natasha huang smith
natasha huang smith is one of the top Parents/Kids influencer in United States with 6815 audience and 2.55% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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I never dreamed about being a mother and now I can’t imagine a world where I’m not. ????

?: @taco_bail 

This morning I had one of the worst #motherhood breakdowns to date. I feel like I’m constantly having more and more but this one felt the worst. On Monday this past week, J had a teacher write up about his behavior for hitting a fellow friend in class because the friend didn’t want to give J the toy she was playing with. J doesn’t quite have his words yet so he was frustrated and hit the friend. Since he’s in a montessori school, he is the youngest in his class of 2-3 year olds. While I know this behavior is common at this age, when I read the incident report from the teacher, I was pretty sad. How was I raising a child who was hitting and being this way to others? I also found reading material about “Positive Parenting” in his lunchbox, followed by an email about “Conscious Discipline”. I felt like total $hit. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s the montessori method of discipline and misbehavior redirection. I mean, how was I supposed to know?! I was spanked and had timeouts and now I’m having to learn positive redirection and other parent centric parenting philosophies. It’s more information than I even knew possible about this topic ?

I know the teacher didn’t mean to make me feel a certain way, but it’s about Jackson and not me. I realized, it needs to start with me. Not just the self care mama stuff but also the mindfulness and consciousness of being this type of parent. 

I’m pretty impatient, I don’t fare well if I don’t have breaks from Jackson, I’m easily irritated, I lose my cool almost all the time with the whining and tantrums ... and the list goes on. Like I said, I never thought of myself as a “motherly” person. Some people just handle this like a boss, I wish that was me. 

So I beg to ask the question, is  the problem not my kid but rather me? #consciousparenting
I never dreamed about being a mother and now I can’t imagine a world where I’m not. ????

?: @taco_bail 

This morning I had one of the worst #motherhood breakdowns to date. I feel like I’m constantly having more and more but this one felt the worst. On Monday this past week, J had a teacher write up about his behavior for hitting a fellow friend in class because the friend didn’t want to give J the toy she was playing with. J doesn’t quite have his words yet so he was frustrated and hit the friend. Since he’s in a montessori school, he is the youngest in his class of 2-3 year olds. While I know this behavior is common at this age, when I read the incident report from the teacher, I was pretty sad. How was I raising a child who was hitting and being this way to others? I also found reading material about “Positive Parenting” in his lunchbox, followed by an email about “Conscious Discipline”. I felt like total $hit. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s the montessori method of discipline and misbehavior redirection. I mean, how was I supposed to know?! I was spanked and had timeouts and now I’m having to learn positive redirection and other parent centric parenting philosophies. It’s more information than I even knew possible about this topic ?

I know the teacher didn’t mean to make me feel a certain way, but it’s about Jackson and not me. I realized, it needs to start with me. Not just the self care mama stuff but also the mindfulness and consciousness of being this type of parent. 

I’m pretty impatient, I don’t fare well if I don’t have breaks from Jackson, I’m easily irritated, I lose my cool almost all the time with the whining and tantrums ... and the list goes on. Like I said, I never thought of myself as a “motherly” person. Some people just handle this like a boss, I wish that was me. 

So I beg to ask the question, is  the problem not my kid but rather me? #consciousparenting
I never dreamed about being a mother and now I can’t imagine a world where I’m not. ????

?: @taco_bail 

This morning I had one of the worst #motherhood breakdowns to date. I feel like I’m constantly having more and more but this one felt the worst. On Monday this past week, J had a teacher write up about his behavior for hitting a fellow friend in class because the friend didn’t want to give J the toy she was playing with. J doesn’t quite have his words yet so he was frustrated and hit the friend. Since he’s in a montessori school, he is the youngest in his class of 2-3 year olds. While I know this behavior is common at this age, when I read the incident report from the teacher, I was pretty sad. How was I raising a child who was hitting and being this way to others? I also found reading material about “Positive Parenting” in his lunchbox, followed by an email about “Conscious Discipline”. I felt like total $hit. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s the montessori method of discipline and misbehavior redirection. I mean, how was I supposed to know?! I was spanked and had timeouts and now I’m having to learn positive redirection and other parent centric parenting philosophies. It’s more information than I even knew possible about this topic ?

