Silver Fern Brand
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I get asked all the time about the difference between the Ultimate Probiotic vs the other 95% of lactobacillus/⁠⁠
Bifidobacterium based probiotic formulas on the market. ⁠⁠
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species improve the gut, and they are needed. We especially consider Bifidobacterium a key strain for good health. But here are some points we suggest considering regarding products that are loaded in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium:⁠⁠
◾ Health conditions like SIBO have protocols that require stopping these types of formulas because it is like pouring fuel on the fire. SIBO is an overgrowth of Bifidobacterium and⁠⁠
◾ There is no evidence that dumping billions and billions of CFUs of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus is good for the stomach.⁠⁠
◾ Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains don’t have great survivability. Even if all of those billions of CFUs did survive, “….higher CFU counts do not necessarily improve the product’s health effects.”⁠⁠
◾ The strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium used in most clinical studies are generally much stronger than those found in commercial probiotics (consumer products).⁠⁠
◾ A study in May of 2016 conducted by Univ. of California and Univ. of Massachusetts looked at 16 probiotic products and suggested that the bacteria in most commercial Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium products were mostly killed by bile and stomach acids. This same study suggested that most probiotics’ label claims didn't match what is in the products.?⁠⁠
Ultimate Probiotic’s strains accomplish all those points listed in the graphic that a true probiotic should accomplish plus much more:⁠⁠
◾ 100% verified survivability⁠⁠
◾ DNA label claims are independently verified⁠⁠
◾ Proven to recondition the gut⁠⁠
◾ Proven to survive during and after antibiotic use⁠⁠
◾ Proven to diversify gut bacteria⁠⁠
◾ Enhances digestion and gut motility⁠⁠
◾ Provides gut pathogen protection⁠⁠
◾ Immune support⁠⁠
◾ LPS/endotoxin/ leaky gut protection⁠⁠
#silverfernbrand #probiotic #guthealthmatters #guthealth #healyourgut #leakygut #toxins #supplementsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #immunesupport #immunity #suriviability #l
I get asked all the time about the difference between the Ultimate Probiotic vs the other 95% of lactobacillus/⁠⁠
Bifidobacterium based probiotic formulas on the market. ⁠⁠
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species improve the gut, and they are needed. We especially consider Bifidobacterium a key strain for good health. But here are some points we suggest considering regarding products that are loaded in Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium:⁠⁠
◾ Health conditions like SIBO have protocols that require stopping these types of formulas because it is like pouring fuel on the fire. SIBO is an overgrowth of Bifidobacterium and⁠⁠
◾ There is no evidence that dumping billions and billions of CFUs of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus is good for the stomach.⁠⁠
◾ Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains don’t have great survivability. Even if all of those billions of CFUs did survive, “….higher CFU counts do not necessarily improve the product’s health effects.”⁠⁠
◾ The strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium used in most clinical studies are generally much stronger than those found in commercial probiotics (consumer products).⁠⁠
◾ A study in May of 2016 conducted by Univ. of California and Univ. of Massachusetts looked at 16 probiotic products and suggested that the bacteria in most commercial Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium products were mostly killed by bile and stomach acids. This same study suggested that most probiotics’ label claims didn't match what is in the products.?⁠⁠
Ultimate Probiotic’s strains accomplish all those points listed in the graphic that a true probiotic should accomplish plus much more:⁠⁠
◾ 100% verified survivability⁠⁠
◾ DNA label claims are independently verified⁠⁠
◾ Proven to recondition the gut⁠⁠
◾ Proven to survive during and after antibiotic use⁠⁠
◾ Proven to diversify gut bacteria⁠⁠
◾ Enhances digestion and gut motility⁠⁠
◾ Provides gut pathogen protection⁠⁠
◾ Immune support⁠⁠
◾ LPS/endotoxin/ leaky gut protection⁠⁠
#silverfernbrand #probiotic #guthealthmatters #guthealth #healyourgut #leakygut #toxins #supplementsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #immunesupport #immunity #suriviability #l

