I am a Health & wellness practitioner is one of the top Sport/Fitness influencer in United Kingdom with 7811 audience and 1.88% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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NEVER before has our morning routine been more important...
I’m finding that my mornings are SO crucial to how my day unfolds during this time ✨ ✨
It’s funny because usually my schedule is different everyday, I dislike routine so my lifestyle works for me. I like waking up at different times teach day, I like eating my meals at different times each day! I exercise when I feel I have the energy rather than when I ‘have to’ in my ‘schedule’ SO.... this whole routine thing actually really freaked me out ??‍♀️
But I have chosen to embrace it... and now I am actually loving it! ✨
I wake up at around 7am (which is fab considering I usually have classes at 6) ✨
I down water and then head straight for coffee and a rusk ??
After this I tune into my meditation and reset my nervous system for the day... best! - I might have a class before & after I do this, depending on the day! ✨
Shower, dress into Normal clothes ? ✨
Make some brek, Oats, smoothies,
Eggs and avo have been a staple ✨
I then sit down and do computer work... The rest of the day always differs, from classes to boring desk stuff, to creative calls and meetings about an exciting food venture (which is sadly also going to open later than we thought) to taking time to make delish lunches and snacks and connect with those around me... this changes but my mornings don’t! ✨
I’ve also found that exercise/yoga works better later in the day than in the morning... also not something I usually love ?
It’s amazing how I thought I hated routine yet I’m loving this... I guess, sometimes we are thrown head first into situations and are forced to adapt, only to find something out about ourselves that we thought we knew, but turns out maybe we didn’t....
Basically guys this is your Monday reminder to just do things differently without resistance, fear or guilt and see where it takes you... who knows? ☺️
Also this smoothie and others will be coming to you this week through some epic videos and tutorials ??can’t wait!

NEVER before has our morning routine been more important... ?? I Read More

Reflection... one of the best ways to really SEE...?
See yourself 
See your mindset 
See your state 
See stuff around you beyond just you
See further 
Just NOTICE ? ✨
I think so often we look at reflection as a way looking at our physical appearance... and nothing more...but I have been thinking a lot about the other reflections that we see lately... ✨
I see a lot of people and clients labelling themselves based on what they can see physically in the mirror...
‘I am big boned so can’t run’
‘I am a runner so can’t do yoga stuff’
‘ I don’t have an athletic body so I’m not really into exercising’ ‘ I don’t have a tanned skin so I don’t like the beach’ ‘ I don’t dress well so I don’t like going to certain social events’... to name a few I’ve heard...
In class lately I have been encouraging the concept of seeing beyond what you can see physically, seeing beyond the labels either you’ve given yourself or others have given you. What can you really see and notice when you look further, deeper than that? ✨
It’s a pretty amazing exercise...one which I really do encourage every single person to do every now and then... because once we see further we can learn a little more about ourselves and our personalities, from there we can either simple learn to be okay with that.... or we can make changes ? 〰️It all starts with a little more self awareness guys 〰️ Happppyyyy weeeekendddd

Reflection... one of the best ways to really SEE...? ✨ See your Read More

✨Inhale hope... Exhale uncertainty ✨ Catch me live tomorrow at 8am UK time, for a juicy flow and stretch. Whose joining? ?☀️

✨Inhale hope... Exhale uncertainty ✨ Catch me live tomorrow a Read More

??1 MONTH UNTIL #kealthedeal ??

??1 MONTH UNTIL #kealthedeal ??

‘ACKNOWLEDGING the good that you ALREADY have in your life, is the foundation for ALL abundance’ - Said so beautifully by my favourite @ekhart_tolle ✨
Thank you for the nomination @emmakthomson 
We very quickly realise that it’s the people we love and care for, that are the things that mean most at this time! But not everyone has someone watching over and caring for them. ?
These times are incredibly humbling for us all and while it’s tough to be away from loved ones, & whilst financially it could be rocky and your daily routine and mental health could be taking a knock, there are also millions in South Africa and in under developed countries that aren’t entirely sure where their next meal will come from... & this isn’t just at times like these but everyday! ✨
A sad but true reality.
My charity of choice is one which is close to my home in SA, @angels_care_centre in Howick do some really special work (Link in my bio) - These little ones are adorable and deserve a good crack at life ??
So every like this post gets will be R10 donated by myself to these guys. Get tapping !!!??? @se_king @caitlyndebeer you’re up! ✨


‘ACKNOWLEDGING the good that you ALREADY have in your life, is Read More

✨Woke up to blue skies and lots of forward moving energy ✨

✨Woke up to blue skies and lots of forward moving energy ✨

✨PASTA ✨PASTA ✨PASTA ✨ Full recipe in my stories ??

✨PASTA ✨PASTA ✨PASTA ✨ Full recipe in my stories ??

✨✨✨Finding light wherever we can at the moment... you’ll be surprised how many places you can find it and just how vast it is✨✨✨ No clue what made us do it but, YES we swam in that water last night ???‍♀️

✨✨✨Finding light wherever we can at the moment... you’ll Read More

We may not be getting married in two weeks but we are definitely still feeling the love...??
Fresh air, lots of chilling and resetting! Grateful for this time....
P.s Mark Hates selfie’s so half a face will do ?

We may not be getting married in two weeks but we are definitely Read More