I know the teacher didn’t mean to make me feel a certain way, but it’s about Jackson and not me. I realized, it needs to start with me. Not just the self care mama stuff but also the mindfulness and consciousness of being this type of parent. 

I’m pretty impatient, I don’t fare well if I don’t have breaks from Jackson, I’m easily irritated, I lose my cool almost all the time with the whining and tantrums ... and the list goes on. Like I said, I never thought of myself as a “motherly” person. Some people just handle this like a boss, I wish that was me. 

So I beg to ask the question, is  the problem not my kid but rather me? #consciousparenting
I never dreamed about being a mother and now I can’t imagine a world where I’m not. ????

?: @taco_bail 

This morning I had one of the worst #motherhood breakdowns to date. I feel like I’m constantly having more and more but this one felt the worst. On Monday this past week, J had a teacher write up about his behavior for hitting a fellow friend in class because the friend didn’t want to give J the toy she was playing with. J doesn’t quite have his words yet so he was frustrated and hit the friend. Since he’s in a montessori school, he is the youngest in his class of 2-3 year olds. While I know this behavior is common at this age, when I read the incident report from the teacher, I was pretty sad. How was I raising a child who was hitting and being this way to others? I also found reading material about “Positive Parenting” in his lunchbox, followed by an email about “Conscious Discipline”. I felt like total $hit. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s the montessori method of discipline and misbehavior redirection. I mean, how was I supposed to know?! I was spanked and had timeouts and now I’m having to learn positive redirection and other parent centric parenting philosophies. It’s more information than I even knew possible about this topic ?

I know the teacher didn’t mean to make me feel a certain way, but it’s about Jackson and not me. I realized, it needs to start with me. Not just the self care mama stuff but also the mindfulness and consciousness of being this type of parent. 

I’m pretty impatient, I don’t fare well if I don’t have breaks from Jackson, I’m easily irritated, I lose my cool almost all the time with the whining and tantrums ... and the list goes on. Like I said, I never thought of myself as a “motherly” person. Some people just handle this like a boss, I wish that was me. 

So I beg to ask the question, is  the problem not my kid but rather me? #consciousparenting
I never dreamed about being a mother and now I can’t imagine a world where I’m not. ????

?: @taco_bail 

This morning I had one of the worst #motherhood breakdowns to date. I feel like I’m constantly having more and more but this one felt the worst. On Monday this past week, J had a teacher write up about his behavior for hitting a fellow friend in class because the friend didn’t want to give J the toy she was playing with. J doesn’t quite have his words yet so he was frustrated and hit the friend. Since he’s in a montessori school, he is the youngest in his class of 2-3 year olds. While I know this behavior is common at this age, when I read the incident report from the teacher, I was pretty sad. How was I raising a child who was hitting and being this way to others? I also found reading material about “Positive Parenting” in his lunchbox, followed by an email about “Conscious Discipline”. I felt like total $hit. If you aren’t familiar with it, it’s the montessori method of discipline and misbehavior redirection. I mean, how was I supposed to know?! I was spanked and had timeouts and now I’m having to learn positive redirection and other parent centric parenting philosophies. It’s more information than I even knew possible about this topic ?

I know the teacher didn’t mean to make me feel a certain way, but it’s about Jackson and not me. I realized, it needs to start with me. Not just the self care mama stuff but also the mindfulness and consciousness of being this type of parent. 

I’m pretty impatient, I don’t fare well if I don’t have breaks from Jackson, I’m easily irritated, I lose my cool almost all the time with the whining and tantrums ... and the list goes on. Like I said, I never thought of myself as a “motherly” person. Some people just handle this like a boss, I wish that was me. 

