Healthy food: Kids + Family
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If you watch my rather infrequent stories you know we had these for a lazy Sunday brekkie a couple of weeks ago and decided on a repeat this Sunday as well. These are too easy and good to be gf! You can doctor them up by throwing a veg (like a small zucchini or a chunk of roasted beet) in a blender with and also to ensure good flipping and to avoid tearing (since there is no gluey gluten to hold them together) follow two rules:
1. (this tip goes for any crepe, gf or not) Make your pan uber hot. Use slightly above medium heat and heat it for a while.  Like if you think it’s hot, wait some more. If your first crêpe is scrambled - the pan is not hot enough
2. Give it enough time on the first side. The thin edge of the crepe should start looking crispy and browned and then flip and barely cook on the 2nd side
Into your #Vitamix throw:
3 large eggs
1/2 cup of gf rolled oats (Hello, bulk section of the store!)
1/2 tsp. baking soda (make sure it hasn’t been opened for more than 6 months)
Pinch salt
1 cup of buttermilk (to make #dairy free buttermilk add  1 TBSP of lemon juice to 1 cup of coconut milk, stir and let sit at room temp for 10 min.)
Optional: if you want to indulge a little throw a teaspoon of raw sugar in as well.
Melt 2 TBSP of grass-fed butter or ghee on the stove. Add all the ingredients aside from butter to the blender and blend them up well. Stir the melted butter in. Preheat your  pan as per instructions above. I used an 11 inch round pan and doled the batter out with a 1/3 cup measure ☝????which was NOT filled all the way to the top to make a perfectly thin crepe. Flip as per instructions above. Top with your favorite things. These store well in an airtight container in the fridge.
If you have any leftover (lol like you would!) you can smother them with nut butter or seed butter and jam, roll a banana into them, slice and voila you have a yummy lunchbox stuffer. To see what I mean watch my stories! .
Xoxo ????

EASIEST GLUTEN-FREE OAT CRÊPES . If you watch my rather infreque Read More

SNEAKY BROWNIES (almond flour + beet + avo)

Make no mistake, if you use all the ingredients I list - these will be deep, rich, dark chocolate brownies. But, man, are they deliciously satisfying and, girl, are you sneaking two veggies into those suckers! OK, OK, technically avo ???? is a fruit, but still? Grey was burning his mouth eating those barely cooled and he helped make them - major #kidsinthekitchen alert!
Top these babies off with some locally made vanilla fro-yo, some unhomogenized and very gently pasteurized grass-fed whipped local cream or some coconut or (my fave) cashew milk ice cream and it’s a total party!
1/2 cup unsalted grass-fed butter (try virgin coconut oil for #dairyfree and let me know how you make out!)
1 cup chocolate chips (we use Enjoy Life dark chocolate morsels bc they only have TWO ingredients)
1+1/4 cup almond flour 
3 tablespoons raw cocoa powder 
1 heaping teaspoon baking powder 
1 teaspoon very coarse kosher salt (if you use fine salt 1/4 tsp)
1 small beet roasted until it is soft, peeled
1 avocado peeled and pitted
3 eggs 
3/4 cup either coconut sugar or sucanat (evaporated unrefined cane juice)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract or use vanilla powder with dry ingreds
 Step 1: Melt chocolate chips and butter over steam bath. Note: bring water to a boil before you place your bowl over it. Note 2: once the  water boils turn the flame all the way down.
Step 2: Put your roasted beet, avocado, eggs, sugar and vanilla into a blender and purée
Step 3: Mix the dry ingredients
Step 4: Mix it all together well
Step 5: Butter up your brownie pan and scrape the batter into it. If you want - press lightly roasted pecans and/or Maldon salt flakes into all or some of the brownie surface.
Step 6: Bake for 20-25 mins depending on the desired level of fudgy-ness (less baking time more fudgy, more: more airy)

