Kelly Baek
Kelly Baek is one of the top influencer in United States with 4959 audience and 1.59% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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At California Fertility Partners, we perform egg retrievals 365 days a year because we appreciate the importantce egg retrieval timing in optimizing egg quality, fertilization, embryo development and increasing the odds of harvesting euploid (genetically normal) embryos. Timing of when an egg retrieval is dictated by each woman’s follicular growth.  We trigger ovulation when the LEAD follicles are “ready”. Therefore before we even start any ivf cycle we:
✅ work to increase follicle activity with lifestyle changes, sleep habits, acupuncture ...
✅ synchronize follicles the cycle before so that we increase the odds , follicles will grow TOGETHER. 

Our goals:
✅ avoid “overcooked” ? post-mature eggs ??
✅ maximize the number of mature eggs
✅ optimize fertilization and avoid abnormal fertilization 
✅ increase the likelihood of high quality blastocyst development 
✅ and most importantly, increase the chances of harvesting euploid embryos.

In the images above, the top image is BEFORE and the bottom is AFTER an egg retrieval. The white “line” in the follicle in the top image is the actual egg aspiration needle that is within the follicle draining the follicular fluid as well as the microscopic egg.

Key ? points:
1. There is NO black fluid under the ovary in the top image indicating that the stimulation protocol was able to stimulate the growth of the follicles while avoiding the extrusion of fluid in the pelvis thus decreasing the risk of ovarian hyper stimulation .
2. There is NO black fluid under the ovary in the bottom image AFTER the egg retrieval indicating there was NO bleeding ??
#whywework7daysaweek  #experiencematters #herewhenyoureggsareready 

#californiafertilitypartners #ivf #eggretrieval #ohss #pgs #fertilitypreservation #conciergefertilityspecialist #eggfreezing #drkellybaek

At California Fertility Partners, we perform egg retrievals 365 d Read More

Vitamin D - facts vs sound bites. 

Repost from @drnicolenoyes
Do I need to test or treat my Vitamin D level?
Good nutrition is a cornerstone for optimal health. The benefits of supplementing human vitamin intake outside of pregnancy remain inconsistent with no clear evidence supporting usage to ward off heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline or earlier death. Despite this, Vitamin (Vit) D screening and supplementation have enjoyed recent massive popularity surges. Vit D - also referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” (because skin sunlight exposure results in increased Vit D synthesis) - is a fat-soluble vitamin (stored in fat tissue) and is known to be involved in the body’s calcium balance, bone metabolism and other regulatory functions. Routine Vit D testing often reveals “low” levels leading to Vit D pill supplementation. This month, JAMA published an article suggesting this is most-often unnecessary, highlighting all the uncertainty that surrounds the purported benefits of screening for or treating low Vit D levels in asymptomatic people.  The article cites statements made by the US Preventive Services Task Force: Vit D level requirement varies by individual; no one Vit D level defines deficiency; no direct evidence advocates routine Vit D screening or treatment in asymptomatic people. In addition, other reputable US organizations also fail to recommend population screening for Vit D deficiency but rather advocate select screening and treatment for symptomatic or at-risk individuals only, especially those with bone disorders.  Summation: You probably don't need to be tested or treated for Vit D deficiency unless you have a medical reason to be tested. Having said that, as so many of us have hunkered away indoors at our computer screens over the past year during the the COVID pandemic without the benefit of sunshine, it might be a good idea to head outside on a sunny day for a walk or some exercise to charge up your internal Vit D synthesis. #VitD #womenshealth #fertility #northwellhealthfertility @healthymamadoc

#vitamind #californiafertilitypartners #doubleboardcertifiedfertilityspecialist #drkellybaek

Vitamin D - facts vs sound bites. Repost from @drnicolenoyes Read More

Watch California Fertility Partners’ Dr. Karine Chung on NOVA’s “Fighting for Fertility” on PBS that premieres May 12, 2021. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Repost from @drkarinechung
“Fighting for Fertility”premieres this coming week on May 12th!  I am so proud to be featured on PBS’ NOVA episode called “Fighting for Fertility” (link in bio). The show follows the journeys of people navigating the challenges of fertility in the face of barriers such as racism and transphobia. 

