Leah- Entrepreneur coach

leah | is one of the top Business influencer in United States with 19960 audience and 1.33% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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A special thank you! ?
Over the last several weeks, we’ve been so fortunate to have been able to give back to causes that need it most right now.
Through the amazing support of our clients, some of whom matched our donations on behalf of them, plus many of you who follow me here that reached out to help, we were able to:
? Treat the team at a children’s hospital in Harlem to a pizza lunch
? Helped feed over 3,000 New Yorkers through our collective donation to @Foodbank4NYC
? Helped feed over 4,500 around the country through our collective donation to @FeedingAmerica
In a time when many of us feel so helpless, seeing this happen through this community has made me so grateful for you all and for social media (it CAN be used for good!).
So… this thanks is to all of you!
?Thank you to our clients⠀
?Thank you to those who matched our donations⠀
?Thank you to those who donated regardless⠀
?Thank you to being part of this community⠀
I am beyond so grateful for it, and for YOU.

A special thank you! ? ⠀ Over the last several weeks, we’ve b Read More

Live workshop: Successful Sales! ? ?
We’re hosting our first virtual workshop this week! A workshop is elevated from a webinar or training because we’ll be working with you closely during it the entire time. We asked you guys what you would most like to work on, and the answer was clear: a sales success workshop.
This is for you if you are selling anything online and want to learn my multiple six figures sales strategy. If you send (or want to send) sales emails, this is for you.
If you have (or want to have) sales calls, this is for you. Learn how to increase your sales from a place of service. You win, and so do your customers.
Leave this workshop with:
✔️ Your personalized sales call script⠀
✔️ A checklist to know when your product/service is ready to be sold⠀
✔️ Your 5 most common objections, debunked⠀
✔️ A system to track (and never lose) leads⠀
✔️ Sales training from me personally, to you!⠀
What's special about this workshop? It's interactive! We'll work with you directly every step of the way so you learn sales strategies customized to your business. Imagine never wondering what you're missing about sales strategy again! Here is the three part breakdown:
Part 1: When should you sell? ?
? Let's map out your next launch strategy- together in real time!
?‍♀️ When is your product/service ready to go to your market?
? How can you test offerings how effectively before you create it
Part 2: Sales calls & sales emails ? ⠀
? Let's create your personalized sales call script- made just for you.
?‍♀️ Sales calls vs. sales emails- when do you do what?
?‍♀️ How can you overcome common objections, once and for all?
Part 3: Sealing the deal ? ⠀
? Let's create your follow up system, no lead forgotten.
? How not following up could be costing you thousands, and how to do it right.
✍️ Sealing the deal when it seems uncertain. ⠀
Sign up at: bit.ly/successfulsalesworkshop

Live workshop: Successful Sales! ? ? ⠀ We’re hosting our firs Read More

Celebrating Scale Your Side Hustle’s launch!
Some behind-the-scenes shares:
? Five-figure+ launch
? 600+ new subscribers on our email list
?️ 2 weeks of launch prep
? Exhaustion level… 5
Usually I plan launches around two MONTHS in advance (as I plan out the quarter), not weeks. But SYSH was the result of pivoting my business plans dramatically when COVID-19 hit and we heard this is what people needed
If we wouldn’t have pivoted and led from service, we wouldn’t be celebrating this launch or here to support this incredible cohort of women.
In terms of the exhaustion level- I admit I was tired at the end. Launching without overdrive mode is still something I’m working on.
But for now, a 5 is still better than any launch I have done in the past.
This improvement happened thanks to:
? a bigger team this launch than ever before⠀
? excellent Facebook Ads that I tested to a tee⠀
? seamless systems working even when we weren’t
?️ a launch strategy that clearly shows the program’s benefit⠀
I’m teaching this exact launch strategy, (templates, Facebook Ads, team roles’ and all), to the upcoming cohort of my 2020 mastermind. My mastermind is the most elite offering we have, but I have to say, the next version of it might be my favorite yet!
We’ve tweaked the content in the mastermind to directly address what our clients need most RIGHT NOW during this time of economic uncertainty. You better believe this includes our tested and proved, multiple five-figure launch strategy.
Applications to the next round of our mastermind are open! Apply via the link in my bio. Please note this is for full-time entrepreneurs who are ready to end 2020 with $20k+ months.

