Marvin Cohen
Marvin Cohen is one of the top influencer with 5059 audience and 4.21% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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She loves her duck pool.

She loves her duck pool.

Mealtimes are fun


Sarai's first papaya and mango experience. She keeps grabbing the spoon to feed herself. She loved it.

Sarai's first papaya and mango experience. She keeps grabbing the Read More



It was December 30th 1985, the day before a legend was about to celebrate his 4th birthday (that's me, I'm the legend). Sadé was born with a full head of hair just like our daughter Sarai was. Every 30th December Sadé celebrated her birthday merrily until she met me. Then her birthdays became legendary because I mean you know, I'm a legend. ?. Let me get serious. Happy birthday my love. You have been an inspiration to me since I've known you. From paying your own way through university, to achieving every goal you've set your sights on. Seeing you excel in your field has been amazing to witness. You truly embody kindness and graciousness in everything you do. I love watching you raise our daughter, you make sure she has everything she needs emotionally and developmentally, also you are her good food source. You have made me want to be a better man and I thank God for you every day without fail. Happy birthday to the first person I want to share anything with. I love you my poops and I wish nothing but the best for you for the rest of our lives. ❤

It was December 30th 1985, the day before a legend was about to c Read More

We started working together at Urban Brew studios in 2004 we continued there up until 2017 for @sjulad and 2018 for myself. @dylanking____ and I started Final Touch Media in 2018, shut that down in 2019 and started @quickfiremedia in 2019. We've done some small jobs with Sjula in that time but today brings us full circle. Quickfire media facilitating Sjula D productions on the biggest production we've had for both our companies. Not too shabby for 3 boys from Urban Brew studios. These pictures make me  really proud of where we are at in our lives. Not only are we still very close friends but we get to do business together with our own companies. The growth  is real. You are going to be seeing a lot of our logo on your screens in 2021 #QuickFireMediaXSjulaDProductions

We started working together at Urban Brew studios in 2004 we cont Read More

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