Paul Vincent
Paul Vincent is one of the top influencer with 3424 audience and 0.91% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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From my perspective what’s special about this country is the pioneer attitude that it does question authority and it is concerned with freedom. But it shouldn’t stop now, where are we going next?⁠
We are the first known lifeforms to develop consciousness.  You are the pinnacle of evolution, we need to transition from being smart monkeys and become conscious beings. ⁠
When you make your choices... what’s the perspective you’re making them through. Does it guide the species in the direction you think humanity should be going? In 100 years where should we be as a planet?⁠
We went from tribes, to kingdoms, to countries. I don’t think this is where we stop. All humans want to avoid struggle to protect our loved ones and have autonomy over our lives. We have developed codes of ethics but not a global one. What do you think that should be?⁠
#electionday #vote #consciousvoting

From my perspective what’s special about this country is the pi Read More

I believe that when the necessity for survival is o Read More

Happy New Year everyone!

2020 was a difficult one for many people including me. But I also realize those challenges allow us to break free from old habits and structures and to look up and reassess what we want our lives to look like. I guess sometimes it takes a big jolt or we wouldn’t look at other ways of doing things. 

I’m happy to be entering a new decade. I wish all of you a very happy 2021 ?

Happy New Year everyone! 2020 was a difficult one for many peopl Read More

I have been with tribes that believe their ancestors live in certain trees.  When I'm near these quiet giants there is a palpable energy to them. ⁠
We all know how good being in nature can make us feel. We have known it for centuries. In Japan, they practice something called forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku. Shinrin in Japanese means “forest,” and yoku means “bath.” So shinrin-yoku means bathing in the forest atmosphere, or taking in the forest through our senses.⁠
This is not exercise, or hiking, or jogging. It is simply being in nature, connecting with it through our senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Shinrin-yoku is like a bridge. By opening our senses, it bridges the gap between us and the natural world.⁠
#bridgethegap #openyoursenses #connectwithnature

I have been with tribes that believe their ancestors live in cert Read More

What could you achieve if you broke free from all beliefs and limitations holding you back? ⁠
2020 has tested many of us. Our way of living, our careers, our personal lives...have all been turned upside down.⁠
Maybe piecing things back together the way they were before is not the answer.⁠
For 20 years I’ve been helping the top performers of our world break down barriers and achieve breakthroughs.⁠
Over my career I began to see patterns that we all have, the things that stop us in our lives.⁠
We so often settle and give up on what we really want, or live with stress and anxiety but we can achieve so much more.⁠
#limitingbeliefs #risehigher  #globalshift

What could you achieve if you broke free from all beliefs and lim Read More

This was one of the most incredible moments of my life it was with the Arhuaco tribe in Colombia. In the photo I’m with the governor of the tribe. He had just told me he had been expecting me for quite some time and that we would now be connected astrally. Which was strange as I hadn’t even planned to visit them, I actually was supposed to be in Mexico and because of a last minute change ended up in Colombia. I only got invited up by the Mamo (elder) the night before. He also told me he knew I didn’t have hair and he though that was very funny. ⁠
They are incredible people. They dedicate their lives to restoring balance to our planet through their rituals because of the disruption brought by the little brother (us). Apparently our way of living isn’t great for the planet who knew... they feel we might be a little distracted by our need for gratification hmmm. PC: @rivercallaway thanks for capturing the moment.⁠
#arahuacotribe #ancientwisdom

This was one of the most incredible moments of my life it was wit Read More

#keepmoving #alberteinstein #balance

Yup!⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #keepmoving #alberteinstein #balance

Lagos, Portugal the town over from where I grew up. I really only understood how amazing it was after I moved away. If you get a chance you have to go visit and let me know when you do. PC: @rivercallaway @casagrandeportugal ⁠
#portugal #casagrande # #visitportugal

⁠ Lagos, Portugal the town over from where I grew up. I really Read More

How often do we build up the obstacles in our minds before trying something. Remember the mind is driven by the amygdala and its' job is to assess everything for possible danger. Even the ideas you have. It’s going to let you know everything that could go wrong. Don’t let it stop you. ⁠
#riseabovefear #motivation #mindset #dreambig

How often do we build up the obstacles in our minds before trying Read More
