creature, Mmamogashoa, features in Sotho/Tswana mythology. In the case of Mmamogashoa, it’s temperamental flights are said to be in search of their child, abducted by witch doctors who use these creatures for muti. ?? original artwork: “The Castle from the Parade” - Henry Clifford De Meillon (1825-1830) ?? #afrikaiju #monstersatthecapeofgoodhope #lowbrowart #popsurrealism #watercolorpainting #illustrationart #inkanyamba #artistsoninstagram

The “Inkanyamba” is a legendary creature said to live in the Read More

The most important spiritual being to the |Xam people of Southern Africa is |Kággęn - a folk hero, demiurge and trickster-deity. They are an artisan-like figure: both a creator and a destroyer, benevolent and monstrous. |Kággęn is a shape shifter that can switch between any and all manifestations - a living testament to the interconnectedness of all things. They dole out teachings, rewards and punishments as they are needed - most famously as a praying mantis ?? Original artwork: “St George’s Cathedral” - Wilhelm Langschmidt (1845) ??#kaggen #cagn #afrikaiju #popsurrealism #lowbrowart #prayingmantis #kaiju #watercolorpainting

The most important spiritual being to the |Xam people of Southern Read More

“With my mind on my money and my money on my mind” ??? rich cat for @greenham_sam’s #manageyourmoneylikeafckinggrownup ? #snoopdogg #illustrationart #digitalillustration

“With my mind on my money and my money on my mind” ??? rich c Read More


The "dingonek" was an aquatic felid, thought to be a descendant o Read More
