Sarah Dussault
sarah dussault is one of the top Healthy influencer in United States with 42432 audience and 1.24% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Announcing the launch of my new 10 min Core series on YouTube ???? link is up in stories or check the link in my profile. 

I know this isn’t a super cool announcement or anything I haven’t shared before but since so many of you are enjoying the peloton #hcotf modifications, I decided to share a pre and postpartum friendly core workout that doesn’t need modifications but isn’t super super easy either. I plan to have these released 1 new one a week. If you are part of my FWTFL Fit Fam, try incorporating this routine on Friday and Sunday this week! I’ll have a new one next Wednesday for you!

While I created this with my pre and postpartum clients in mind, this is a low impact core workout that anyone can do! 

????i intentionally included the photo showcasing my love stretched skin because while I feel lean and can take a picture that is flattering, this skin is going no where even with a stellar diet and exercise program. Learn to love this badge of honor ????

Announcing the launch of my new 10 min Core series on YouTube ??? Read More

Thought this picture deserved a spot in my feed with the rest of my progress shots because it accurately shows my love stretched skin ???? 

“We cannot hate ourselves into change.” - Emma Lovewell 

This quote stuck to me last week during a recovery ride. So many women, “hate” their bodies especially after pregnancy. My experience was quite the opposite. I kinda hated my body before pregnancy and after developed such an appreciation for what it was capable of doing when I treated it with kindness and love. 

I help my clients listen to their bodies so they can relearn what it’s like to have a positive relationship with it again. 

Yes, Ill teach you about macro tracking, carb cycling and intermittent fasting but my hope is that you learn how to intuitively to do this eventually on your own. So many clients come to me under eating, over exercising, unhappy with themselves. 

We use macro tracking to eat MORE, seriously, we do. We use intermittent fasting to give our bodies a break from constantly digesting food. By eating more through macro tracking, clients are not hungry during a fasting window and if they they are, I tell them to eat! 

These key nutrition strategies spike your metabolism, allow you to burn fat for fuel, and help you build that muscle you’re after. ⁣
Our workouts are paired strategically with our nutrition days in order to maximize fat burn. 30 minutes, effective and all you need!⁣
It all magically comes together and the results are incredible. I’m with you every step of the way and if you stay engaged, I won’t let you fail. ⁣
Questions? Hit me up below or in my DM’s!⁣ Link to sign up in stories.
We start tomorrow January 31st! Grab your spot TODAY.

Thought this picture deserved a spot in my feed with the rest of Read More

For Elle’s first birthday the boys gave her Covid. ????

We avoided it for almost two years but on our Covid baby’s first birthday all three kids tested positive. 

Technically the boys tested positive on Tuesday in pool tests at school but we didn’t find out until Thursday morning, Elle’s birthday, at drop off as they were all asymptomatic. Luckily, it appears they did not spread it to any friends while in school. 

Tommy continued to have zero symptoms. Connor was a little tired Thursday/Friday but that was his only symptom and Elle had a slight cough Saturday night but it was gone Sunday morning. It’s honestly a relief and I feel the least anxious that I have in a long time. We are excited to take and advantage of all the antibodies. 

Nick and I certainly couldn’t isolate from our kids so we accepted our fate and while we did test positive over the weekend, neither one of us would have had any idea we had it if it weren’t for the kids pool tests. We are both 95% symptom free. I haven’t skipped a workout or felt more tired than usual. I was the last to test positive so I’m still waiting to see what symptoms I develop if any.

The boys tested negative after their 5 day isolations so they are back in school already.

As I mentioned, after living with such anxiety since March 2020 of getting this thing, it’s a relief to put it behind us without issue (at least for 90 days I guess). 

If you or your young kids have gotten it, feel free to share your experience below. ????????????
For Elle’s first birthday the boys gave her Covid. ????

We avoided it for almost two years but on our Covid baby’s first birthday all three kids tested positive. 

Technically the boys tested positive on Tuesday in pool tests at school but we didn’t find out until Thursday morning, Elle’s birthday, at drop off as they were all asymptomatic. Luckily, it appears they did not spread it to any friends while in school. 

Tommy continued to have zero symptoms. Connor was a little tired Thursday/Friday but that was his only symptom and Elle had a slight cough Saturday night but it was gone Sunday morning. It’s honestly a relief and I feel the least anxious that I have in a long time. We are excited to take and advantage of all the antibodies. 

Nick and I certainly couldn’t isolate from our kids so we accepted our fate and while we did test positive over the weekend, neither one of us would have had any idea we had it if it weren’t for the kids pool tests. We are both 95% symptom free. I haven’t skipped a workout or felt more tired than usual. I was the last to test positive so I’m still waiting to see what symptoms I develop if any.

