Paul Todd
Paul Todd is one of the top Art / Design influencer in United States with 14554 audience and 2.45% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, never backing down, never giving up, always pushing forward ?my client braved the storm and got rid of a terrible piece that made her very unhappy! I lightened up her existing tattoo before this cover up and it opened up a world of possibilities! Who else has some shitty tattoos they need burned alive? Email @fourpeakstattoos LETS GO!

Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, never backing down, Read More

Progress on the MK11 sleeve. Who’s the best Mortal Kombat character of all time? #round1fight 
Masked Scorpion has been healed for a good bit.

Progress on the MK11 sleeve. Who’s the best Mortal Kombat chara Read More

Excited to do more on this next week....and HEY... remember,  if you want to get a rose...find a garden. Or, email @fourpeakstattoo ... whatever’s easier for you. The choice is yours. Live or die. Make your choice. Show some love on this post and I just might give out some free shit. Or maybe I won’t, possibly will, a chance I won’t, thinking I might. I don’t know.

Excited to do more on this next week....and HEY... remember, if Read More

Healed and hairy on my buddy, Jason. What do you guys think?

Healed and hairy on my buddy, Jason. What do you guys think?

Where’s all my Mortal Kombat fans!?!? I’ve waited years to ta Read More

Do what you want.

Who’s ready to get their tattoos finisheddd!?!????? As business Read More

Finally finished him. #thatswhatshesaid

I’d like to start this by saying, I am so grateful for my clientele and all of the interest in my work. 
  Booking with me is changing up a bit starting now.... the full version of this is on our shop Facebook page (IG had a text limit) 
  Firstly, Please bare with me, Be kind, be patient. For now, and until I decide to do otherwise, THE ABSOLUTE BEST WAY RIGHT NOW TO BE TATTOOED IS TO email me personally at 
All contact with me shall be through this email! 
  A little more background for booking...
Due to an influx of appointments I will not be taking any new clients until 2021.
 I currently has a wait list of 80+ people which will start filling the begging of my year. I like to only book 2 months at a time as I travel frequently! 
 Starting January 1st I will be upping my prices (both 1/2 and full day) when you book with me you’re buying the slot, there will be no price adjustments, my price is my price. I have no “set hours” on a full day session, so please don’t ask. It drastically depends on what I accomplish and how much off time I’ve invested into your tattoo. New projects means new prices. Existing projects means existing prices. Most importantly, I’m always fair, and I know what I’m worth. 
  On top of that, I have decided that I have reached a point where I’m going to be a lot more selective in the work that I take on. Please know, if I don’t decide to take your project on, this is for the best, and it is absolutely nothing personal. I will gladly point you in the right direction and help the best way I can. My goal is to help people get the best work, so they can be proud of the ink they wear!  If my heart is not in certain projects, I can make no promises, and I’m not the guy for you. I’ve learned a lot in my ten years of tattooing, so these choices are mine and mine alone. I’ve traveled to far away places and have tattooed side by side with some of the worlds top artists. I truly appreciate every single person that gets tattooed by me and I hope that you know I’m doing what I feel is best for all parties involved. 
Thank you for reading. Feel free to repost! Thanks everyone!

I’d like to start this by saying, I am so grateful for my clien Read More
