Specializing in Japanese

Rich Handford is one of the top influencer in Canada with 6617 audience and 4.5% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Super fun tengu mask on Donnie! Looking forward to the hannya on the other thigh.

I’ve made it through calling and rebooking everyone who had appointments in November and December. I’ll reach out to clients who had appointments in January and February over the next week to ten days. In the meantime if you have in progress work or want to start some new Japanese pieces in April,May and June email me and we can can make that happen. If you’d like to expedite your rebooking email me too.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Stoked on the private studio out here by Birds Hill Park and looking forward to doing the best work of my career. Want a body suit? Backpiece? Sleeve? ? 

#winnipegtattoos #winnipeg #winnipegtattoo #kapalatattoo #japanesetattoo #tengutattoo #tengu #tattoosnob #goodpen #goodguysupply #goodguysupplyfamily

Super fun tengu mask on Donnie! Looking forward to the hannya on Read More

Stoked on this Mahakala for J-Dog. Thanks buddy! You’re the best. ? 

Made with love using the Good Pen, cartridges and supplies from our pals at @goodguysupply 

I’ve contacted and rescheduled the first three weeks of appointments affected by our forced closure Nov.12-Feb.12.

I’ll be continuing to contact clients and rescheduling another 3 weeks of appointments this week.

I’m no longer working at the shop. I’m working at a private studio near Birds Hill. If you’re not comfortable seeing me here, call the shop to reschedule with another artist.

If you are comfortable seeing me here, you can expedite your rescheduling or consultation by emailing me.

Feel free to email me at richhandford@gmail.com with your cell number, a description of your project, budget and days/times you’re available for an appointment and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

In progress work and large scale Japanese and illustrative work will be prioritized.

Have a great day!!!
I fucking love tattooing.
#winnipeg #winnipeglocal #winnipegtattoos #winnipegtattoo #kapalatattoo #mahakala #mahakalatattoo #japanese #japanesetattoo #bodysuit

Stoked on this Mahakala for J-Dog. Thanks buddy! You’re the bes Read More

I’ve had the pleasure of finishing three sleeves since Friday. Thanks Lee!!

Damn it’s good to be back doing what I love. It’s been so needed. My mental, physical, emotional and spiritual meters are all filling up. Grateful.

Thanks to everyone who reached out in support over the last month it meant a lot and is appreciated more than you will ever know. Lockdowns need to end.  Governments need to be held accountable.

I’ll be continuing to reach out to all clients affected by our closure this week and next.

If you want to get in sooner rather than later nudge me by sending an email to richhandford@gmail.com with your cell number and a brief description of your project. In progress, large scale and Japanese themed work will be prioritized.

#kapalatattoo #winnipeg #winnipegtattoo #winnipegtattoos #goodpen #goodvibes #goodguysupply

I’ve had the pleasure of finishing three sleeves since Friday. Read More

Well, it’s about damn time.

We are finally back to work this Saturday.

 I’ll be in touch with all of my clients over the next two weeks to reschedule those affected by our closure.

Please be patient.

I will be transitioning from working at the shop to working privately near Birds Hill Park over the next few months. This has been a rollercoaster of a year and this feels like the right move for myself and my family.

I look forward to sharing the new space and a more intimate environment with you all.

Existing clients can email me at richhandford@gmail.com with a brief description of your ongoing project and your cell number. If you’re looking to start new large scale Japanese work feel free to email your ideas and contact number as well.

This will present an employment opportunity for the right person. If you’re interested in a new start or joining the team email me with links to your portfolio. 

#kapalatattoo #winnipeg #winnipgtattoo
Well, it’s about damn time.

We are finally back to work this Saturday.

 I’ll be in touch with all of my clients over the next two weeks to reschedule those affected by our closure.

Please be patient.

I will be transitioning from working at the shop to working privately near Birds Hill Park over the next few months. This has been a rollercoaster of a year and this feels like the right move for myself and my family.

I look forward to sharing the new space and a more intimate environment with you all.

Existing clients can email me at richhandford@gmail.com with a brief description of your ongoing project and your cell number. If you’re looking to start new large scale Japanese work feel free to email your ideas and contact number as well.

This will present an employment opportunity for the right person. If you’re interested in a new start or joining the team email me with links to your portfolio. 

#kapalatattoo #winnipeg #winnipgtattoo
Well, it’s about damn time.

We are finally back to work this Saturday.

 I’ll be in touch with all of my clients over the next two weeks to reschedule those affected by our closure.

Please be patient.

I will be transitioning from working at the shop to working privately near Birds Hill Park over the next few months. This has been a rollercoaster of a year and this feels like the right move for myself and my family.