So I beg to ask the question, is  the problem not my kid but rather me? #consciousparenting

I never dreamed about being a mother and now I can’t imagine a Read More

Something borrowed, something blue ? @morgancreative and I work hard but we play even harder. We have had to shift our business @connectorsandcreators entirely due to Covid and no longer both being in the same city, but we have certainly adapted to make it work for our clients and our personal lives. If you watch either of our stories, you will see we love to have fun on set together. These are those moments ? We’re forever the “stage moms” and we have zero shame ?
Something borrowed, something blue ? @morgancreative and I work hard but we play even harder. We have had to shift our business @connectorsandcreators entirely due to Covid and no longer both being in the same city, but we have certainly adapted to make it work for our clients and our personal lives. If you watch either of our stories, you will see we love to have fun on set together. These are those moments ? We’re forever the “stage moms” and we have zero shame ?
Something borrowed, something blue ? @morgancreative and I work hard but we play even harder. We have had to shift our business @connectorsandcreators entirely due to Covid and no longer both being in the same city, but we have certainly adapted to make it work for our clients and our personal lives. If you watch either of our stories, you will see we love to have fun on set together. These are those moments ? We’re forever the “stage moms” and we have zero shame ?
Something borrowed, something blue ? @morgancreative and I work hard but we play even harder. We have had to shift our business @connectorsandcreators entirely due to Covid and no longer both being in the same city, but we have certainly adapted to make it work for our clients and our personal lives. If you watch either of our stories, you will see we love to have fun on set together. These are those moments ? We’re forever the “stage moms” and we have zero shame ?

Something borrowed, something blue ? @morgancreative and I work h Read More

Raising a child in a world in which people are destructive towards races and ethnicities different than their own is heartbreaking to say the least. So many friends have reached out and asked how I am feeling and I say I am filled with sadness and fear. Sadness for all the hurt people and families but also fear that my child will grow up in a world where he questions his identity and worries for his safety because of how he looks. But with that sadness and fear, comes hopefulness. Hopeful that our generation can come together and teach our children to increase their empathy and compassion towards others. That it’s about WHO they are and not what they are on the outside. It starts with us. 

But really though, who even remembers skin color when they were playing on the playground when they were little? All that matters were the snacks you had or the toys you brought with you ;) But in all seriousness, I hope we can all make changes and progress so that there is a better world we leave behind for our kiddos. They are our future. ??

Raising a child in a world in which people are destructive toward Read More

When you plan for the perfect birthday party and something goes w Read More

The days are long, but the years are short and these are the moments and smiles I’ll cherish forever ? Honestly I thought being a mama was going to be easier, I didn’t think about the years when they can reason and talk and understand ??‍♀️ I’m reading more books (on parenting) now than I read in college, trying to graduate sports medicine! It’s wild how many twists and turns motherhood has taken me on but it’s truly made me think deeper on the person I am, how I handle this little human, how I react, how patient or impatient I am and honestly how much I can love another. Thanks for teaching me sweet boy.
The days are long, but the years are short and these are the moments and smiles I’ll cherish forever ? Honestly I thought being a mama was going to be easier, I didn’t think about the years when they can reason and talk and understand ??‍♀️ I’m reading more books (on parenting) now than I read in college, trying to graduate sports medicine! It’s wild how many twists and turns motherhood has taken me on but it’s truly made me think deeper on the person I am, how I handle this little human, how I react, how patient or impatient I am and honestly how much I can love another. Thanks for teaching me sweet boy.

The days are long, but the years are short and these are the mome Read More

Aprés ski minus the ski. So really just aprés work. Ok so really just happy hour in the mountains being a snow ? with my fav girl ?‍♀️

Aprés ski minus the ski. So really just aprés work. Ok so reall Read More

Everything they tell you about the terrible 2s is a lie. It’s actually much worse ? Cheers to 23 months and counting ?

Everything they tell you about the terrible 2s is a lie. It’s a Read More

In a New York minute, I was able to refuel my soul ✨ With my bestie, with Central Park walks, with lots of outdoor wine dates, with the emerging city energy and with the hidden pockets of NYC magic. It’s strange to be a visitor in a place that used to be home for over a decade ? Thank you for the best 48 hours and see you again soon ?? Tell me where you are all living right now!
In a New York minute, I was able to refuel my soul ✨ With my bestie, with Central Park walks, with lots of outdoor wine dates, with the emerging city energy and with the hidden pockets of NYC magic. It’s strange to be a visitor in a place that used to be home for over a decade ? Thank you for the best 48 hours and see you again soon ?? Tell me where you are all living right now!

In a New York minute, I was able to refuel my soul ✨ With my be Read More

This moment right here is ALL the good things ??? ?? Hope you guys all had an incredible Easter!

This moment right here is ALL the good things ??? ?? Hope you guy Read More
