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Daily habits can have a MAJOR difference in your health AND the environment.

We can't afford to ignore how our individual behavior impacts the earth, our water supply, and every person who lives on this planet anymore.

But being environmentally conscious doesn't require becoming an activist and it doesn't have to be complicated either.

I'd like you to be aware of the ?POWER you have as a CONSUMER.

You can also make BETTER CHOICES every day.

Here are some EASY ACTIONS I've been able to implement so far:

?Giving preference to buying from local and minority-owned business

? Using natural, organic cosmetics made with recycled and recyclable materials (and avoid putting toxins into your body and polluting the water supplies and landfills) 

? Reducing trash by consuming mostly foods in their original condition (fruits & vegetables!), avoiding processed foods in single-use plastic, and over-packaged items.

? Avoiding harsh chemical cleaning products (check out the EWG Cleaning products guide - link in my bio), making my own cleaners

? Trading, borrowing, and re-purposing items. Buying second-hand items whenever possible. 

? Joining my local Buy Nothing Project (

? Avoiding buying plastic items, plastic packaging when possible, and bringing reusable shopping bags & produce bags to the supermarket

? Bringing gloves and trash bags to your local park, making a cleanup into a fun family activity - inspiring the kids more aware of their own consumption habits).

Next on my list: learning how to grow herbs and vegetables, and composting.

Happy Earth Day! ?

Learn more about how can you take action at

I am curious, how do you exercise your power as a consumer?


Daily habits can have a MAJOR difference in your health AND the e Read More

Do you love coffee? ☕ Can you imagine NOT starting your day with it?

In 2017 I did my first major detox, which included cutting caffeine for 30 days. The first few days were rough!! I realized I was addicted to caffeine and really needed it to help my brain wake up in the morning.

I didn't even drink that much coffee, one or two cups a day, but being off of it for a month made it very clear it affected my adrenal glands, and therefore my stress level, mood, sleep, and anxiety.

But I craved that daily pleasure, the morning ritual associated with it. That's when I started to get into tea. ?

At first, I stayed away from all caffeinated ones, but after a few years into my healing journey, I was able to start enjoying all kinds.

Technically, tea is a leaf infusion of the Camellia Sinensis plant, processed in different ways: black, oolong, green and white tea. And matcha, the Dom Perignon of teas - a special type of green tea leaves finely ground into a powder.

The rest are infusions, the so-called herbal teas: mate, chamomile, fennel, mint, dandelion are some of my favorites. You can use the actual leaves of the plant if available or buy dried and packaged tea bags for convenience. I also love some detox blends, rooibos, matcha & chai.

What I love about drinking tea and herbal infusions is that they can be strategically used for their health benefits, rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that can boost your brain, gut microbiome and help with digestion.

You can alternate between different kinds depending on how you're doing and what you're in the mood for. And prepare it in so many different ways: with lemon, adding nut milk, or as a latte... So it's never boring!

I'm not going to suggest you give up your coffee, but if you're stressed out, you might want to re-evaluate your relationship with it. You can still use it as a supplement once in a while, and bring in tea that's lower in caffeine as an alternative.

What's your cup of tea? Drop me a comment below!

Do you love coffee? ☕ Can you imagine NOT starting your day wit Read More

Seeing the transformation in my client's lives is priceless.

This is Paula's testimonial after 12 weeks of coaching 1:1 with me.

If you're interested in learning more about how I work, check out my website

Or if you're ready to take the first step, book a call to see if we're a good fit. Link in bio. 

Seeing the transformation in my client's lives is priceless.

This is Paula's testimonial after 12 weeks of coaching 1:1 with me.

If you're interested in learning more about how I work, check out my website

Or if you're ready to take the first step, book a call to see if we're a good fit. Link in bio. 

Seeing the transformation in my client's lives is priceless.

This is Paula's testimonial after 12 weeks of coaching 1:1 with me.

If you're interested in learning more about how I work, check out my website

Or if you're ready to take the first step, book a call to see if we're a good fit. Link in bio. 

Seeing the transformation in my client's lives is priceless.

This is Paula's testimonial after 12 weeks of coaching 1:1 with me.

If you're interested in learning more about how I work, check out my website

Or if you're ready to take the first step, book a call to see if we're a good fit. Link in bio. 


Seeing the transformation in my client's lives is priceless. Thi Read More

Tai-chi, yoga or any form of active meditation can be incredible Read More

You have a lot on your plate. Your to-do-list is endless, and it's overwhelming. I get it.

