Sarah Blondin
Sarah Blondin is one of the top Parents/Kids influencer with 56658 audience and 6.37% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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If you missed the first meetup, there is still time to come to the second one! If you’ve read or are currently reading my book, this event gives me the chance to at least virtually meet you and connect heart to heart. I would love to unite with as many heart minded warriors as I can. Please come to sit with me, I would so love to see and feel you there. 
You can message @jillconnection for details and questions.

If you missed the first meetup, there is still time to come to th Read More

When you kneel at the doorstep of your body, you wiggle the key in the lock. On a good day the door swings wide open and by some miracle, a gratitude swells from a well so deep you can no longer hold onto yourself. 

Thread into the cloth of your life, there are these holy moments where all you can say is, “who am I, but a happy speck of dust caught dancing in a moat of light.”

When you kneel at the doorstep of your body, you wiggle the key i Read More

We need only look into our own windows to see how imperfectly we love, even those closest and dear to us. We are for the most part, hurt people hurting people. 

I must have been only three years old when this realization dawned on me. I started to see there was within each person, a heart and a being that was wounded. This realization traumatized me. It scared me. In order to cope I turned away, and a lot of my caring and heart went off-line. Like an undulating sea, an ocean of heartache stretched out in front of my three-year-old feet. And I didn't have the words or enough arms to hold all of it.

And so begins the disconnect from the heart. One disconnected heart makes a person able to hurt another. Able to divide and ignore and enslave another. Able to see someone as property. Able to steal, to abuse, to coheres. Able to conquer, to see another as less then, not equal or worthy.

If we look all the way back, we can see the world through the eyes of children, unsure of how to move through the waves of unhealed trauma. We were each that child and I am almost able to say with certainty that the result was us closing off our caring hearts. It was a survival instinct that has caused the people of this earth to keep recycling pain. Repeating the same patterns, supporting the same systems. 

We need only to look to our own close up worlds to see we are not perfect at loving one another. But we are learning. I for one, am no longer that little terrified and overwhelmed girl. I have learned to hold myself. I can face my own pain now. With that skill built, I am working now to encompass the collective pain. Sitting in the narrative of Black people, of the Native communities that reside on the Secwepemc (Shuswap) land I live on. I am letting the trauma in. As wide and deep as the pain cuts I feel I am being fortified. Pain under the witness of loving awareness, begins to change. It moves from wild and unbearable to soft and undefended. 

(Continued in the comments. end racism)

We need only look into our own windows to see how imperfectly we Read More

I kneeled so long with my forehead pressed against the stone, that a crease was left. A small imprint above my brow of my ancestors.  I sat down and began to write, looking to some place inside me that can make sense of all this. All the while knowing somewhere deep “sense” is not the point. That the very last thing life wants from me is order. Slowly I am learning that I am just to watch the messy glorious spills of ink across a perfect white page-to move, to chew, to swallow, the whole damn symphony.

I kneeled so long with my forehead pressed against the stone, tha Read More

It's hard to find space near water people have not tried to claim for themselves. The shores peppered with those who love the holy clear blue as much as I do. But there's a sadness in the cluttered shoreline that makes you lonely for room to roam without garish homes and rusting metal docks pushed into the sand. We are many. The world so heavy with people it groans at the seams. Regardless, I venture to look for a small splinter of water to wade into. I want to strip naked but worry at the cost of being seen. I decide I'm willing to risk my being found.  My love for cold water dips has outweighed the opposition. Naked and brushed with the late day light, I lean into the icy pool and exhale deeply. Submersion brings instant quiet. A shock that leaves me blissfully empty of voices. I count to 180 slowly, synchronizing  with the tempo of the giant lake. Eight mottled ducks fly over my head. Their wings cut the air with a thrilling kite like roar. I walk back to my towel and breathe. Close my eyes, and try to drink in the last rays of sun gliding across the glass of the lake. I am alive and yet somehow still so far away even when I've gone to great lengths to wake. 
At least you've come to some threshold. At least you entered into the world to look for something to help you feel. At least you looked for delight with eyes so very willing to receive. 

Even when you feel hidden by a veil, at least you clambered to lower your body into the fierce grip of a wintering lake. You have won at life if even when you feel far away, you are still following the urgings of the voice calling you back to the home you didn't notice you left.

It's hard to find space near water people have not tried to claim Read More

Spring birthing me new, like ☝️. 

~All is but a joyful squeezing of the sweet drops of life from the giant plum of existence.~

Spring birthing me new, like ☝️. ~All is but a joyful squee Read More

Under gun metal gray skies, I pulled over to stop at a field with only horses loitering, amidst throngs of starlings. I leaned against the cold metal fence and made eye contact with a warm chocolate brown one who came toward me. Putting her velvet nostril like a cup to my mouth, she asked to breathe me in, as if my breath would tell her everything she needed to know about me. One, two, three, big sighs out of my mouth and things began to fall-some weight in the rib cage, some knotted fire from the belly-And then looking deeply into my eyes she bowed her head to the ground, “with me as your witness, free yourself in this field,” she asked. something shook and rattled from a guttural place, a mudslide coming up from my feet and out my throat. A river of tears. It was the sound of a heart stretching out after being held too long in a small box. Her stillness was like an anchor amidst the purge of pent-up pain. 

I didn't know I needed it....but one inhale of me and she knew there was too much inside that didn't belong, and she with a presence as wide as the firmament, held me, better than any human life has or ever could. She was a healer... I didn't even know I needed it.

Under gun metal gray skies, I pulled over to stop at a field with Read More

Today’s news:

The cottonwood buds are releasing their spring sap making the wind smell like warmed honey. 

The robins are singing mating songs and collecting small twigs to make home for teal colored eggs.

The freeze is over and the earth smells like a newborn. 

You’d be wise to get as close as you can to these medicines. They have been used for all time to bring about spontaneous joy and wellbeing. 

For best results: sink your bare feet in a stream, with all 10 toes sunk deep in soft round stones. Breathe ten slow breathes remembering your home. The most sincere and present hearts are rewarded with great gusts of benevolent warmth throughout.

Today’s news: The cottonwood buds are releasing their spring s Read More