I get asked all the time about the difference between the Ultimat Read More

What makes Cleanse so amazing? It just is. Okay, it's way more than that and since my kids refuse to accept that as a reasonable answer I'm certain it's not going to fly here either.⁠
Cleanse is our “detox” product because it does just that: uniquely finds, binds, neutralizes, and eliminates toxins (viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, molds, and environmental toxins). Cleanse is a toxin remover. This product attacks the root cause of problems in the gut. It reduces inflammation, improves nutrient absorption, boosts the effect of probiotics, and provides general gut health. This product is for everyone with gut issues (pain, bloating, IBS-D, SIBO, Crohn’s, Colitis, chronic diarrhea, loose stools, etc.).⁠
While other detox programs and products eliminate all bacteria, Cleanse targets only harmful pathogenic bacteria. Because your gut needs healthy bacteria.⁠
Antibodies are the body’s most important and abundant soldiers for keeping us safe from foreign invaders and toxins. Immunoglobulins are specialized protein antibodies that bind like a lock-and-key to toxins. This is the body's search and destroy system for fighting off sicknesses, infections, viruses, bad bacteria, mold, and other harmful contaminants. Cleanse has one of the highest concentrations of the most robust immunoglobulins you can take for amazing gut support.⁠
#silverfernbrand #cleanse #detox #guthealth #guthealthmatters #healyourgut #inflammation #antibodies #immunity #supplementsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #mentalhealth #brainfog #livewell

What makes Cleanse so amazing? It just is. Okay, it's way more th Read More

Fiber. Most people are deficient in it. The average adult is only eating 15g of fiber per day. The recommended amount of fiber per day for men is 38g and for women 25g. It's no wonder a lot of people are constipated!⁠
Not only does our prebiotic fiber contain 10g of fiber per servings (3x more fiber per serving than most fiber supplements) but we've added additional supplements for bone, joint, and immune health. Why? Our research suggests that the same customers buying fiber supplements are also buying commonly known supplements for bone health, joint health, and immune health.⁠
? cred: @morgan.sorg⁠
#silverfernbrand #fiber #constipation #guthealth #guthealthmatters #healyourgut #supplmentsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #mentalhealth #bonehealth #jointhealth #immunesupport #livewell

Fiber. Most people are deficient in it. The average adult is only Read More

Constipation is a very common condition. Many medications (antidepressants, opioids, blood pressure, and allergy medications, etc.) can slow the process of the stomach emptying which causes constipation.⁠⁠
Laxatives and “rapid bowel evacuation” detox programs reduce future digestion speed and the body’s natural process of moving food through the digestive tract, also causing constipation. Laxatives and regular detox programs (not SFB's) make future constipation issues more likely. Restricted eating patterns, gut problems, and medications can also cause constipation.⁠⁠
While taking more fiber, drinking more water, and exercising more often definitely helps with constipation, sometimes the body needs additional help. Sometimes the body needs help turning everything back on.⁠⁠
◾Improving “gastric emptying” (movement of food through the stomach):⁠⁠
Research shows that delayed gastric emptying is strongly associated with constipation. Improving gastric emptying is a natural way to improve regular bowel movements. Recent studies suggest that combining Artichoke Leaf Extract (ALE) with ginger significantly improves gastric emptying. Gutgard® (a powerful licorice polyphenol with a potent phytonutrient known as glabridin but minus glycyrrhizin) is also very⁠⁠
beneficial for improving gastric emptying.⁠⁠
◾Improving peristalsis (the wave-like motion that moves food through the GI tract starting at the esophagus, moving through the stomach, through the intestines, and finally out of the body):⁠⁠
Delays in food processing through the intestinal transit are all connected to constipation. Inhibited peristalsis results in constipation. Research shows that ALE, ginger, and Gutgard® all increase the speed at which food moves through the GI tract, which improves symptoms of constipation.⁠⁠
Upper GI Relief is an amazing natural solution to support regular bowel movements. Take 2 capsules per meal⁠⁠
until regular bowel movements are achieved.⁠⁠
Note: Upper GI Relief also helps manage indigestion and IBS symptoms, inhibits pathogenic bacteria and helps resolve most upper abdominal discomforts (heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, etc.).⁠⁠
Constipation is a very common condition. Many medications (antidepressants, opioids, blood pressure, and allergy medications, etc.) can slow the process of the stomach emptying which causes constipation.⁠⁠
Laxatives and “rapid bowel evacuation” detox programs reduce future digestion speed and the body’s natural process of moving food through the digestive tract, also causing constipation. Laxatives and regular detox programs (not SFB's) make future constipation issues more likely. Restricted eating patterns, gut problems, and medications can also cause constipation.⁠⁠
While taking more fiber, drinking more water, and exercising more often definitely helps with constipation, sometimes the body needs additional help. Sometimes the body needs help turning everything back on.⁠⁠
◾Improving “gastric emptying” (movement of food through the stomach):⁠⁠
Research shows that delayed gastric emptying is strongly associated with constipation. Improving gastric emptying is a natural way to improve regular bowel movements. Recent studies suggest that combining Artichoke Leaf Extract (ALE) with ginger significantly improves gastric emptying. Gutgard® (a powerful licorice polyphenol with a potent phytonutrient known as glabridin but minus glycyrrhizin) is also very⁠⁠
beneficial for improving gastric emptying.⁠⁠
◾Improving peristalsis (the wave-like motion that moves food through the GI tract starting at the esophagus, moving through the stomach, through the intestines, and finally out of the body):⁠⁠
Delays in food processing through the intestinal transit are all connected to constipation. Inhibited peristalsis results in constipation. Research shows that ALE, ginger, and Gutgard® all increase the speed at which food moves through the GI tract, which improves symptoms of constipation.⁠⁠
Upper GI Relief is an amazing natural solution to support regular bowel movements. Take 2 capsules per meal⁠⁠
until regular bowel movements are achieved.⁠⁠
Note: Upper GI Relief also helps manage indigestion and IBS symptoms, inhibits pathogenic bacteria and helps resolve most upper abdominal discomforts (heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, etc.).⁠⁠

