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The Story: “A trio of #Illinois cannabis #dispensary applicants filed suit last Friday in federal court to demand participation in the August 19 Tied Applicant Lottery because they believe their applications were incorrectly scored. The group of applicants, JG IL LLC, #EmeraldCoast LLC, and #ReNu LLC are all tied to cannabis company #JusticeGrown, which is led by attorney Jon Loevy, who is also an attorney of record for the lawsuit.

Justice Grown is a #Chicago-based multi-state operator, with #cultivation in Illinois and other licenses in #Missouri and #Pennsylvania.

The three applicants claim to have sought a hearing from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation but were turned away by the agency. The lawsuit calls for the court to put the three plaintiffs in the Tied Applicant Lottery but does not otherwise affect the lottery process.

JG IL claims it should have received application points as a social equity business because 51% of its employees were from Disproportionately Impacted Areas (DIA), Emerald Coast LLC claims it should have received points for military veteran ownership, and ReNue LLC claims it missed points for being veteran-owned and owned by Illinois residents.

The suit is one of a raft of lawsuits cannabis attorneys have been privately warning against, now that Illinois licenses have been awarded and “damage” has been done. Other Illinois lawsuits filed prior to license assignment have been stayed by judges since the award process was incomplete. Numerous attorneys have told #GrownIn off the record that they are actively discussing lawsuits with license applicants unhappy with the process.”

Source: Grown In

#IllinoisCannabis #CraftCannabis #LegalizeCannabis #ICannabis

The Story: “A trio of #Illinois cannabis #dispensary applicants Read More

Might have to get ho there Sunday

Follow ➡️➡️ @grindngrowchicago Ready to get back in class?

Inhale & Stretch is back at @soul__wellness and we are ready to level up our health?? Join us as we center our bodies to expand awareness of how we hold space for ourselves. Looking forward to seeing all of you again next month!

Don't forget virtual classes will be starting up in September so make sure to check out the link in bio for more information!✌?
#puffinguru #inhaleexhale #stretchclass 
#movementismedicine #healthiswealth 
#communityclass #chicagomovement 
#bethechangeyouwanttosee #chicagocannabiscommunity #supportsmallbusiness #supportblackbusinesses
Might have to get ho there Sunday

Follow ➡️➡️ @grindngrowchicago Ready to get back in class?

Inhale & Stretch is back at @soul__wellness and we are ready to level up our health?? Join us as we center our bodies to expand awareness of how we hold space for ourselves. Looking forward to seeing all of you again next month!

Don't forget virtual classes will be starting up in September so make sure to check out the link in bio for more information!✌?
#puffinguru #inhaleexhale #stretchclass 
#movementismedicine #healthiswealth 
#communityclass #chicagomovement 
#bethechangeyouwanttosee #chicagocannabiscommunity #supportsmallbusiness #supportblackbusinesses

Might have to get ho there Sunday Follow ➡️➡️ @grindngro Read More

Are you looking for the latest news, reviews and entertainment for the Cannabis Community?

Do you like podcasts, comedians, and music?

Then make sure to hit that follow button & subscribe to my podcast The Daily Ember wherever you find your podcasts!

Are you looking for the latest news, reviews and entertainment fo Read More

FOLLOW & GET TICKETS ➡️➡️ @cannacamp420 You can also follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on Cannabis Camp 2021 ??


#cannabiscamp #cannabis #camp #2021 #consumption #consumptionevent #cannabisevent #medicalcannabis #recreationalcannabis #twentyoneplus #september #september10 #septemebr11 #foodtrucks #liveart #livemusic #vendors #localvendors #supportlocal #309 #420 #onsiteconsumption #peoriaillinois #cannabiscommunity #illinoiscannabisevents #illinoiscannabis #westpeoriaillinois #westpeoria #highharbor #trinitycenters

FOLLOW & GET TICKETS ➡️➡️ @cannacamp420 You can also foll Read More

FOLLOW ➡️ @chicannabisweek Illinois Department of Agriculture Issues 79 Cannabis Licenses. Eighty-Three Percent of Craft Grow, Infuser, and Transporter Eligible Licensees Qualify for Social Equity Status by Ownership, according to an IDOA press release. See licensee list here:
#cannabis #cannabiscommunity #dispensaries #illinois #infuser #transporter #marijuana #craftgrower  #socialequityillinois
#socialequity #socialequityprogram #socialequitymatters #socialequityillinois #CannabisEquityX #ILCannabisAward
#ILCannabisGuide #chiillcbdigest #ChicagoCannabisWeek #ChiCannabisWeek #ILCannabisWeek #USACannabisWeek
#ILCannabisCard #ILCannabisGroup #illinoiscannabis #illinoiscannabisscommunity #cannabisregulationandtaxact
#cannabisequity #illinoisdepartmentofagriculture
FOLLOW ➡️ @chicannabisweek Illinois Department of Agriculture Issues 79 Cannabis Licenses. Eighty-Three Percent of Craft Grow, Infuser, and Transporter Eligible Licensees Qualify for Social Equity Status by Ownership, according to an IDOA press release. See licensee list here:
#cannabis #cannabiscommunity #dispensaries #illinois #infuser #transporter #marijuana #craftgrower  #socialequityillinois
#socialequity #socialequityprogram #socialequitymatters #socialequityillinois #CannabisEquityX #ILCannabisAward
#ILCannabisGuide #chiillcbdigest #ChicagoCannabisWeek #ChiCannabisWeek #ILCannabisWeek #USACannabisWeek
#ILCannabisCard #ILCannabisGroup #illinoiscannabis #illinoiscannabisscommunity #cannabisregulationandtaxact
#cannabisequity #illinoisdepartmentofagriculture
FOLLOW ➡️ @chicannabisweek Illinois Department of Agriculture Issues 79 Cannabis Licenses. Eighty-Three Percent of Craft Grow, Infuser, and Transporter Eligible Licensees Qualify for Social Equity Status by Ownership, according to an IDOA press release. See licensee list here:
#cannabis #cannabiscommunity #dispensaries #illinois #infuser #transporter #marijuana #craftgrower  #socialequityillinois
#socialequity #socialequityprogram #socialequitymatters #socialequityillinois #CannabisEquityX #ILCannabisAward
#ILCannabisGuide #chiillcbdigest #ChicagoCannabisWeek #ChiCannabisWeek #ILCannabisWeek #USACannabisWeek
#ILCannabisCard #ILCannabisGroup #illinoiscannabis #illinoiscannabisscommunity #cannabisregulationandtaxact
#cannabisequity #illinoisdepartmentofagriculture