I look forward to sharing the new space and a more intimate environment with you all.

Existing clients can email me at richhandford@gmail.com with a brief description of your ongoing project and your cell number. If you’re looking to start new large scale Japanese work feel free to email your ideas and contact number as well.

This will present an employment opportunity for the right person. If you’re interested in a new start or joining the team email me with links to your portfolio. 

#kapalatattoo #winnipeg #winnipgtattoo
Well, it’s about damn time.

We are finally back to work this Saturday.

 I’ll be in touch with all of my clients over the next two weeks to reschedule those affected by our closure.

Please be patient.

I will be transitioning from working at the shop to working privately near Birds Hill Park over the next few months. This has been a rollercoaster of a year and this feels like the right move for myself and my family.

I look forward to sharing the new space and a more intimate environment with you all.

Existing clients can email me at richhandford@gmail.com with a brief description of your ongoing project and your cell number. If you’re looking to start new large scale Japanese work feel free to email your ideas and contact number as well.

This will present an employment opportunity for the right person. If you’re interested in a new start or joining the team email me with links to your portfolio. 

#kapalatattoo #winnipeg #winnipgtattoo
Well, it’s about damn time.

We are finally back to work this Saturday.

 I’ll be in touch with all of my clients over the next two weeks to reschedule those affected by our closure.

Please be patient.

I will be transitioning from working at the shop to working privately near Birds Hill Park over the next few months. This has been a rollercoaster of a year and this feels like the right move for myself and my family.

I look forward to sharing the new space and a more intimate environment with you all.

Existing clients can email me at richhandford@gmail.com with a brief description of your ongoing project and your cell number. If you’re looking to start new large scale Japanese work feel free to email your ideas and contact number as well.

This will present an employment opportunity for the right person. If you’re interested in a new start or joining the team email me with links to your portfolio. 

#kapalatattoo #winnipeg #winnipgtattoo

Well, it’s about damn time. We are finally back to work this S Read More

144 days without work. How many of you or your families could survive that? 144 days of unrelenting bills.

144 days of isolation.

The financial assistance that Sheri, our children and I have received hasn’t even covered the fucking property taxes or utilities for our business and home for the time we’ve been forced to give up our livelihoods. 

What about our mortgages, fixed operating expenses, insurance, utilities and the costs of providing for our family. Food, medicine, clothing and essentials???

What about our human rights? Section 1 of the Constitution Act of Canada guarantees our rights and freedoms. Many have died to protect these rights and only a few are trampling them.

We are being buried alive and our cries for help are being ignored.

We have the right to operate our businesses safely. 

We want to protect the health care system too but does opening all “non-essential” retail, allowing all grade 7-12 students back to school and reopening all barber shops and salons in the same week seem like a plan that will do that?

The argument that our businesses would pose more risk than a three-hour hair colour, cut, and style or shopping in a crowded mall is illogical.

We are the ONLY regulated health industry with provincial certification and oversight. 

The risks of transmission in Manitoba tattoo studios is low because of our stringent infection control protocols.

We maintain detailed chronological client records for three years making contact tracing easy to implement.

We are all essential. Our jobs and business provide incomes for our families and services for our community.

Stand up. Speak out.

Please share. Sign the petition. (Link in bio) 
Write your MLA and these decision makers. 

Let them know this is wrong.








144 days without work. How many of you or your families could sur Read More

We are now moving towards reopening the majority of Manitoba businesses during the same week that Grade 7-12 students return to class while a very small percentage of personal service businesses remain closed. 

A cautious approach?

Was there any decrease in community transmission during the next 3-4 incubation periods following the November 12th, 2020 Code Red closures? Any empirical data to support it’s success? Any data analysts out there? Statistic auditors?

If anyone would like to crunch the numbers, offer legal advice, share personal service data or information from other jurisdictions please email me any relevant or helpful information to richhandford@gmail.com
Please do not send conspiracy related information. Relevant empirical evidence or guidance would be appreciated. 

How is it right to allow 2 people into every home in Manitoba while forcing many small businesses who offer services on a 1 on 1 basis to remain closed? 

I hope as an industry we are not being discriminated against and excluded because of 1 tattoo artist opening against health orders. While I don’t personally condone opening against public health orders, I am personally empathetic to the devastating financial and mental health impacts on small business owners and their families.

These decisions should be made based on factual information, fairness and safety not prevailing popular opinion or the personal beliefs of a handful of political decision makers who have yet to forgo their $5,000-$20,000 bi-weekly salaries. 

The risks of transmission in Manitoba tattoo studios is low because of our stringent infection control protocols.