#CFGsneakybrownies #baking #brownies #chocolate #instafood #glutenfree #grainfree #paleo #paleodiet #kids#baby #baby #babyledweaning #blw#toddler #thekitchn #feedfeed #veggie #avocado #beets  #f52grams #healthykidscommunity #brownies

SNEAKY BROWNIES (almond flour + beet + avo) Make no mistake, if Read More

So the only pics I was able to take before the smoothies got inhaled were of Grey doing the inhaling and making off with the pops ????????????‍♀️
This is a loaded smoothie, but it’s a total unwavering winner at our house, it makes for a quick and filling #onthego #breakfast. You can easily have all the ingredients on hand at all times (we do) and the combined nutritional and immune-boosting power of it is no joke. Especially now that we are trying to glide through the remaining cold and germy days here in the Northeast unscathed...
This #vegan smoothie is chock full of
✅ protein
✅ fiber
✅ vitamin C
✅ immune-boosting enzymes and vitamins
...And it all tastes like a yummy sweet berry shake!!
????Frozen berries (we do any combo of strawberries, black raspberries, black currants and wild blueberries)
????1-2 mega ripe bananas
????Small peeled citrus (optional)
????1/2-1 apple 
OPTIONAL: add frozen pineapple ???? for extra immune system boost and other benefits. Buy on sale, peel, cut up and freeze INCLUDING the core which contains a super-power enzyme bromelain which helps fight mucus (sorry ????) and give immune system boost!
You won’t be able to tell by color, but this smoothie boasts two super-power veggies
???????? red kale (stores beautifully in the fridge)
???????? raw beet (peel, cut into small cubes and freeze)
???? a scoop of raw oats (did you know that raw oats have one of the highest protein content per 100g of all grains?)
????Raw Manuka honey (about 1-2 tsp, no honey for babies under 12m)
????Probiotic powder (I like Klaire Labs- cleanest probiotic I have found)
????Liquid Vitamin D drops in olive oil.
ADD water ???? or coconut ???? water till about 1/2 way up the blender to thin out.
☝????Freeze the rest of the batch into pops. Grey eats loads of them as “treats” throughout the day
☝????In the summer pick wild or organically farmed or buy bulk berries at farmers markets and freeze loads. Berries frozen at the pick of their phytonutrient content - in-season - will give your family a lot more benefit than sad winter berries you overpay for at the store.
So the only pics I was able to take before the smoothies got inhaled were of Grey doing the inhaling and making off with the pops ????????????‍♀️
This is a loaded smoothie, but it’s a total unwavering winner at our house, it makes for a quick and filling #onthego #breakfast. You can easily have all the ingredients on hand at all times (we do) and the combined nutritional and immune-boosting power of it is no joke. Especially now that we are trying to glide through the remaining cold and germy days here in the Northeast unscathed...
This #vegan smoothie is chock full of
✅ protein
✅ fiber
✅ vitamin C
✅ immune-boosting enzymes and vitamins
...And it all tastes like a yummy sweet berry shake!!
????Frozen berries (we do any combo of strawberries, black raspberries, black currants and wild blueberries)
????1-2 mega ripe bananas
????Small peeled citrus (optional)
????1/2-1 apple 
OPTIONAL: add frozen pineapple ???? for extra immune system boost and other benefits. Buy on sale, peel, cut up and freeze INCLUDING the core which contains a super-power enzyme bromelain which helps fight mucus (sorry ????) and give immune system boost!
You won’t be able to tell by color, but this smoothie boasts two super-power veggies
???????? red kale (stores beautifully in the fridge)
???????? raw beet (peel, cut into small cubes and freeze)
???? a scoop of raw oats (did you know that raw oats have one of the highest protein content per 100g of all grains?)
????Raw Manuka honey (about 1-2 tsp, no honey for babies under 12m)
????Probiotic powder (I like Klaire Labs- cleanest probiotic I have found)
????Liquid Vitamin D drops in olive oil.
ADD water ???? or coconut ???? water till about 1/2 way up the blender to thin out.
☝????Freeze the rest of the batch into pops. Grey eats loads of them as “treats” throughout the day
☝????In the summer pick wild or organically farmed or buy bulk berries at farmers markets and freeze loads. Berries frozen at the pick of their phytonutrient content - in-season - will give your family a lot more benefit than sad winter berries you overpay for at the store.
So the only pics I was able to take before the smoothies got inhaled were of Grey doing the inhaling and making off with the pops ????????????‍♀️
This is a loaded smoothie, but it’s a total unwavering winner at our house, it makes for a quick and filling #onthego #breakfast. You can easily have all the ingredients on hand at all times (we do) and the combined nutritional and immune-boosting power of it is no joke. Especially now that we are trying to glide through the remaining cold and germy days here in the Northeast unscathed...
This #vegan smoothie is chock full of
✅ protein
✅ fiber
✅ vitamin C
✅ immune-boosting enzymes and vitamins
...And it all tastes like a yummy sweet berry shake!!
????Frozen berries (we do any combo of strawberries, black raspberries, black currants and wild blueberries)
????1-2 mega ripe bananas
????Small peeled citrus (optional)
????1/2-1 apple 
OPTIONAL: add frozen pineapple ???? for extra immune system boost and other benefits. Buy on sale, peel, cut up and freeze INCLUDING the core which contains a super-power enzyme bromelain which helps fight mucus (sorry ????) and give immune system boost!
You won’t be able to tell by color, but this smoothie boasts two super-power veggies
???????? red kale (stores beautifully in the fridge)
???????? raw beet (peel, cut into small cubes and freeze)
???? a scoop of raw oats (did you know that raw oats have one of the highest protein content per 100g of all grains?)
????Raw Manuka honey (about 1-2 tsp, no honey for babies under 12m)
????Probiotic powder (I like Klaire Labs- cleanest probiotic I have found)
????Liquid Vitamin D drops in olive oil.
ADD water ???? or coconut ???? water till about 1/2 way up the blender to thin out.
☝????Freeze the rest of the batch into pops. Grey eats loads of them as “treats” throughout the day
☝????In the summer pick wild or organically farmed or buy bulk berries at farmers markets and freeze loads. Berries frozen at the pick of their phytonutrient content - in-season - will give your family a lot more benefit than sad winter berries you overpay for at the store.