In my portion of the show, we explore the unique challenges faced by transgender folks as they fight to gain access to fertility options to build their families.  It has been shown that up to 50% of transgender men and women wish to have children but because of barriers to fertility treatments, many may not pursue having a family.  I am happy to help raise awareness about the options and to share that fertility outcomes can be excellent for transgender males (even if testosterone therapy has already been initiated). 

#nova #pbs 
#fightingforfertility #transgender #transman #transfertility #transgenderfertility
#fightingforfertility #californiafertilitypartners #conciergefertilityspecialist #manywaystobuildafamily #drkellybaek
Watch California Fertility Partners’ Dr. Karine Chung on NOVA’s “Fighting for Fertility” on PBS that premieres May 12, 2021. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Repost from @drkarinechung
“Fighting for Fertility”premieres this coming week on May 12th!  I am so proud to be featured on PBS’ NOVA episode called “Fighting for Fertility” (link in bio). The show follows the journeys of people navigating the challenges of fertility in the face of barriers such as racism and transphobia. 

In my portion of the show, we explore the unique challenges faced by transgender folks as they fight to gain access to fertility options to build their families.  It has been shown that up to 50% of transgender men and women wish to have children but because of barriers to fertility treatments, many may not pursue having a family.  I am happy to help raise awareness about the options and to share that fertility outcomes can be excellent for transgender males (even if testosterone therapy has already been initiated). 

#nova #pbs 
#fightingforfertility #transgender #transman #transfertility #transgenderfertility
#fightingforfertility #californiafertilitypartners #conciergefertilityspecialist #manywaystobuildafamily #drkellybaek
Watch California Fertility Partners’ Dr. Karine Chung on NOVA’s “Fighting for Fertility” on PBS that premieres May 12, 2021. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Repost from @drkarinechung
“Fighting for Fertility”premieres this coming week on May 12th!  I am so proud to be featured on PBS’ NOVA episode called “Fighting for Fertility” (link in bio). The show follows the journeys of people navigating the challenges of fertility in the face of barriers such as racism and transphobia. 

In my portion of the show, we explore the unique challenges faced by transgender folks as they fight to gain access to fertility options to build their families.  It has been shown that up to 50% of transgender men and women wish to have children but because of barriers to fertility treatments, many may not pursue having a family.  I am happy to help raise awareness about the options and to share that fertility outcomes can be excellent for transgender males (even if testosterone therapy has already been initiated). 

#nova #pbs 
#fightingforfertility #transgender #transman #transfertility #transgenderfertility
#fightingforfertility #californiafertilitypartners #conciergefertilityspecialist #manywaystobuildafamily #drkellybaek
Watch California Fertility Partners’ Dr. Karine Chung on NOVA’s “Fighting for Fertility” on PBS that premieres May 12, 2021. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Repost from @drkarinechung
“Fighting for Fertility”premieres this coming week on May 12th!  I am so proud to be featured on PBS’ NOVA episode called “Fighting for Fertility” (link in bio). The show follows the journeys of people navigating the challenges of fertility in the face of barriers such as racism and transphobia. 

In my portion of the show, we explore the unique challenges faced by transgender folks as they fight to gain access to fertility options to build their families.  It has been shown that up to 50% of transgender men and women wish to have children but because of barriers to fertility treatments, many may not pursue having a family.  I am happy to help raise awareness about the options and to share that fertility outcomes can be excellent for transgender males (even if testosterone therapy has already been initiated). 

#nova #pbs 
#fightingforfertility #transgender #transman #transfertility #transgenderfertility
#fightingforfertility #californiafertilitypartners #conciergefertilityspecialist #manywaystobuildafamily #drkellybaek

Watch California Fertility Partners’ Dr. Karine Chung on NOVA Read More

This is a new children’s book that discusses egg ?donation and Read More

The uterus is a dynamic organ. ?⭐️ to this under celebrated organ ⭐️⭐️

Repost from @drnicolenoyes
The uterus (or womb) is a reproductive organ integral to carrying pregnancy. Normally, it is the size and shape of a small upside-down pear. Comprised of muscle and lined by glandular tissue, it is able to implant a tiny fetus & can most-often expand to accommodate a full-term infant. In any given month, when pregnancy does not occur, the inner lining sheds (the

The uterus is a dynamic organ. ?⭐️ to this under celebrated o Read More

Endometriosis increases the incidence of appendicitis especially when an endometrioma aka chocolate cyst is present on the RIGHT ovary. Dr Iris Orbuch’s study was just published in JSLS the Journal of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeons documenting the statistically significant increased incidence of appendiceal endometriosis when a right endometrioma is present. 