We all deal with stressors that we can't get away from on a daily basis. Sometimes it's people (your beau, your boss, or your family) or trying to figure out what's for dinner after 395 days into the pandemic, or the house chores we hate but can't escape from.   

But one thing is for sure, you shouldn't let the physiological effects of stress pile up and accumulate in your body, because that leads to a variety of symptoms and diseases. 

So we must tackle it on a daily basis. There are many stress-management strategies but here are what I consider the key pillars.

The fastest way to get you out of the adrenaline rush under a stressful situation is to focus on your breath. I know it sounds obvious, but we all seem to hold our breath or breathe really shallowly when we are under stress. I catch myself doing that all the time. So this is just a reminder that you have this simple tool at your disposal. You can start by simply taking 3 deep breaths, or try the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for 4 sec, hold for 7 sec, exhale in 8 sec)

?‍♀️ MOVE
Exercise can be a great way to sweat away your troubles and help the body process the stress hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol. But sometimes we are so stressed out and low on energy that we don't feel like moving at all. Try making an effort to do some gentle movements like stretching or some relaxing yoga poses. This will still get your lymph and vital energy flowing, will help you relax, feel good, and sleep better.

Try to relax before eating, and chew your food really well, because stress impacts digestion and the gut microbiome. Consider reducing coffee and sugary snacks. Add nutrient-dense foods that will increase your energy levels and boost your mood. Fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds will provide you with the nourishment your body needs to cope with stress. Smoothies are my fave hack to bring in lots of nutrients quickly. Check out my stories and highlights for recipe ideas!

What's your go-to strategy to de-stress? Drop me a comment below!
You have a lot on your plate. Your to-do-list is endless, and it's overwhelming. I get it.

We all deal with stressors that we can't get away from on a daily basis. Sometimes it's people (your beau, your boss, or your family) or trying to figure out what's for dinner after 395 days into the pandemic, or the house chores we hate but can't escape from.   

But one thing is for sure, you shouldn't let the physiological effects of stress pile up and accumulate in your body, because that leads to a variety of symptoms and diseases. 

So we must tackle it on a daily basis. There are many stress-management strategies but here are what I consider the key pillars.

The fastest way to get you out of the adrenaline rush under a stressful situation is to focus on your breath. I know it sounds obvious, but we all seem to hold our breath or breathe really shallowly when we are under stress. I catch myself doing that all the time. So this is just a reminder that you have this simple tool at your disposal. You can start by simply taking 3 deep breaths, or try the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for 4 sec, hold for 7 sec, exhale in 8 sec)

?‍♀️ MOVE
Exercise can be a great way to sweat away your troubles and help the body process the stress hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol. But sometimes we are so stressed out and low on energy that we don't feel like moving at all. Try making an effort to do some gentle movements like stretching or some relaxing yoga poses. This will still get your lymph and vital energy flowing, will help you relax, feel good, and sleep better.

Try to relax before eating, and chew your food really well, because stress impacts digestion and the gut microbiome. Consider reducing coffee and sugary snacks. Add nutrient-dense foods that will increase your energy levels and boost your mood. Fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds will provide you with the nourishment your body needs to cope with stress. Smoothies are my fave hack to bring in lots of nutrients quickly. Check out my stories and highlights for recipe ideas!

What's your go-to strategy to de-stress? Drop me a comment below!
You have a lot on your plate. Your to-do-list is endless, and it's overwhelming. I get it.

We all deal with stressors that we can't get away from on a daily basis. Sometimes it's people (your beau, your boss, or your family) or trying to figure out what's for dinner after 395 days into the pandemic, or the house chores we hate but can't escape from.   

But one thing is for sure, you shouldn't let the physiological effects of stress pile up and accumulate in your body, because that leads to a variety of symptoms and diseases. 

So we must tackle it on a daily basis. There are many stress-management strategies but here are what I consider the key pillars.

The fastest way to get you out of the adrenaline rush under a stressful situation is to focus on your breath. I know it sounds obvious, but we all seem to hold our breath or breathe really shallowly when we are under stress. I catch myself doing that all the time. So this is just a reminder that you have this simple tool at your disposal. You can start by simply taking 3 deep breaths, or try the 4-7-8 technique (inhale for 4 sec, hold for 7 sec, exhale in 8 sec)

?‍♀️ MOVE
Exercise can be a great way to sweat away your troubles and help the body process the stress hormones, adrenaline, and cortisol. But sometimes we are so stressed out and low on energy that we don't feel like moving at all. Try making an effort to do some gentle movements like stretching or some relaxing yoga poses. This will still get your lymph and vital energy flowing, will help you relax, feel good, and sleep better.