Celebrating Scale Your Side Hustle’s launch! ⠀ Some behind-th Read More

Happy Friday! This cucumber margarita ? is dedicated to all my amazing clients who have blown me away recently with their perseverance, success, and dedication to their vision. Even in the most turbulent of circumstances.
Special shout outs to some of my clients who...
? Had their last day at their 9-5 job today @thesideclub ⠀
? Have a birthday Sunday @thewanderlover ⠀
?‍♀️ Is exploring every national park in the middle of a pandemic ⠀
? Sold 80% of their group program spots in a week! ⠀
? Sold their first package at a raised price this week ⠀
?Recently had their highest month in business to date- while five months pregnant ⠀
? Hosted a group challenge this week in the midst of personal chaos ⠀
? Led group virtual yoga to relieve the collective stress ⠀
They all represent what I most care about- that your business should support your life. And your life should be your dream come true!
A special cheers to those who joined our mastermind this week! ??? we are about to change your lives!
Only 4 spots left! Is one of them yours?! Find out more + apply via the link in my bio.
What are you celebrating this Friday! Share in an emoji!

Happy Friday! This cucumber margarita ? is dedicated to all my am Read More

From steady growth ➡️ to EXPONENTIAL growth ??? ⠀ ✨ Want Read More

Sharing our beloved apartment we just left. We loved this “some Read More

Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!
Our last day in our apartment!
Three years ago, we moved into our very first apartment together. This apartment will always be one of the most important places we ever live.
? We lived here when we got engaged. Our friends threw us an engagement party on our roof the week after (and we only have very blurry photos to show for it- ha!)
? This will be the last home my dad will have ever visited. The last time he was here, it was just a few months before he passed away. We threw him a Bronco’s themed birthday party.
? I built SO much of my business here (in my at-home office, which is really a corner of our living room). So many mornings up before the sun to hustle.
? When we moved in, I remember celebrating that I had a record-breaking day of page views. I wasn’t making much money back then, so the celebrations looked a bit different, but I’ve always tried to celebrate the little wins.
✨ I quit my 9-5 job here to go all in on my vision. It was scary but will forever be one of the best decisions of my life. I celebrated my first six figure year here and then scaled to $80k months here.
? My husband got ready on the morning of our wedding here with his groomsmen. We love the photos of them toasting together before going to the church. He must’ve been so nervous! (@SusanShekPhotography)
We had always planned on staying here for one more year before moving to a different apartment in NYC next year. But as we’ve all seen, plans have dramatically changed.
Today, I feel grateful. For the incredible memories we have here and for the new ones we’re about to make. For our health and safety during this time, and the privilege to be able to make lemonade out of lemons. ? For my own business that allows me to live and work wherever I want.
Most of all, for my husband! Here’s to an adventure we never would’ve planned. (Four months ago, it would’ve taken a construction crane physically removing me to get me to leave this city.) But we are SO excited to see what’s next. And NYC, we love you, and we will be back!

Our last day in our apartment! ⠀ Three years ago, we moved into Read More

Sharing all about our decision to move out of New York City. It w Read More

❌ 4 Things that Could Prevent You from 6 Figures in 2020 ❌

Save this post! ?
Though 2020 has thrown some wrenches in many plans (and that’s putting it lightly!), a six figure year is still possible- even if it’ll be your first six figure year.
{{BTW, my mastermind is for those that want 2020 to be a six figure year (or more!) and we only have four spots left. Is one of them yours?}}
Here are four things that will threaten that six figure goal:
?Sales as usual ⠀
One of the most common mistakes I see those in the six figure range make is to go on overdrive to sell more of what they’ve already sold. The key is to deepen your sales strategy, think big with offerings, and learn to overcome objections. If you just sell “more,” you’ll either stay stuck, or you may grow, but grow tired.
?Not scaling first
Scaling is a buzzword right now and can be confusing. I teach scaling to maximize all the assets and content you’ve already built. This is why the first three months of our mastermind curriculum is about finding the hidden money in your business.
??Playing the income guessing game
Every month shouldn’t be a fresh start from the past month. Your months, work, and income should build off of each other. We help you create quarterly goals in our mastermind.
Whether you’re teaching someone better health, better business, better relationships, more self-love, exercise… you name it. You have to walk your walk. If you’re teaching all of these from a place of exhaustion, that’s what your potential clients will fear happens to them if they work with you.
Don’t burn yourself out. Learn the strategies in my mastermind that shift you from the ramp up phase to the six figure and up phase. They’re game changers! ? ? Apply to my mastermind at the link in my bio! Only 4 spots left!

❌ 4 Things that Could Prevent You from 6 Figures in 2020 ❌ S Read More
