Casey Snow
Casey Snow is one of the top Fashion influencer with 21259 audience and 3.36% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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It was supposed to be a simple examination. An Endoscopy and an ultrasound to take a look and see what was possibly causing the new pain I have been having for months now in my upper right abdominal area. 

Not only did I have to fight for this procedure, through multiple Urgent Care visits, emails, and more pointless appointments, they did not find anything wrong. Nothing. Just another thing on my list of health problems left unanswered... 

When I woke up, I was barely able to breath and felt scared and very alone. It wasn’t that the nurse wasn’t nice. In fact she was absolutely amazing. She comforted me, talked to me, and even helped dress me. I did not feel any sense of judgement, something I do not experience often and before I left I told her how grateful I was for her acts of kindness.

But the fact that my alarm was going off almost every minute because I could not get enough oxygen, that all I could remember before falling asleep was the horrible feeling of not being able to breath before going dark, and the fact I was still struggling afterwards, made things, made me inconsolable. I broke down. I begged for them to bring my partner back. My anxiety was already high before going under and I felt in that moment, absolutely helpless. 

When I was able to leave the hospital yesterday I thought I would feel better. In a way I did get some comfort when I was finally able to see my partner and eventually, when I got home, even though I was terrified to fall asleep again, I did get some rest, but as I write this now, I am still struggling. 

I think I am going to take a break, a few days  to recover and hopefully begin to get back to what was at least normal for me. 

Love you all.

#andigetdressed #effyourbeautystandards #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #chronicillness #chronicpain #femme #queer #bodypositivity #bodypositive #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety

It was supposed to be a simple examination. An Endoscopy and an u Read More

We need to do better. We need to stop putting the way we identify ourselves and others in boxes and continue to break down those social constructs that bind us in the first place. 

#nonbinary #femme #queer #bodypositivity #bodypositive #effyourbeautystandards #andigetdressed #asseenonme #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation

We need to do better. We need to stop putting the way we identify Read More

#ad : To my fellow fat loves, today and every day, I want you to remind yourself to stop accepting the love society has made you believe you deserve. To hold yourself only to those standards for which you set for yourself. And to not limit yourself by waiting for someone, anyone. You owe it to yourself to LIVE YOUR LIFE. 

Valentine’s Day or not, masterbate, eat that large slice of pizza and overpriced box of chocolates, and take the day off if you can, even if it’s just to binge Netflix on your sofa under a nice comforter because not everyone can afford to go somewhere or eat out and THAT IS OKAY too.

You deserve it. 

Also, meet Piggie Puff! ? Squeal! Probably the cutest toy I have ever received!! From @honeyplaybox 

Please check them out if you have not already! #honeyplaybox 

#plussize #effyourbeautystandards #selfcare #selflove #bodypositivity #bodypositive #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #andigetdressed #asseenonme #femme #queer #fupationnation

#ad : To my fellow fat loves, today and every day, I want you to Read More

I dare you to love yourself a little more each day, more than the day before because though we are not perfect, we are only perfectly human who all have flaws of our own. Our faults are our defining moment of who and what kind of person we want to be. That is not a weakness, but a power to learn and overcome our mistakes and that, we should never take for granted.


Wearing top and saddlebag from @fashionnovacurve (up to 3X), robe from @soncyshop (up to size 30 - does run small), and high waisted jeans from @torrid (up to 6X)


#effyourbeautystandards #plussizefashion #selflove #femme #queer #andigetdressed #asseenonme #bodypositivity #bodypositive #fatisnotaviolation #fatisnotabadword #honormycurves #fupationnation

I dare you to love yourself a little more each day, more than the Read More

Most importantly to the Black community, 

Please feel free to add your payment info below for restitution and mutual aid. 

#blm #queer #disabilityawareness #effyourbeautystandards #andigetdressed #bodypositivity #bodypositive #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #chronicillness

Most importantly to the Black community, Please feel free to ad Read More

It was three years ago when I decided to chop all my hair off. Now that my hair is growing back out again I am craving a trim or maybe have someone shave off the sides. 

Today my partner and I went out to try the new @starbucks pistachio latte. We don’t get a lot of chances to indulge cause unlike what Larry King believes, coffee IS a luxury. Unfortunately it was disappointing. Always willing to try something new, but next time I think I’ll stick to my iced chai. 


#starbucks #effyourbeautystandards #plussize #andigetdressed #happywednesday #femme #queer #bodypositivity #bodypositive #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #asseenonme

It was three years ago when I decided to chop all my hair off. No Read More

In a society where being yourself is not always accepted, defining who you are is more than just finding confidence in yourself, it is finding freedom. - Casey

#effyourbeautystandards #andigetdressed #asseenonme #femme #queer #plussizefashion #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #bodypositivity #bodypositive #selfcare #fupationnation

In a society where being yourself is not always accepted, definin Read More

#ad : To truly experience fat pleasure is to know you deserve it and for fats, it’s a constant reminder of the many things we fight for, but most of all, finding our own self worth. 


A couple things from my personal toy box: Wand Vibrator Ollie and Nipple & Clit Clamp from @unboundbabes : use code discoveringcasey10 !! 

#bodypositivity #bodypositive #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #queer #femme #andigetdressed #asseenonme #plussizefashion #plussize #allbodiesaregoodbodies #effyourbeautystandards

#ad : To truly experience fat pleasure is to know you deserve it Read More

#bodypositivity #bodypositive #effyourbeautystandards #fatliberation #fatisnotaviolation #queer  #plussizefashion #plussize #andigetdressed #fattruth

#bodypositivity #bodypositive #effyourbeautystandards #fatliberat Read More