Contact tracing is easily implemented because we keep detailed chronological client records for 3 years.

There are close prolonged exposure times in public transit, classrooms, trades, food processing,  massage therapy, dental, acupuncture, offices, retail and many more sectors that are being considered safe.

We need to be able to live our lives as well while doing everything we can to mitigate transmission risks in our businesses and community.

Every job and every business is essential to the people that have them.

Please sign the petition.
We are now moving towards reopening the majority of Manitoba businesses during the same week that Grade 7-12 students return to class while a very small percentage of personal service businesses remain closed. 

A cautious approach?

Was there any decrease in community transmission during the next 3-4 incubation periods following the November 12th, 2020 Code Red closures? Any empirical data to support it’s success? Any data analysts out there? Statistic auditors?

If anyone would like to crunch the numbers, offer legal advice, share personal service data or information from other jurisdictions please email me any relevant or helpful information to richhandford@gmail.com
Please do not send conspiracy related information. Relevant empirical evidence or guidance would be appreciated. 

How is it right to allow 2 people into every home in Manitoba while forcing many small businesses who offer services on a 1 on 1 basis to remain closed? 

I hope as an industry we are not being discriminated against and excluded because of 1 tattoo artist opening against health orders. While I don’t personally condone opening against public health orders, I am personally empathetic to the devastating financial and mental health impacts on small business owners and their families.

These decisions should be made based on factual information, fairness and safety not prevailing popular opinion or the personal beliefs of a handful of political decision makers who have yet to forgo their $5,000-$20,000 bi-weekly salaries. 

The risks of transmission in Manitoba tattoo studios is low because of our stringent infection control protocols.

Contact tracing is easily implemented because we keep detailed chronological client records for 3 years.

There are close prolonged exposure times in public transit, classrooms, trades, food processing,  massage therapy, dental, acupuncture, offices, retail and many more sectors that are being considered safe.

We need to be able to live our lives as well while doing everything we can to mitigate transmission risks in our businesses and community.

Every job and every business is essential to the people that have them.

Please sign the petition.
We are now moving towards reopening the majority of Manitoba businesses during the same week that Grade 7-12 students return to class while a very small percentage of personal service businesses remain closed. 

A cautious approach?

Was there any decrease in community transmission during the next 3-4 incubation periods following the November 12th, 2020 Code Red closures? Any empirical data to support it’s success? Any data analysts out there? Statistic auditors?

If anyone would like to crunch the numbers, offer legal advice, share personal service data or information from other jurisdictions please email me any relevant or helpful information to richhandford@gmail.com
Please do not send conspiracy related information. Relevant empirical evidence or guidance would be appreciated. 

How is it right to allow 2 people into every home in Manitoba while forcing many small businesses who offer services on a 1 on 1 basis to remain closed? 

I hope as an industry we are not being discriminated against and excluded because of 1 tattoo artist opening against health orders. While I don’t personally condone opening against public health orders, I am personally empathetic to the devastating financial and mental health impacts on small business owners and their families.

These decisions should be made based on factual information, fairness and safety not prevailing popular opinion or the personal beliefs of a handful of political decision makers who have yet to forgo their $5,000-$20,000 bi-weekly salaries. 

The risks of transmission in Manitoba tattoo studios is low because of our stringent infection control protocols.

Contact tracing is easily implemented because we keep detailed chronological client records for 3 years.

There are close prolonged exposure times in public transit, classrooms, trades, food processing,  massage therapy, dental, acupuncture, offices, retail and many more sectors that are being considered safe.

We need to be able to live our lives as well while doing everything we can to mitigate transmission risks in our businesses and community.

Every job and every business is essential to the people that have them.

Please sign the petition.
We are now moving towards reopening the majority of Manitoba businesses during the same week that Grade 7-12 students return to class while a very small percentage of personal service businesses remain closed. 

A cautious approach?

Was there any decrease in community transmission during the next 3-4 incubation periods following the November 12th, 2020 Code Red closures? Any empirical data to support it’s success? Any data analysts out there? Statistic auditors?

If anyone would like to crunch the numbers, offer legal advice, share personal service data or information from other jurisdictions please email me any relevant or helpful information to richhandford@gmail.com
Please do not send conspiracy related information. Relevant empirical evidence or guidance would be appreciated. 

How is it right to allow 2 people into every home in Manitoba while forcing many small businesses who offer services on a 1 on 1 basis to remain closed? 

I hope as an industry we are not being discriminated against and excluded because of 1 tattoo artist opening against health orders. While I don’t personally condone opening against public health orders, I am personally empathetic to the devastating financial and mental health impacts on small business owners and their families.

