Jesse Itzler
Jesse Itzler is one of the top influencer with 306335 audience and 2.97% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Think back to 2017. How many moments do you remember?  Of the half a million minutes that made up that year...what mattered? What do you remember?

You can’t get amazing life moments watching a video or listening to someone else’s stories. You have to DO. 

With the summer coming up do you have ONE big summer goal? Do your kids have 1 goal they are excited for? Don’t let the summer of 2021 pass without making something memorable happen.  Remember....if you’re 50 and live to only have 28 summers left. 

My 2 Cents:  When you get a chance to create a LIFETIME memory...take it.  You may never get that chance again.  @29029everesting, @hellonthehill. 


ICE BATH, MONTANA. Think back to 2017. How many moments do you Read More

WARNING: this post contains intense language...and determination. Read More


I’ve seen a lot of people I know grow old at 40. Can’t move. Stopped doing the physical things they used to love to do. On 3 or more daily prescriptions. High on that fancy designer food program. 

I’m turning 53 in a few months. I’m not playing that game. EVER. I’m staying active, running, playing hoops, going on adventures and feeling OFF THE CHARTS...for decades to come.  Man...I’m playing sets of tennis in the desert in July when I’m 90!!!

Man was NOT designed to turn old at 40.

The good news’s never too late to reverse course. These are the words of my diet....fresh air, walks, nature, FRUIT, vegetables, lakes, oceans, juices, mountains, smoothies, friends, cold baths, breathing and sunshine. What’s your diet look like?

9.5 miles in. High heat. On a fast. And going out for more!

Throw a ? below you want to keep climbing as you age!


IT’S NOT A GAME. I’ve seen a lot of people I know grow old Read More

Of all the amazing things you’ve done...MOM is by far your  best accomplishment!  You make it fun, you teach, you prioritize, you play, you love. Sure....sometimes you go through the garage door when backing up, or forget the stove is on and the oatmeal overflows or you drive the  wrong way in carpool line...but we forgive you!!! ?


Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible moms out there. You make the world go round!!!!

Of all the amazing things you’ve done...MOM is by far your bes Read More


TMZ having fun with how we roll ?‍♂️. All good, but keep my Read More

The journey continues....

After 8 weeks of fasting for 24 hours once a week (water only) it was time to take it up a level. I decided to do a 48 hours “water only” fast. 

If you would have asked me a year ago I would have said “that’s impossible”. However, after reading so much about the miracle of fasting and hearing the stories of those that have fasted for 7-10 days (and longer) the “impossible” became totally “believable” and “achievable” in my head. Same exact mental breakthrough as running 100 miles. Once you believe it’s doable (and see other people that are not super human do it) becomes BELIEVABLE...then all YOU have to do is commit and complete it. 

Anyway, @dr.mindypelz is a great follow on fasting and intermittent fasting. She has been guiding me along my journey and I’ve learned so much. 

I’m convinced the greatest tool we have to heal our health is our own body. If we let it rest and give it a chance to do it’s thing....amazing things will happen. 

I’m in the middle of writing a book centered around wellness. I want to  include a chapter on fasting and feel compelled to experience it first hand if I’m going to include it. This is the continuation of that journey...:

Il’ll continue to update. 


The journey continues.... After 8 weeks of fasting for 24 hours Read More

This is what watching the @atlhawks looks like at our house. We g Read More

Last :09 seconds of the @atlhawks win!!!!!!!!!! I had to explain Read More