FOLLOW ➡️ @chicannabisweek Illinois Department of Agriculture Read More

I love my @bndlstech Terp Pen for dabs on the go, nice and flavor Read More

The Story: “ #Michigan #cannabis regulators rolled out nine sets of draft rules impacting everything from product testing to business agreements. The rules, proposed on July 21, now enter a lengthy process before that will likely result in their final approval some time in the fall.

The rules proposed by the #MichiganMarijuanaRegulatoryAgency (MRA) can be found here, and by entering “Marihuana” in the search box. 

The Michigan rulemaking process requires #MRA to conduct a public meeting for comment and then for the Joint Committee on Administrative Rulemaking to review the rules before final versions are approved. Dates for neither the public meeting or a JCAR review have been set.”

Swipe for new rules

Source: Grown In
The Story: “ #Michigan #cannabis regulators rolled out nine sets of draft rules impacting everything from product testing to business agreements. The rules, proposed on July 21, now enter a lengthy process before that will likely result in their final approval some time in the fall.

The rules proposed by the #MichiganMarijuanaRegulatoryAgency (MRA) can be found here, and by entering “Marihuana” in the search box. 

The Michigan rulemaking process requires #MRA to conduct a public meeting for comment and then for the Joint Committee on Administrative Rulemaking to review the rules before final versions are approved. Dates for neither the public meeting or a JCAR review have been set.”

Swipe for new rules

Source: Grown In
The Story: “ #Michigan #cannabis regulators rolled out nine sets of draft rules impacting everything from product testing to business agreements. The rules, proposed on July 21, now enter a lengthy process before that will likely result in their final approval some time in the fall.

The rules proposed by the #MichiganMarijuanaRegulatoryAgency (MRA) can be found here, and by entering “Marihuana” in the search box. 

The Michigan rulemaking process requires #MRA to conduct a public meeting for comment and then for the Joint Committee on Administrative Rulemaking to review the rules before final versions are approved. Dates for neither the public meeting or a JCAR review have been set.”

Swipe for new rules

Source: Grown In

The Story: “ #Michigan #cannabis regulators rolled out nine set Read More

ATTENTION ILLINOIS : via @cannacamp420 It’s FINALLY that time of year for Cannabis Camp hosted by @trinitycentersglen and @trinitycompassionatecare ! We have made a lot of changes this year and we can not wait to share the news with you! 

The first change is the location! This years camp will be held at Peoria's first consumption lounge, High Harbor Cannabis Lounge & Event Center! Plans are in the works to convert the old Sky Harbor Restaurant into a lounge allowing onsite consumption of cannabis products. A grand opening will be announced in the upcoming months. Until then, @highharbor_420lounge is allowing Trinity Centers to use their outdoor space to host Cannabis Camp 2021! 

The biggest change is that this years event will be CONSUMPTION! That means that once a ticket is purchased and that person is in our designated smoking area, they have the freedom to consume their own cannabis! Because of this, Cannabis Camp will be for those 21 years of age and older. There will be no sale of cannabis at this event. 

There will be a variety of vendors from around the state both days with booths set up to offer educational materials, purchasable items, and giveaways. We will also have food trucks, live art, yoga, live music AND MORE!! 

Link in our bio for tickets ?

#cannabiscamp #cannabisevent #2021 #highharbor #cannabislounge #eventcenter #lavalounge #tarmac #foodcourt #skywaylounge #klusendorf #grandstage #changes #comingsoon #centralillinois #peoriaillinois #westpeoria #westpeoriaillinois #skyharbor #peoria #illinois #cannabis #camp #livemusic #liveart #yoga #vendors #cannabiscommunity #consumption #trinitycenters

ATTENTION ILLINOIS : via @cannacamp420 It’s FINALLY that time o Read More

Follow ➡️ @brettpuffenbarger I think it's safe to say both #cannabis and #blockchain/#cryptocurrency are buzzwords these days... 

I also think they have a lot more in common than most people realize. 

Both are heavily misunderstood 

Both are stigmatized 

And both have amazing potential to save the world (I'm including #hemp in my definition of cannabis)

If you're curious about where these two industries overlap, and what they have in common then I have just the thing for you... 

My former partner at @good.highdeas, @alexpopoff_ , and I wrote an article detailing these very things for @highlycapitalized

The article features some killer quotes from Michael Wagner, CFA, CEO of @multichainventures , Tokes Platform, and @staratlasgame

You can check out the link to the full article here:

Follow ➡️ @brettpuffenbarger I think it's safe to say both #c Read More