The boys tested negative after their 5 day isolations so they are back in school already.

As I mentioned, after living with such anxiety since March 2020 of getting this thing, it’s a relief to put it behind us without issue (at least for 90 days I guess). 

If you or your young kids have gotten it, feel free to share your experience below. ????????????

For Elle’s first birthday the boys gave her Covid. ???? We avo Read More

Obsessed… with her and this photo. 

Do I want another!?!!?? Just kidding. I’m a third child. She’s a third child. Hoping we always have a special bond like the one we do now. 

Someone asked me the other day how I knew I wanted a third, and I told her I just always did and was lucky enough to be able to do so physically and financially. That was it. I also thought it upped my odds of having at least one of my children live near me and like me when I’m older ????????‍♀️

@melissarobotti ????

Obsessed… with her and this photo. Do I want another!?!!?? Ju Read More

Today you are one, fearless and fun. Born to a special playlist of @taylorswift songs, your love for moving to any beat is still strong. 

Two on top and four below, despite a mouth full of teeth we made it to our breastfeeding goal.

Your crawl lightning fast but your lack of walk has you on track to finish last. Both brothers were walking by 1. 

Your friendly wave, smile and cackle light up the room. I still can’t believe your mine and I won’t forget the moment I learned you’d be coming any time soon. Or ever ever. 

Happy first birthday Elle. We love you more than you’ll ever know. 

???? @melissarobotti

Today you are one, fearless and fun. Born to a special playlist o Read More

????O N E ???? I can’t believe our sweet Ellie girl is one tod Read More

Peloton Modifications ???????? Olivia’s 10 min Abs #hcotf Thi Read More

“Bigger kids, bigger problems.” Let’s see what you got big SIX. 

Comforting a crying baby is easy compared to navigating big kid feelings and the empath in me is not ready!!!

A mommy blogger once told me I was lucky to have fitness as my primary niche as when my kids got older, I wouldn’t be able to post about their struggles like I did when it came to dropping a nap or weaning. 

I fear the days one of my children comes home crying from being left out or made fun of. Hoping that doesn’t start until later ????????Tommy is finally the age I don’t post about him a ton on here and soon I’ll have to ask his permission. 

Perhaps I’ll stop posting about the kids here all together. To be honest, I think of taking a social media break all the time or at least from Instagram but then I know I’d miss you guys. 

If I don’t post for stretches, I’m just recharging my batteries. ???? 

Major thank you to @wowlloons for delivering these Pokémon inspired Birthday balloons for T last week ????
“Bigger kids, bigger problems.” Let’s see what you got big SIX. 

Comforting a crying baby is easy compared to navigating big kid feelings and the empath in me is not ready!!!

A mommy blogger once told me I was lucky to have fitness as my primary niche as when my kids got older, I wouldn’t be able to post about their struggles like I did when it came to dropping a nap or weaning. 

I fear the days one of my children comes home crying from being left out or made fun of. Hoping that doesn’t start until later ????????Tommy is finally the age I don’t post about him a ton on here and soon I’ll have to ask his permission. 

Perhaps I’ll stop posting about the kids here all together. To be honest, I think of taking a social media break all the time or at least from Instagram but then I know I’d miss you guys. 

If I don’t post for stretches, I’m just recharging my batteries. ???? 

Major thank you to @wowlloons for delivering these Pokémon inspired Birthday balloons for T last week ????
“Bigger kids, bigger problems.” Let’s see what you got big SIX. 

Comforting a crying baby is easy compared to navigating big kid feelings and the empath in me is not ready!!!

A mommy blogger once told me I was lucky to have fitness as my primary niche as when my kids got older, I wouldn’t be able to post about their struggles like I did when it came to dropping a nap or weaning. 

I fear the days one of my children comes home crying from being left out or made fun of. Hoping that doesn’t start until later ????????Tommy is finally the age I don’t post about him a ton on here and soon I’ll have to ask his permission. 

Perhaps I’ll stop posting about the kids here all together. To be honest, I think of taking a social media break all the time or at least from Instagram but then I know I’d miss you guys. 

If I don’t post for stretches, I’m just recharging my batteries. ???? 

Major thank you to @wowlloons for delivering these Pokémon inspired Birthday balloons for T last week ????

“Bigger kids, bigger problems.” Let’s see what you got big Read More

Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????
Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who made me a mom (a day late ????), hates jackets and anything that generally make you overheated including sometimes sports. I can’t believe it’s been six years since you were born. I’d love for time for slow down but I also love the person you’re becoming and getting to do big kid stuff with you. If you’d like to sleep in your own bed now, I’m ready! ????

Happy 6th Birthday to my kind, generous, energetic baby boy who m Read More