Try to relax before eating, and chew your food really well, because stress impacts digestion and the gut microbiome. Consider reducing coffee and sugary snacks. Add nutrient-dense foods that will increase your energy levels and boost your mood. Fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds will provide you with the nourishment your body needs to cope with stress. Smoothies are my fave hack to bring in lots of nutrients quickly. Check out my stories and highlights for recipe ideas!

What's your go-to strategy to de-stress? Drop me a comment below!

You have a lot on your plate. Your to-do-list is endless, and it' Read More

When was the last time you felt amazing? No stress, aches, pains, flare-ups, or allergies?  
It might have been a while, and it’s ok. 
Wellness is not a perfect standard to be pursued, that we’ll never achieve. No wonder we feel like we’re always failing at it! I love the definition of the Nagoski sisters, in the book Burnout:

When was the last time you felt amazing? No stress, aches, pains, Read More

Hey there! ? if you’re new here, let me introduce myself… I’m Renata and I help burned out women get their glow back through detoxing, diet and mindset.
Having BURNED OUT really bad twice in my life, as a former fashion executive in NY and entrepreneur in Brazil, I know EXACTLY how IT FEELS.
April is Stress Awareness Month, so thought this post was apropos.
I can’t be vigilant enough about my lifestyle as a recovering perfectionist and workaholic, so now I make a point of taking time off, doing the things I love to re-charge and nourishing my body AND soul.
When I’m not coaching or working on my business, you can find me…
?‍♀️ Swimming or hiking in nature if the weather allows

?‍?‍?‍? Enjoying family night movies with my husband, my teenage stepchildren, and our adopted fur babies, Mia ? and Kiwi?.
?Cooking with my hubby, we even have matching aprons that say

Hey there! ? if you’re new here, let me introduce myself… I Read More

What's your relationship with water? By celebrating all the different ways that water benefits us and is part of our lives, we can honor this element we absolutely cannot live without.

Having grown up near the ocean, water brings me balance and a sense of connection with nature. One of my favorite meditations is to simply imagine I am under a beautiful waterfall, feeling the weight and temperature of the water while I take deep breaths. 

Swimming is one of my favorites things in the world, the ultimate relaxation & self-care hack. It has the power to get me out of the fight-or-flight mode very quickly and calms me down if anxiety creeps in.

Today is #WorldWaterDay ? ?, a day chosen to celebrate water and raise awareness of the global water crisis. It's sobering to know at 2.2 billion people don't have access to clean water today.

We are so spoiled and completely take for granted the water that

What's your relationship with water? By celebrating all the diffe Read More

It's official, Spring has arrived!!! It’s the season for renewal and that has never been truer to me. At the end of last year, my body forced me to take some time off, so I'm so excited to resume my activities as a health coach! I will be sharing more about that soon in my upcoming newsletter, so subscribe - link in bio. Here are some strategies to jumpstart the season:

? DIET – This is a great time for a DETOX. There are many ways of doing it, but the easiest and safest is by doing some intermittent fasting. Eat an early dinner and have a later breakfast, so you have a 12-16 hours interval between meals. Add more nutrition-dense foods to your diet to support the body’s natural detoxification pathways, like berries, dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, onion, garlic, ginger, and turmeric. Eat the rainbow and your body will love you back!

?BEAUTY – Let’s EXFOLIATE to slough off the body’s dead skin that builds up after months of being covered in multiple layers. Dry brush to increase circulation and help DETOX, and do a full-body scrub with a simple DYI recipe - coconut oil and brown sugar. For the face, I recommend a cellulose sponge with a non-drying cleanser and a night treatment with bakuchiol and lactic acid. Check out some of my favorite products on Amazon, link in bio. 

? HOME – SPRING CLEANING it’s a must! I am a big advocate of de-cluttering to simplify life and I always sell or donate things that don’t serve a purpose in my life anymore. I am tempted to get rid of a big portion of my closet after months of wearing sweatpants in lockdown, but for now, I am making sure I only keep what I absolutely love. It’s also time to plant in the garden or get a couple of house plants!

?‍ MINDSET – This is a great time to review your yearly goals as we move into the second quarter of the year. Start projects, renew contracts, get more active on sales if you have a business, go out and socialize (responsibly), get on an exercise program... I suggest we support small businesses to stay afloat. And let's get outdoors as the temperature rise, it will be a great mood booster.

It's official, Spring has arrived!!! It’s the season for renewa Read More