Constipation is a very common condition. Many medications (antide Read More

Baked goods, really you don't need to say much more than that. Baked goods.⁠
These chocolate chip protein cookies by @bitesbyhaley are to die for.⁠
1/2 cup almond butter⁠
1/4 cup almond milk⁠
1/4 cup maple syrup⁠
1 egg⁠
1/3 cup almond flour⁠
1/4 cup vanilla protein @silverfernbrand⁠
1/4 tsp baking soda⁠
1/2 cup chocolate chips⁠
1. In a medium-sized bowl, combine all ingredients.⁠
2. Roll the batter into ~ 16 balls & flatten them out to desired shape (they don’t expand).⁠
3. Bake at 350F for 12 minutes.⁠
#silverfernbrand #healthyeats #healthytreats #protein #proteincookies #chocolatechipcookies #guthealth #healyourgut #guthealthmatters #supplmentsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #mentalhealth #livewell

Baked goods, really you don't need to say much more than that. Ba Read More

I get asked daily about various gut issues and managing symptoms. In general here's our list of most commonly asked about issues:⁠⁠
SYMPTOMS: Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, skin irritations, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, depression, frequently sick, etc.⁠⁠
GUT PROBLEMS: GERD, PUD (Peptic Ulcer Disease) and Gastritis/H. pylori, stomach flu, gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease (autoimmune diseases), IBD, IBS, SIBO, hemorrhoids, food intolerances, etc.⁠⁠
Here are 4 things to STOP doing to improve gut issues:⁠⁠
1. Consuming artificial ingredients and sweeteners⁠⁠
2. Consuming a lot of sugars and processed foods⁠⁠
3. Stressing (if you figure this one out LMK)⁠⁠
4. Looking to antibiotics and harmful medications to solve problems AFTER the problem arrives⁠⁠
Here is my list of 6 things that SHOULD BE DONE to start fixing the gut:⁠⁠
1. Build up good bacteria and reduce bad bacteria (resolving gut dysbiosis)⁠⁠
2. Diversify gut bacteria⁠⁠
3. Build up healthy stomach acids⁠⁠
4. Reduce inflammation⁠⁠
5. Reduce immune system overreactions⁠⁠
6. Remove harmful toxins⁠⁠
UPPER GI RELIEF: Great natural product for dealing with GERD, PUD, H. pylori, heartburn, acid reflux and even constipation issues. And it works!⁠⁠
ULTIMATE PROBIOTIC and CLEANSE are the best products for resolving gut dysbiosis, diversifying gut bacteria, resolving leaky gut/metabolic endotoxemia/LPS, reducing an overreaction of the immune system, and eliminating harmful toxins like LPS, which is a cause for an overreactive immune system (autoimmune diseases).⁠⁠
All three products will help with gas, bloating, and stomach pain problems!⁠⁠
#silverfernbrand #guthealthmatters #guthealth #healyourgut #probiotic #cleanse #uppergirelief #ibs #ibd #bloating #brainfog #constipation #supplementsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #livewell
I get asked daily about various gut issues and managing symptoms. In general here's our list of most commonly asked about issues:⁠⁠
SYMPTOMS: Heartburn, acid reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, skin irritations, brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, depression, frequently sick, etc.⁠⁠
GUT PROBLEMS: GERD, PUD (Peptic Ulcer Disease) and Gastritis/H. pylori, stomach flu, gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease (autoimmune diseases), IBD, IBS, SIBO, hemorrhoids, food intolerances, etc.⁠⁠
