Clifton Davis
Clifton Davis is one of the top influencer with 5704 audience and 5.29% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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"I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mary Wilson. Fro Read More

Join me tonight for a #PajamaCastParty with @jimcaruso1 at 8pm ET (link in bio)

Join me tonight for a #PajamaCastParty with @jimcaruso1 at 8pm ET Read More

I’m excited to be apart of such an important cause!

I’m excited to be apart of such an important cause!

Vote ?

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I appreciate all the love and support! 2020 has been quite a year and I am so grateful for what God is doing in my life. ??

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I appreciate all the Read More

New Project out now!! #NeverCanSayGoodbye (Link in Bio)

New Project out now!! #NeverCanSayGoodbye (Link in Bio)

New Project “Never Can Say Goodbye” coming August 13th!

New Project “Never Can Say Goodbye” coming August 13th!

God loves us and He will be with us through whatever comes our way!

Such an honor to share my ministry with people all over the world on the #SoulTrainCruise2020
? @carol_riddick

Such an honor to share my ministry with people all over the world Read More
