M E G is one of the top Beauty influencer in United Kingdom with 49197 audience and 2.11% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Decided to take a relaxing drive through the mountains near my house to relieve some quarantine stress today...unfortunately that didn’t last long as I drove past a gang of vultures that were balls deep in some fresh roadkill. Apparently they’ve become so accustomed to not seeing humans recently that my mere presence spooked the ever-loving crooked necks out of them, causing these creepy assholes to collect their mutilated snacks and take flight over my car as I passed by. Oh, that doesn’t sound so bad, you say?? Then you clearly aren’t picturing the DANDLING, BLOODY ENTRAILS that dripped all over my windshield as I played a gross new game of cannibalistic dodgeball all over the road. Moral of the story: when the sky opens up and rains down bloody bits of furry flesh, take that as a sign to get your ass home and continue quarantining like a responsible human being.
@katvondbeauty White Out concealer
@morphebrushes 35b palette
@maccosmetics It’s Designer palette
@colourpopcosmetics flexitarian highlight
@houseoflashes Iconic lash

Decided to take a relaxing drive through the mountains near my ho Read More

Mental exhaustion level: While driving past the farm I live across from on my way to work, I was 100% convinced that there were bears fenced in where there are normally cows and my first fleeting thought was not how unsafe bear breeding would be, but that I have no intention of ever drinking bear milk followed briefly by a fleeting image in my head of me taking up bear-back riding lessons since apparently I live so close to some friendly bear farmers. Idk what level that is numerically but that’s the level I’m on.
@maccosmetics Varnished Reputation & Vinyl Underground lip lacquer
@milanicosmetics Violet Villain matte satin lipstick

Mental exhaustion level: While driving past the farm I live acros Read More

Ya know those defining life moments that seem to stick with us and the memory is forever in the background of our mind, sneaking up on us out of no where to make us reflect and aid in our journey for continual spiritual and emotional growth?? Mine is that one time in elementary school when I snuck my moms Cosmo magazine and the first article I flipped to was titled “Is Your Vagina Fat?” and it included tips to loss weight for a skinnier looking baby box and my precious 4th grade brain couldn’t comprehend the body shaming information so my subconscious decided to take a snap shot of that exact moment and present it to me at the most inappropriate times. That being said..please don’t take it personally if you’re ever telling me something personal/upsetting and I start giggling. It’s not you..my brain has just decided to ask me if our vagina is still fat and I physically cannot cope with the ridiculous pressure.

Ya know those defining life moments that seem to stick with us an Read More

You know you’ve been watching too many conspiracy theory documentaries on Netflix when you have a mental breakdown about whether or not to call the cops after passing what appears to be a normal, illuminated Shoney’s restaurant sign on the side of the road but you notice that all of the neon letters have been conveniently burned out with the exception of the letters “S” “O” and “S”. ???? either I’m crazy or someone is stuck in the claw machine and the matrix is trying to let me know

You know you’ve been watching too many conspiracy theory docume Read More

Period cramp level: squat down in front of the built-in wall heater at work because you didn’t bring your heating pad and you need to scold your back skin ASAP but in the process of squatting, you accidentally fall back against the wall with all your weight ultimately bending the heater grate and causing the fan blades inside to vigorously scrape the wall creating the most anxiety-inducing robot-murder noises so you try to fix your mess before your boss notices by removing the grate from the wall with a make-shift screw driver you’ve created but you accidentally jam the motor with it instead causing it to massively overheat and smoke and almost catch the wall on fire so now all your coworkers and your boss have to intervene so the building doesn’t catch fire and you get asked to just take PTO the next time your cramps are this bad to avoid anymore “accidents.”

Period cramp level: squat down in front of the built-in wall heat Read More

One day at work last week I reallllllly had to pee..like imagine chugging a Monster, 6 large blue Gatorades on top of an entire 2-star Holiday Inn-sized swimming pool..THATS how bad I had to pee. So I ran to the employee bathroom, close the door, go to sit down and just as I’m about give the ocean back to the earth I hear someone outside the door shout “DONT! YOU! DARE!” Me, not knowing how to reply or why I’m being pee-shamed, involuntarily yelled back “BUT WHY!? PLEASE! I NEED THIS!” I pull up my pants in a panic and waddle out of the bathroom to figure out why this sadist is warning me not to pee only to see it’s just my co worker talking to her boyfriend on the phone and laughing at my toilet-time pleas. In summary: I peed for 6 minutes and my coworkers now mock-beg me before they use the bathroom.
@maccosmetics It’s Designer palette
@urbandecaycosmetics Electric Palette
@houseoflashes Iconic Lite
@colourpopcosmetics Ripple super shock shadow
@milanicosmetics Fanny Pack

One day at work last week I reallllllly had to pee..like imagine Read More

You know that awkward moment when you see a specific person you kinda know and remember that the last conversation you had with him a couple weeks ago was about all his disgusting plumbing career stories so you walk up to him while he's in the middle of talking to someone else and reference that conversation by excitedly shouting

You know that awkward moment when you see a specific person you k Read More

I like to measure my happiness and success in life on a weighted Hillary Duff scale of my own creation. On a good day I’m a solid Lizzie Maguire with a reboot on the horizon. On a bad day, I’m a mix between Agent Cody Banks and The Haunting of Sharon Tate. Today I’m a solid Cheaper by the Dozen 2 so you know..you do the math.
**Endlessly inspired by the amazingly talented @iseecaroline as always!**
@morphebrushes 39A
@colourpopcosmetics Kiss N’Teal mascara
@houseoflashes iconic lash
@urbandecaycosmetics Distortion Metal Liner

I like to measure my happiness and success in life on a weighted Read More

Spent my 30min commute to work the other day in silence wondering what it would be like to get tortured via gorilla gluing all the holes on your body shut. Like, not just the obvious holes either...the ones you especially never want glue near but only after being fed lots of liquids and then just being left sticky and alone like a giant water balloon until you burst. Then if that wasn’t enough, I upgraded from just the holes, to wondering what it would be like to be dipped into a bucket of gorilla glue like a nightmare piñata in an attempt to trap all your candy inside you forever. I don’t think my coworkers will ever ask how my drive into work was again...
@katvondbeauty White Out concealer
@morphebrushes 35b palette
@maccosmetics It’s Designer palette
@colourpopcosmetics flexitarian highlight
@houseoflashes Iconic lash

Spent my 30min commute to work the other day in silence wondering Read More