Here are 4 things to STOP doing to improve gut issues:⁠⁠
1. Consuming artificial ingredients and sweeteners⁠⁠
2. Consuming a lot of sugars and processed foods⁠⁠
3. Stressing (if you figure this one out LMK)⁠⁠
4. Looking to antibiotics and harmful medications to solve problems AFTER the problem arrives⁠⁠
Here is my list of 6 things that SHOULD BE DONE to start fixing the gut:⁠⁠
1. Build up good bacteria and reduce bad bacteria (resolving gut dysbiosis)⁠⁠
2. Diversify gut bacteria⁠⁠
3. Build up healthy stomach acids⁠⁠
4. Reduce inflammation⁠⁠
5. Reduce immune system overreactions⁠⁠
6. Remove harmful toxins⁠⁠
UPPER GI RELIEF: Great natural product for dealing with GERD, PUD, H. pylori, heartburn, acid reflux and even constipation issues. And it works!⁠⁠
ULTIMATE PROBIOTIC and CLEANSE are the best products for resolving gut dysbiosis, diversifying gut bacteria, resolving leaky gut/metabolic endotoxemia/LPS, reducing an overreaction of the immune system, and eliminating harmful toxins like LPS, which is a cause for an overreactive immune system (autoimmune diseases).⁠⁠
All three products will help with gas, bloating, and stomach pain problems!⁠⁠
#silverfernbrand #guthealthmatters #guthealth #healyourgut #probiotic #cleanse #uppergirelief #ibs #ibd #bloating #brainfog #constipation #supplementsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #livewell

I get asked daily about various gut issues and managing symptoms. Read More

How many fruits and vegetables would need to be consumed in a day in order to equal the amount of nutrients found in our Whole Food Vitamin? It's a LOT.⁠
◾ Broccoli 8.3 cups⁠
◾ Beets 8.3 cups⁠
◾ Strawberries 10 cups⁠
◾ Kale 11 cups⁠
◾ Spinach 33 cups⁠
◾ Carrots 5 cups⁠
The body is formed from elements and minerals such as chromium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and so on. These minerals are the catalyst for the body to make use of healthy nutrients and help it perform at optimal levels. The body needs these minerals replenished daily but due to soil depletion and other factors, we're no longer getting enough from our food.⁠
#silverfernbrand #vitamins #wholefood #wholefoodvitamin #traceminerals #guthealth #healyourgut #guthealthmatters #supplementsthatwork #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #mentalhealth #livewell⁠

How many fruits and vegetables would need to be consumed in a day Read More

After spending a lot of time in and out of hospitals with doctors who were giving their best guess as to what was going on with our oldest, Charlie, I found that I really like to understand what's going on, why and how the treatment being prescribed is going to be effective. Her diagnosis with CRPS taught us a lot.⁠
We feel the same way about gut health. The best way to help our consumers is to help them understand what's going on with their body, how our products function to help them feel better and why natural, quality products are more effective.⁠
We have several places to find information about gut health and our products. I get asked all the time where we get our information on our posts from, recently we've been adding a list of our references when swiping left so that the studies we reference are easily available to the reader. ⁠

