Rob Wilson
Rob Wilson is one of the top influencer with 12694 audience and 3.4% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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One nightstand

One nightstand

Inspired and inspiring, Alice Neel at @metmuseum

Inspired and inspiring, Alice Neel at @metmuseum

It’s summer somewhere

It’s summer somewhere

Happy #nationalonlychildday

Happy #nationalonlychildday

Drawing over drawings

Drawing over drawings

Daffodeal, 2/$7

Daffodeal, 2/$7

Apologies to Charles Schulz

Apologies to Charles Schulz

The weeks of work it took to create my @thedsvc presentation was worth it for the last minute of the Q & A when—due to requests—Maisie made a casual appearance.

The weeks of work it took to create my @thedsvc presentation was Read More

This evening, 7pm EST I’m speaking with the Dallas Society of Visual Communications, an organization that’s been a part of my life for many years. It’s an honor to be recognized by the @thedsvc — I’ve participated in many of their events over the course of my career: reviewing student portfolios, attending award shows and monthly meetings, being on their board. And recently was on a panel of judges for their @nationalstudentshow  I wish I could be in Dallas to see so many friends, but until then, this will have to do. Thanks DSVC, and special thanks to @byisabel

Register at tix are $10 and benefit the DSVC

This evening, 7pm EST I’m speaking with the Dallas Society of V Read More