PALEO BUFFALO CHICKEN (#dairyfree #glutenfree #grainfree with a NEW* improved veggie loaded option!)
I made this deliciousness from leftover roasted chicken yesterday and posted to my story and it looks like some peeps want the recipe! It’s also vvvverrrry timely for those who need #SuperbowlLII ???? party food ideas.
You can:
????Eat it with chips, crackers, vegetables
????Stuff a baked potato with it (Japanese sweet potato is insanely good stuffed with it #cfgtwicebakedmushroomstuffedpotatoes)
????Top regular or gluten-free pizza crust with it
Recipe is in comments!
#SuperBowl #football #superbowlfood 
#gloobyfood #feedfeed #thekitchn #healthy #realfood #whole30 #paleokids #buffalowings #spicy #partyfood #mealprep #healthykidscommunity #recipe #homemade #f52grams #kidfood #blw #toddler #glutenfree #dairyfree #grainfree #nutfree #CFGpaleobuffalochicken #partyfood

PALEO BUFFALO CHICKEN (#dairyfree #glutenfree #grainfree with a N Read More

I’m getting on the #2017bestnine bandwagon and sharing your favorite posts of 2017. This has been my least productive year on Insta as due some family and work priorities I all but stopped posting this summer. I still cook and eagerly learn about food and nutrition every single day and hope to come back to regular posting in 2018. For now, thank you all for sticking with me and trying out my recipes ????????
And, of course, thank you to the incredible Insta Mom community that showed me that this day and age you can make fast friends without ever seeing or even speaking to them live, and no matter what they say about social media, that is plain incredible ✨✨✨
Find links to the aforementioned recipes below and have a warm fun 2018 filled with love and friendship.
xoxo Liza