After spending a lot of time in and out of hospitals with doctors Read More

Antibody supplementation, who knew? It's a real and very effective thing!⁠⁠
IBS/IBS-D can interfere with all aspects of life. It can be unpredictable, embarrassing, and uncomfortable. And it can be difficult to diagnose. ⁠⁠
Common treatments for IBS-D can include antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medication, laxatives, and antidepressants. But could there be another way, a better and more effective way?⁠⁠
Silver Fern Brand suggests a gut corrective course with Ultimate Probiotic and Cleanse for treatment of IBS/IBS-D. ⁠⁠
ULTIMATE PROBIOTIC: Recent studies show that a special combination of spore probiotics (including Bacillus Subtilis HU58, Bacillus Coagulans, and Bacillus Clausii-all found in Ultimate Probiotic) can offer a lot of relief for IBS symptoms⁠⁠
and reduces the IBS severity score more than other treatments.⁠⁠
◾ Corrects bacterial imbalances⁠⁠
◾ Destroys pathogenic bacteria⁠⁠
◾ Diversifies gut bacteria⁠⁠
◾ Neutralizes toxins⁠⁠
◾ Helps heal leaky gut⁠⁠
◾ Health inflammatory response⁠⁠
CLEANSE: Contains the most powerful immunoglobulin (antibodies: IgG, IgM, IgA) supplement clinically proven to help with IBS. Cleanse uniquely binds toxic substances and removes them from the body. Cleanse’s primary ingredient demonstrates a rapid response rate (significant symptom reduction: constipation, diarrhea, and nausea from IBS-D) of between 69% and 88%. Cleanse is scientifically shown⁠⁠
to improve IBS-D symptoms. Immunoglobulin alone has over 11 published scientific reports for improving IBS symptoms and 6 reports for improving symptoms of IBD!⁠⁠
Dosing: We suggest dosing 8 capsules per day (4 in the morning and 4 at night) of Cleanse for 90 days. We suggest waiting a week after starting Cleanse to start taking Ultimate Probiotic. Start with one probiotic capsule per day week for one and ramp up to 4 per day by week 4. Use 4 per day for⁠⁠
approximately 90 days. After the 90 day loading period reduce to normal dosing as suggested on the bottles.⁠⁠
#silverfernbrand #cleanse #probiotic #ibs #ibsd #guthealth #guthealthmatters #supplementsthatwork #antibodies #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #mentalhealth #livewell
Antibody supplementation, who knew? It's a real and very effective thing!⁠⁠
IBS/IBS-D can interfere with all aspects of life. It can be unpredictable, embarrassing, and uncomfortable. And it can be difficult to diagnose. ⁠⁠
Common treatments for IBS-D can include antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medication, laxatives, and antidepressants. But could there be another way, a better and more effective way?⁠⁠
Silver Fern Brand suggests a gut corrective course with Ultimate Probiotic and Cleanse for treatment of IBS/IBS-D. ⁠⁠
ULTIMATE PROBIOTIC: Recent studies show that a special combination of spore probiotics (including Bacillus Subtilis HU58, Bacillus Coagulans, and Bacillus Clausii-all found in Ultimate Probiotic) can offer a lot of relief for IBS symptoms⁠⁠
and reduces the IBS severity score more than other treatments.⁠⁠
◾ Corrects bacterial imbalances⁠⁠
◾ Destroys pathogenic bacteria⁠⁠
◾ Diversifies gut bacteria⁠⁠
◾ Neutralizes toxins⁠⁠
◾ Helps heal leaky gut⁠⁠
◾ Health inflammatory response⁠⁠
CLEANSE: Contains the most powerful immunoglobulin (antibodies: IgG, IgM, IgA) supplement clinically proven to help with IBS. Cleanse uniquely binds toxic substances and removes them from the body. Cleanse’s primary ingredient demonstrates a rapid response rate (significant symptom reduction: constipation, diarrhea, and nausea from IBS-D) of between 69% and 88%. Cleanse is scientifically shown⁠⁠
to improve IBS-D symptoms. Immunoglobulin alone has over 11 published scientific reports for improving IBS symptoms and 6 reports for improving symptoms of IBD!⁠⁠
Dosing: We suggest dosing 8 capsules per day (4 in the morning and 4 at night) of Cleanse for 90 days. We suggest waiting a week after starting Cleanse to start taking Ultimate Probiotic. Start with one probiotic capsule per day week for one and ramp up to 4 per day by week 4. Use 4 per day for⁠⁠
approximately 90 days. After the 90 day loading period reduce to normal dosing as suggested on the bottles.⁠⁠
#silverfernbrand #cleanse #probiotic #ibs #ibsd #guthealth #guthealthmatters #supplementsthatwork #antibodies #healthybodyhealthymind #nutrition #health #mentalhealth #livewell

Antibody supplementation, who knew? It's a real and very effectiv Read More
