Ella J is one of the top influencer with 11520 audience and 4.11% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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i just love all products that contain salicylic acid now #morningroutine

i just love all products that contain salicylic acid now #morning Read More

pas foto kok sunsetnya pergi wkwkkw nasib nasib yaudahlah
pas foto kok sunsetnya pergi wkwkkw nasib nasib yaudahlah
pas foto kok sunsetnya pergi wkwkkw nasib nasib yaudahlah

pas foto kok sunsetnya pergi wkwkkw nasib nasib yaudahlah

the prettiest wedding decorations i’ve ever seen ?
the prettiest wedding decorations i’ve ever seen ?
the prettiest wedding decorations i’ve ever seen ?

the prettiest wedding decorations i’ve ever seen ?



Feliz Navidad ?

Feliz Navidad ? #christmas

i love you?

i love you?

i love you?


i love you? #motheranddaughterbonding

time to enjoy myself after kaia’s bed time
time to enjoy myself after kaia’s bed time
time to enjoy myself after kaia’s bed time
time to enjoy myself after kaia’s bed time

time to enjoy myself after kaia’s bed time

Selamat 6 bulan anakku, enjoy BLW ? @kaiabriannautomo ? @mika_m Read More

she won’t stop moving haha akhirnya minta tolong dipegangin aja deh. ga jago aku fotoin bayi, unexpected ? ntr deh di ulang foto beneran. btw Kaia today #5monthsold
she won’t stop moving haha akhirnya minta tolong dipegangin aja deh. ga jago aku fotoin bayi, unexpected ? ntr deh di ulang foto beneran. btw Kaia today #5monthsold
she won’t stop moving haha akhirnya minta tolong dipegangin aja deh. ga jago aku fotoin bayi, unexpected ? ntr deh di ulang foto beneran. btw Kaia today #5monthsold
she won’t stop moving haha akhirnya minta tolong dipegangin aja deh. ga jago aku fotoin bayi, unexpected ? ntr deh di ulang foto beneran. btw Kaia today #5monthsold
she won’t stop moving haha akhirnya minta tolong dipegangin aja deh. ga jago aku fotoin bayi, unexpected ? ntr deh di ulang foto beneran. btw Kaia today #5monthsold

she won’t stop moving haha akhirnya minta tolong dipegangin aja Read More