HAPPY NEW YEAR ???? . I’m getting on the #2017bestnine bandwago Read More

APPLE BUCKWHEAT YOGURT WAFFLES (#glutenfree, can be made into pancakes)
We had buckwheat waffles this morning because mama wants a waffle too (once in a while) and the said mama recently found that any wheat-rich meal gives her bad stomach cramps and the “I-just-ate-a-rock” feeling ???? I never had an allergy in my life and tried to deny this for a while, but doubts aside, not having gluten has made me feel way better. The rest of the family remains happy gluten gluttons but it hasn’t been very hard as not eating gluten helps me avoid treats and pastries..... buuhhht missing Sunday waffles makes me all ???????????? so... I just tweaked my #CFGsilverdollarpancakes recipe and these waffles are so easy and delish!
☝????you can make pancakes out of this recipe
☝????☝????you can use regular AP wheat, AP glutenfree or einkorn flour with the recipe as well 1:1 replacement
6 oz thick Greek-style yogurt (I used sheep’s milk but you can also use thick #dairyfree yogurt)
4 oz apple sauce
2 eggs
1 cup light (!) buckwheat flour
Pinch salt
1 + 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
Dash cinnamon
2 TBSP melted butter, ghee or coconut oil
Mix wet and dry separately and then mix everything together thoroughly. Add melted butter/ghee/oil. If you are using buckwheat flour you can just put everything in a blender. If you are using wheat flour be careful not to overmix.
Bake on a 5 setting of a preheated waffle maker.
No sweetener added so serve with maple syrup and home-whipped local cream!
???? Get more #BREAKFAST ideas by following #CFGbreakfast
????????Get more #waffle ideas at #CFGwaffles
#brunch #food #eeeeeats #imadethis #thekitchn #gf #buckwheat #toddler #toddlerfood #f52grams #babyledweaning #feedfeed #healthykids #yummy #hungrybaby #baby #family #instafood

APPLE BUCKWHEAT YOGURT WAFFLES (#glutenfree, can be made into pan Read More

SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning
SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning
SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning
SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning
SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning
SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning
SUPERGRAIN MAPLE, COCONUT, APPLE & SEED GRANOLA (#nutfree, #glutenfree, #dairyfree)
Because I need snacks to have with tea ???? and the kid needs nut-free granola for school. Also because that smell ???????????? Needless to say, this is a perfect #kidsinthekitchen project!
3 cups of mixed: rolled oats, quinoa flakes and kamut flakes*
*I use most rolled oats with about 1/2 - 2/3 cups of the rest) You can use any combo with rolled oats or just rolled oats without additions
2 cups of mixed raw seeds: pumpkin, sunflower, flax**and chia
**Flax seeds will ONLY digest if you break the shell by milling them. Otherwise they will pass through your body absolutely undigested.
1 large apple cored, seeded and diced finely with skin on
1/2 cup fine coconut shreds
Optional: 1 tsp. vanilla powder and a few shakes of ground cinnamon

1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Preheat the oven to 250F convection or 275F regular. Prepare two baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Mix dry ingredients and diced apple in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil together with maple syrup over a very low flame, don’t let boil, mix well. Pour the maple mixture over apple/grain mixture and stir together thoroughly. Spread evenly over the two baking sheets.
Bake for 70-90 min depending on your desired toastiness. Turn the trays 180 deg after 40 min
☝????unlike most people I don’t stir my granola. I like it to bake into a sheet (it will be very crumbly still) so some pieces are larger and are like little snack bars and the rest will crumble.  But you can certainly stir
☝????☝????if you add any dry fruit to your granola do it at the very end of baking or after. Otherwise they will become sticky and leathery and will stick to teeth????
#cfgbaking #cfgbreakfast #breakfast #kids #granola #baking #toddlerfood #buzzfeast #eeeeeats #healthykids #healthykidscommunity #f52grams #feedfeed #gloobyfood #thekitchn #toddler #baby #blw #babyledweaning