These decisions should be made based on factual information, fairness and safety not prevailing popular opinion or the personal beliefs of a handful of political decision makers who have yet to forgo their $5,000-$20,000 bi-weekly salaries. 

The risks of transmission in Manitoba tattoo studios is low because of our stringent infection control protocols.

Contact tracing is easily implemented because we keep detailed chronological client records for 3 years.

There are close prolonged exposure times in public transit, classrooms, trades, food processing,  massage therapy, dental, acupuncture, offices, retail and many more sectors that are being considered safe.

We need to be able to live our lives as well while doing everything we can to mitigate transmission risks in our businesses and community.

Every job and every business is essential to the people that have them.

Please sign the petition.
We are now moving towards reopening the majority of Manitoba businesses during the same week that Grade 7-12 students return to class while a very small percentage of personal service businesses remain closed. 

A cautious approach?

Was there any decrease in community transmission during the next 3-4 incubation periods following the November 12th, 2020 Code Red closures? Any empirical data to support it’s success? Any data analysts out there? Statistic auditors?

If anyone would like to crunch the numbers, offer legal advice, share personal service data or information from other jurisdictions please email me any relevant or helpful information to richhandford@gmail.com
Please do not send conspiracy related information. Relevant empirical evidence or guidance would be appreciated. 

How is it right to allow 2 people into every home in Manitoba while forcing many small businesses who offer services on a 1 on 1 basis to remain closed? 

I hope as an industry we are not being discriminated against and excluded because of 1 tattoo artist opening against health orders. While I don’t personally condone opening against public health orders, I am personally empathetic to the devastating financial and mental health impacts on small business owners and their families.

These decisions should be made based on factual information, fairness and safety not prevailing popular opinion or the personal beliefs of a handful of political decision makers who have yet to forgo their $5,000-$20,000 bi-weekly salaries. 

The risks of transmission in Manitoba tattoo studios is low because of our stringent infection control protocols.

Contact tracing is easily implemented because we keep detailed chronological client records for 3 years.

There are close prolonged exposure times in public transit, classrooms, trades, food processing,  massage therapy, dental, acupuncture, offices, retail and many more sectors that are being considered safe.

We need to be able to live our lives as well while doing everything we can to mitigate transmission risks in our businesses and community.

Every job and every business is essential to the people that have them.

Please sign the petition.

We are now moving towards reopening the majority of Manitoba busi Read More

However you personally choose to label a service or business the incomes they provide for families is essential. Essential/non-essential it doesn’t matter. Small businesses and personal service providers should be entrusted to operate safely.

We have been in the business of protecting public health for almost twenty years. We have always taken the health and safety of ourselves, our clients and our community seriously.

Malls, public transit, schools, food processing, trades, Wallmart, Costco and Subway are considered safe??

A sandwich artist is deemed to have the protocols and skills to operate safely??
But a salon, tattoo studio or aesthetician cannot???

Often people cite exposure time as the risk. Prolonged interaction. How is it safe for my 9 year old son to put on a fabric mask made by his mother, walk to the end of the driveway and get on a school bus with children from 50 other households? He can then go to class with another 24 students from other households and sit there for 6 hours. Public transit? Trades? Massage therapy?

How is that considered safe while his father with an interest in microbiology and training in cross contamination prevention and infection control protocols cannot have 1 masked client in a spacious VERY controlled environment? Most personal services offer services in a 1 on 1 environment.

We are the people following fundamentals and we are community ambassadors reinforcing them in others. We are the people doing what is right. We are leading by example.

Getting a tattoo has had similar protocols to dental and medical procedures for almost 20 years. Most of these protocols have been in practice and place long before we’ve added respiratory protocols and engineering controls for the general public.

We are ready and prepared to operate safely through this pandemic.

Enough is enough.

Please sign the petition.

Link in bio.

However you personally choose to label a service or business the Read More

We appreciate all of the kind words and support and encouragement.

Artists, piercers, permanent cosmetic techs, small business owners, personal service providers, supply companies, promoters and tattoo stakeholders need to rise up and educate the public and policy makers alike.

We are the people following fundamentals and we are community ambassadors reinforcing them in others. We are the people doing what is right. We are leading by example.

We have had ample time to draft protocols and implement them.

Getting a tattoo has had similar protocols to dental and medical procedures for almost 20 years. Most of these protocols have been in practice and place long before we’ve added respiratory protocols and engineering controls for the general public.

We are ready and prepared to operate safely through this pandemic.


We appreciate all of the kind words and support and encouragement Read More

Manitoba body art businesses have implemented new protocols to en Read More
