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📷 ALBERTA WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER is one of the top Photography influencer with 14821 audience and 2.15% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Think of yourself as a professional poker player, sitting at game table, being delt a new hand. You have no idea what your cards are before you flip them over, but what you do know is that, no matter what’s in your hands, the goal is to win.

You can’t control what the dealer gives you, but what you do know is you can use your skills and talents to control what you do with this hand.

When you flip the cards, you immediately get to strategizing. You don’t waste time whining & complaining about how terrible they are and then try to give up.

As a pro poker player you know that being dealt an unfortunate hand is part of the game and even with a bad hand you can still find a way to win.

What if we approach our lives this way. All our circumstances (good & bad) are hands we’ve been dealt and we’re so committed to “winning“ that we don’t waste time complaining - instead we look at our hands, strategize & focus on being solution oriented and keep growing and learning more about what we’re made of! 

“I’ve began to see the reason we have challenges in our lives is for us to use them to evolve, to become, to fulfill our purpose, to grow. They are not given to us to beat us down and make us suffer, if we shift our perspective we’ll see they actually hold in them the curriculum we must use to become who it is we are meant to be in this world!” - James Clear 

* I have zero pictures of anything relating to this snowy background of the #canadianrockies will have to do!! ☺️??

Think of yourself as a professional poker player, sitting at game Read More

✨MASTERMIND DAY✨ Every Tuesday of the month our Designed On P Read More

The most important person I’m dedicated to loving fully & whole heartedly, is me. 

❤️How I love myself is how I tech others to love me, and how I set an example for my baby girl to love herself as well. 

❤️I’m starting to keep my promises to myself a lot more, and I am REALLY loving how that feels!

❤️The more mindfulness work I do in getting to know myself, the more I find myself caring deeply about what I say than what other’s opinions are.

❤️I’m also not letting me mind bully my body. I stop the shaming conversations as soon as I hear them start, and redirect to words of encouragement and reflection of how far I’ve come!

❤️I am grateful for all I am capable of in this moment, especially the joy I find in choosing to expand my limits to see just what I am made of, and how far I can grow.

❤️I know that my relationship with myself sets the tone for every other relationship I have - so if I want overflowing love, connection and fulfillment from those I surround myself with, it FIRST must start with me. 

Happy Monday Friend - GO LOVE YOURSELF 

The most important person I’m dedicated to loving fully & whole Read More

All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?
All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the days that follow, I just want to grow old with you ?

All my love - all my life, yesterday today, tomorrow and all the Read More

Enthusiasm is common - ENDURANCE is rare. 

Keep showing up past the stage when it’s super fun and exciting to talk and share about 

➕Keep showing up when it’s messy and feels like you’ll never figure it out 

➕Keep showing up when you feel completely unworthy and like you have no right to want something so big 

➕Keep showing up when others judge, criticize, or even leave 

➕Keep showing up when you question why you’re even bothering with this if it has to be this “hard”

✖️NOTHING will expose your level of commitment faster than inconvenience✖️

✨No matter what, keep showing up for your goals and biggest dreams until one day, you’ll pause realize you’ve arrived, and become an incredibly upgraded version of your former self in the process...which you’ll discover is the REAL gift!✨

Enthusiasm is common - ENDURANCE is rare. Keep showing up past Read More

“Continuing to reach for a better version of myself even when people openly judge me for it....I’m gangster like that”


“Continuing to reach for a better version of myself even when p Read More

You can eat all the healthy food? , drink all the water ?, and go to the gym daily ?? BUT if you don’t deal with the things happening in your heart ❤️ and mind ?‍♀️ you’ll never truly be healthy. 

Seek the courage to start with your mind, prioritize nurturing it like crazy...and be amazed at how so many things seemingly “fall” into place!!

You can eat all the healthy food? , drink all the water ?, and go Read More

Can you believe it’s been an entire year since our world dramatically shifted and jilted the norm we knew! Here’s some insight from my morning 
☀️Shine☀️ app journaling prompts!

A year is a long time to endure what we’ve all been through. For some, it may have felt like time disappeared, “Where has this whole year gone?!”

For others, it might feel like you’ve lived 100 years in this time...

A lot of us are hitting, or have hit, a massive wall, recently coined the “pandemic wall” 

If you’re feeling exhausted, struggling to feel productive right now, or having a hard time holding onto hope, you’re not alone and just know wherever you’re at it’s completely OK!!

Remember that your heart, mind, and body have been working overtime to cope through this. Some days with loss and pain, other days with resilience and grit. Hopefully along the way there was also some joy, self compassion, and connection with those you love.

We won’t be in this situation forever and there truly is so much hope on the horizon. I have really leaned hard into what hope means for me both through my faith in Jesus, and daily mindfulness practice.

I have needed these things to create space, to be still, to breathe deeper, and to keep reflecting on what I’ve been through so I truly know how to practice self-care & self-love to keep my spirits & hopes thriving! Prioritizing this has without question carried me through this last crazy year of such uncertainty. 

? It’s MARCH 1st - so ?join me?in setting an intention of how we want to show up in our lives over the next 31 days! 

➡️ I want to be the energy I want to attract. 
➡️Leading with deep gratitude and focus on the amount of abundance I am surrounded & beautifully engulfed in. 

I’ll come back to this intention in my daily journaling as a reminder of how I want to approach each day this month! 

⁉️What about you friend ⁉️What’s YOUR March intention that you can focus on? 

If you’re brave enough, I would LOVE to hear it in the comments below!! ⤵️

Can you believe it’s been an entire year since our world dramat Read More

•UNCERTAINTY• is a word on a lot of our lips right now, and if we’re being honest - it’s due so much to circumstances out of our control. 

The only thing I control is me. 

I am learning that leaning into uncertainty is a necessary powerhouse move to show up in my life after such a crazy last year.

It pushes me to pay attention to what is ahead, the people I have not met yet, the person I am becoming, and the challenges that draw me to be more open to my life as it unfolds. 

I am trying do this every day with my goals, daily habits, as a parent, as an entrepreneur, as a partner, and as a friend. It’s a choice I am intentionally making every single day. 

The process of showing up more in my life has begun with baby steps to self discovery and then feeling an enormous shove from God and even a few dear friends who see my potential more than I do.

I think eventually, in some beautiful moment of reflection I’ll look back at these grounding moments along my journey and be able to string it all together and know with deep certainty at each point along the way I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Which means I can rest easy knowing I am in fact NOW, EXACTLY WHERE I NEED TO BE RIGHT NOW...even in all that remains uncertain....& my prayer for you is that you’ll be able to do the same!

•UNCERTAINTY• is a word on a lot of our lips right now, and i Read More
