Amira Willighagen
Amira Willighagen is one of the top influencer with 18829 audience and 9.41% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Amira and Andro ❤️

Amira and Andro ❤️

Amira having adventures with Andro

Amira having adventures with Andro



“Jippie it is the first day of spring!
yesterday I had a very nice flower surprise to celebrate the 5 th anniversary of my audition for Hollands got talent beautiful flowers from Phillip from USA! thank you very much!!!! those who are South of the equator enjoy your spring!!!
Amira in her Facebook in September 1st

“Jippie it is the first day of spring! yesterday I had a very n Read More

Amira’s holiday in Europe was amazing ?#nature

Amira’s holiday in Europe was amazing ?#nature

#ClassicsIsGroot #Pretoria @skulptedbykai ?

#ClassicsIsGroot #Pretoria @skulptedbykai ?



Amira on Lecce, Italy ??

Amira on Lecce, Italy ??