Therefore patients and excision endometriosis surgeons should STRONGLY consider removing the appendix at the time of minimally invasive excision endometriosis surgery. #itmatterswhoyoursurgeonis #experiencematters 
#endometriosis #endometrioma #appendicitis #appendectomy @dririsorbuch #californiafertilitypartners #conciergefertilityspecialist #ivf #icsi #ngs #eggdonor #spermdonor #surrogacy #drkellybaek

Endometriosis increases the incidence of appendicitis especially Read More

Love this real-life success story of a young woman who conceived naturally despite having high FSH levels and being told she was not a candidate for IVF.  Having a high FSH does NOT mean you cannot conceive ESPECIALLY when you are YOUNG and your follicles are still responsive. ⭐️

A high FSH means 
✅ you will not respond the injectable medications which have FSH in it. 
✅ you may not ovulate properly because when FSH levels are elevated, LH levels can also be high and therefore the LH levels may not be high enough to insure ovulation. 

Age is the number one predictor of success. 

Repost from @seedfertility
For years I heard what I believed was a girl's voice in my head - speaking to me when I questioned whether I would be a mother at some point. Would the medical community be right? Would severe endometriosis, my high FSH and a blocked fallopian tube prevent me from mothering a child someday? I was told I'd never be a candidate for IVF because my ovaries were prematurely shutting down. I was 31 at the time. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
The little girl's reassuring message was consistent and very clear. Offering reassurance, I could hear her tell me the same message:

Love this real-life success story of a young woman who conceived Read More

Our California Fertility Partners team provides personally customized fertility care 365 days a year because we recognize every patient is different and because we truly believe #timingiseverything . We perform egg retrievals daily and don’t skip weekends or holidays to AVOID #overcookingeggs ?and because we all strive to be #oneanddone for our patients. #doitrightthefirsttime 

IVF stimulation protocols, trigger times and IVF embryologists’ expertise are ESPECIALLY important in egg freezing. #NOcookiecutterIVFhere #whoyouworkwithmatters 

Thank you Los Angeles Magazine for including me in your 2021 Top Doctors’ list - I could not focus on trying my best to optimize success for our patients without our stellar team? at California Fertility Partners. #luckyme #dreamteam #experiencematters ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#californiafertilitypartners #conciergefertilityspecialist #eggfreezing #ivf #surrogacy #eggdonor #spermdonor #losangelesmagazine #topdoctor #drkellybaek

Our California Fertility Partners team provides personally custom Read More

California Fertility Partners’ Dr Guy Ringler is one of the first reproductive endocrinologists worldwide who pioneered gay family building over 25 years ago. #pioneer #workwiththebest ?#experiencematters ⭐️

Repost from @gwkbecomeadad
How exactly does IVF work? ??‍⚕️⁠⁠
Well, it's complicated, but here's a breakdown. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process in which a fertility clinic will fertilize an egg with sperm in order to create the embryos that will be transferred to your gestational carrier.?⁠⁠
The process typically starts with egg donation ? and a semen analysis ? ⁠⁠
Once you decide which sperm to use (for two queer dads, you can each fertilize), embryos are created! At this point, you can also choose to cryopreserve some.?⁠⁠
After genetic testing, it's time for the embryo transfer to your gestational carrier! This typically occurs one year after starting the process; a pregnancy can then be detected within two weeks. ?⁠⁠
Ready to learn more? Visit the link in our bio for all the resources you could ever need ?⁠⁠

And thanks to our experts at @fertilitytexas (Dr. Goldstein and @drskorafertility), @fertility_rmact (@docmpleon) and @californiafertilitypartners (@drguyringler) ??‍⚕️

#gayfamily #ivf #surrogacy #eggdonor #spermdonor #fet #pgs #conciergefertilityspecialist #californiafertilitypartners #drkellybaek

California Fertility Partners’ Dr Guy Ringler is one of the fir Read More