My son’s second favorite holiday of the year after Easter is a-coming. (Is it coincidental they both are associated with a good chance of eating chocolate?.. ???? ????????‍♀️)
He also would gladly wield all the tools to carve an actual pumpkin, but... let’s say I’m not there yet so if you aren’t either, here’s a couple of alternatives:
1. DECORATING PUMPKINS AND GOURDS (we have a Frankenstein gourd here)
Supplies needed:
✂️pumpkins and gourds (small to medium)
✂️multi-colored felt scarps
✂️multi-colored yarn and ribbons
✂️craft glue
Tip: for inspiration print out pictures of everyone’s favorite spooky characters: mummies, witches, Frankenstein, bats, spiders and see if you and the kids can recreate!
2. PUMPKIN PAINTING (no carve - no prob!)
Supplies needed:
✂️ white pumpkins
✂️acrylic paints
✂️palette ???? (can use a dinner plate)
✂️throw cloth (we use our multi-purpose roll of white butcher paper)
OPTIONAL: hair dryer to dry paint to create layers
TIP: acrylic paint is great, dries fast, layers well and washes off easily off little hands and faces... it’s not as easy to wash it off clothes so wear some old t-shirts or grab an art smock like the one from @bumkinsbaby
TIP # 2: use glow-in-the-dark paint to make them extra spooky-licious!????
Happy Halloween! ????????????????
#halloween #halloweencraft #crafts #healthykidsfood #blw #babyledweaning #toddler #kids #montessori #healthykidscommunity #baby #toddlerfood #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #pumpkincarving #artsandcrafts #invitationtoplay #fun #nifty #play #toddlerart #earlychildhood #preschool #preschooler #3yearsold #4yearsold #5yearsold #kindergarten
My son’s second favorite holiday of the year after Easter is a-coming. (Is it coincidental they both are associated with a good chance of eating chocolate?.. ???? ????????‍♀️)
He also would gladly wield all the tools to carve an actual pumpkin, but... let’s say I’m not there yet so if you aren’t either, here’s a couple of alternatives:
1. DECORATING PUMPKINS AND GOURDS (we have a Frankenstein gourd here)
Supplies needed:
✂️pumpkins and gourds (small to medium)
✂️multi-colored felt scarps
✂️multi-colored yarn and ribbons
✂️craft glue
Tip: for inspiration print out pictures of everyone’s favorite spooky characters: mummies, witches, Frankenstein, bats, spiders and see if you and the kids can recreate!
2. PUMPKIN PAINTING (no carve - no prob!)
Supplies needed:
✂️ white pumpkins
✂️acrylic paints
✂️palette ???? (can use a dinner plate)
✂️throw cloth (we use our multi-purpose roll of white butcher paper)
OPTIONAL: hair dryer to dry paint to create layers
TIP: acrylic paint is great, dries fast, layers well and washes off easily off little hands and faces... it’s not as easy to wash it off clothes so wear some old t-shirts or grab an art smock like the one from @bumkinsbaby
TIP # 2: use glow-in-the-dark paint to make them extra spooky-licious!????
Happy Halloween! ????????????????
#halloween #halloweencraft #crafts #healthykidsfood #blw #babyledweaning #toddler #kids #montessori #healthykidscommunity #baby #toddlerfood #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #pumpkincarving #artsandcrafts #invitationtoplay #fun #nifty #play #toddlerart #earlychildhood #preschool #preschooler #3yearsold #4yearsold #5yearsold #kindergarten
My son’s second favorite holiday of the year after Easter is a-coming. (Is it coincidental they both are associated with a good chance of eating chocolate?.. ???? ????????‍♀️)
He also would gladly wield all the tools to carve an actual pumpkin, but... let’s say I’m not there yet so if you aren’t either, here’s a couple of alternatives:
1. DECORATING PUMPKINS AND GOURDS (we have a Frankenstein gourd here)
Supplies needed:
✂️pumpkins and gourds (small to medium)
✂️multi-colored felt scarps
✂️multi-colored yarn and ribbons
✂️craft glue
Tip: for inspiration print out pictures of everyone’s favorite spooky characters: mummies, witches, Frankenstein, bats, spiders and see if you and the kids can recreate!
2. PUMPKIN PAINTING (no carve - no prob!)
Supplies needed:
✂️ white pumpkins
✂️acrylic paints
✂️palette ???? (can use a dinner plate)
✂️throw cloth (we use our multi-purpose roll of white butcher paper)
OPTIONAL: hair dryer to dry paint to create layers
TIP: acrylic paint is great, dries fast, layers well and washes off easily off little hands and faces... it’s not as easy to wash it off clothes so wear some old t-shirts or grab an art smock like the one from @bumkinsbaby
TIP # 2: use glow-in-the-dark paint to make them extra spooky-licious!????
Happy Halloween! ????????????????
#halloween #halloweencraft #crafts #healthykidsfood #blw #babyledweaning #toddler #kids #montessori #healthykidscommunity #baby #toddlerfood #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #pumpkincarving #artsandcrafts #invitationtoplay #fun #nifty #play #toddlerart #earlychildhood #preschool #preschooler #3yearsold #4yearsold #5yearsold #kindergarten
My son’s second favorite holiday of the year after Easter is a-coming. (Is it coincidental they both are associated with a good chance of eating chocolate?.. ???? ????????‍♀️)
He also would gladly wield all the tools to carve an actual pumpkin, but... let’s say I’m not there yet so if you aren’t either, here’s a couple of alternatives:
1. DECORATING PUMPKINS AND GOURDS (we have a Frankenstein gourd here)
Supplies needed:
✂️pumpkins and gourds (small to medium)
✂️multi-colored felt scarps
✂️multi-colored yarn and ribbons
✂️craft glue
Tip: for inspiration print out pictures of everyone’s favorite spooky characters: mummies, witches, Frankenstein, bats, spiders and see if you and the kids can recreate!
2. PUMPKIN PAINTING (no carve - no prob!)
Supplies needed:
✂️ white pumpkins
✂️acrylic paints
✂️palette ???? (can use a dinner plate)
✂️throw cloth (we use our multi-purpose roll of white butcher paper)
OPTIONAL: hair dryer to dry paint to create layers
TIP: acrylic paint is great, dries fast, layers well and washes off easily off little hands and faces... it’s not as easy to wash it off clothes so wear some old t-shirts or grab an art smock like the one from @bumkinsbaby
TIP # 2: use glow-in-the-dark paint to make them extra spooky-licious!????
Happy Halloween! ????????????????
#halloween #halloweencraft #crafts #healthykidsfood #blw #babyledweaning #toddler #kids #montessori #healthykidscommunity #baby #toddlerfood #pumpkin #pumpkinpatch #pumpkincarving #artsandcrafts #invitationtoplay #fun #nifty #play #toddlerart #earlychildhood #preschool #preschooler #3yearsold #4yearsold #5yearsold #kindergarten

NO-CARVE HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN ???? CRAFTS . My son’s second favori Read More

The healthy kids community are back with a bang to give you a variety of Halloween inspired food and craft ideas ????! Follow all of the accounts below to join the fun.
Make sure you tag #healthykidscommunity so we can see your spooky creations!
#healthyeating #babyfood #kidsfood #toddlerfood #familyfood #buzzfeast #huffpostfood #thefeedfeed #feedfeed #instafood #foodgawker #instayum #Makingfoodfun #funfood #foodart #halloween #halloweenfood #halloweenfoodideas #halloweencrafts

