Christian McGee
Christian McGee is one of the top influencer with 6603 audience and 1.61% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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M  O  T  H  E  R  H  O  O  D like the Nickerson Gardens ?
...the Jungles ? rewarding the most sacred journey I’ve traveled a combination of raw emotions, experiences, hopes & dreams that has shaped my heart
...teaches you everything your parents said it would...”wait ‘til you have children of your own”, they’d say. ?

M O T H E R H O O D like the Nickerson Gardens ? Read More

“Women wearing hats are at once sophisticated and whimsical....Their faces are younger and softer.  They carry themselves differently, daintily, like deer.  Their voices flutter a bit...even when they are talking about things like money and power and work, even when it's clear they're very much in charge of their lives.
“Women wearing hats are at once sophisticated and whimsical....Their faces are younger and softer.  They carry themselves differently, daintily, like deer.  Their voices flutter a bit...even when they are talking about things like money and power and work, even when it's clear they're very much in charge of their lives.
“Women wearing hats are at once sophisticated and whimsical....Their faces are younger and softer.  They carry themselves differently, daintily, like deer.  Their voices flutter a bit...even when they are talking about things like money and power and work, even when it's clear they're very much in charge of their lives.

“Women wearing hats are at once sophisticated and whimsical.... Read More

What record are y’all currently playing on your playlist? 

I’m somewhere between @giveon and @iamluckydaye

What record are y’all currently playing on your playlist? I Read More

S  K  I  M  S

#SKIMS #pandemicuniform #loungewear #pjs #sage #plus #pluscurvychristian #create #plussize #plusmom #plussizemodel #plussizebeauty #curves #curvygirl #curvywoman #curvymodel #curvyfashion

S K I M S #SKIMS #pandemicuniform #loungewear #pjs #sage #pl Read More

M  A  T  C  H  A  M  A  N  T  R  A

4 moods: Matcha, coffee, water & wine. 

Whatcha in the mood for? 

#matcha #greentea #pluscurvychristian #goodstuff

M A T C H A M A N T R A 4 moods: Matcha, coffee, wate Read More

S  A  G  E

I don’t like to burn it but I love it in cornbread dressin ?

S A G E I don’t like to burn it but I love it in cornbread Read More

Get that skin summer ready.

Get that skin summer ready.

This place is to me what @museumoficecream must be for children.

This place is to me what @museumoficecream must be for children.

T  I  M  E

