The Lord of the Influencer Marketing: Artificial Intelligence

I have watched a lot of science-fiction movies about artificial intelligence, and many of them introduced artificial intelligence as a villain, like Hal 9000 in the 2001 Space Odyssey. For influencer marketing, artificial intelligence is not a negative figure, but rather a hero. If you are curious, I invite you to read the full article about AI’s role in influencer marketing.  

Beyond the AI hype

In the first place, if you ask what artificial intelligence is, then Wikipedia will answer you that AI is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. Plus, there is a lot of hype around AI, and most discussions about artificial intelligence concluded with hysteria. 


People assume that AI  even replaces human in specific processes as AI can accelerate procedures. Moreover, it is crystal clear for everybody that AI can process data at a level impossible for human capabilities. Nevertheless, in Influencer marketing, human interaction is an essential part of the work, because it is a human-to-human process, while AI alone cannot provide that.

How Artificial Intelligence Can Be Transformed Into Influencer Marketing?


In the Search of Right Influencer

Digital marketing is extremely noisy, therefore, brands need content that will resonate in the digital world. One of the biggest obstacles to this is finding the right influencers and it is not expected from marketers to be Sherlock Holmes in the searching process. The number of followers should not be the most important priority when choosing influencers, it is not possible to identify an influencer’s potential only based on their follower count. 


Marketers need to consider other factors such as the engagement level. Additionally, collaborating with an influencer who has a similar culture to the brands is likewise important. Here AI comes to our aid.

Let’s look at how


AI can analyze various data from an influencer’s social media profile. This goes into the scope of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Natural language processing is a form of AI that’s focused on analyzing, understanding, and using written or spoken human languages. 


Conveying messages is tremendously important for Influencer Marketing, and of course, creating messages needed words. So, NLP has a powerful role in analyzing. NLP has the capacity to deal with unstructured data on social media. It analyses the content of influencer posts and generates interests, industries, demographics, and brand associations from them. Influencer platforms use these classifications in discovery search engines. 


With that, Brand marketers can identify who the key influencers are in growth areas and can gain better insights about influencers. Likewise, marketers can determine what types of content will resonate with social media followers.

Catch Fraudulent Influencers If You Can

Brands pay influencers who have significant followers on top social media platforms to promote their products and reach a relevant audience. Using social media bots for increasing followers count and creating fake engagement metrics makes it difficult to determine the credibility of influencers. Influencers can buy fake followers and pay for bots to like or comment on their posts that can mislead brands. 


According to a report from Cheq, fraudulent activity is costing advertisers $1.3 billion in 2019. Fraud figures not only prevent the product from reaching the target audience but also causes brands to spend money without getting any tangible results. AI can help brands analyze and identify computer-generated influencers, social media bots, which is a real threat for brands.

The Creation of Content

ML (Machine Learning) technologies can analyze millions of online images and videos within a few seconds. ML algorithms collect more intricate data according to the automatic identification of images and videos. Moreover, ML/AI technologies can analyze comment sentiment. It allows identifying whether the expressed opinion is positive or negative and deciding which posts have a positive attitude, positive feedback, and which one vice versa. It helps the brand to identify which type of content is most likely to get positive responses by the target audience. 

Predicting ROI

AI allows marketers to closely observe an influencer’s performance and assists track and analyze every piece of content, various engagement metrics. Therefore, it can calculate the ROI of the campaigns and understand whether it has had an impact on your revenue. Where an influencer’s success is irregular, calculating the ROI of an influencer marketing campaign and forecasting results are vital. 


Analyzing influencers is difficult without AI because every creator is different. If marketers want to get top-level insights in the data dump, only a machine/AI can deal with the mass amounts of big data.

Eternal Sunshine of the Keepface AI Tool


Brands cannot resist the power of AI on running successful influencer marketing. As I mentioned above, AI can support brands from various aspects. Keepface, which implements the latest innovations in its tool, certainly could not neglect AI technology. Keepface offers AI-powered influencer tools that will help brands to pursue their campaigns in the best way.


With the image recognition tool, Keepface analyzes accounts, for example, especially suspicious accounts, which can deceive companies causing a huge amount of damage to their business. It is tough for brands to recognize fraudulent figures by themselves without the help of pros.  

Moreover, by using image recognition Keepface can easily classify influencers’ contents. It turns images into readable data. Of course, the only image recognizing is not enough for this process. Keepface ML/AI tools can analyze written data too. At the end of this process, Keepface helps the companies to choose the right influencers which have similar culture with their brands and can deliver content to the target audience.


So, sign in now to take advantage of AI technology and get the most out of your influencer marketing.

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Influencer Search and Discovery: How to Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand

In an era of social media, having knowledge about how to find the right influencers who can help you to introduce your products to your ideal audience is the best way for generating sales. It is very rewarding to put your time in building a bond with high-quality influencers and getting their help in building your community. 


If you can’t keep up with this latest trend in digital marketing, you sure are going to lose some shares in the market against your competitors. Therefore, you should be agile to find the best influencer for your brand before your competitors do. There are multiple tips and tools to find the most relevant influencers. Some of them can be very time consuming and ineffective. So, here are some most useful tips and tools for you which you will need for audience building, increase your social following and getting more shares in the market.

Social media


Be aware that there are already some people who talk about your product or products that are complements or substitutes for your product. Posts or social media mentions about those products can lead you to these people.


Thanks to social media monitoring or listening tools, you can easily find who is a fan of your product or similar products. Mention and Google Alerts can be a great example of these tools, where you can easily track mentions of your brand or product. Once you find those influencers, take your time to get more knowledge about their engagement rate, demographics or reach. If they are suitable in every way, then contact them in the most proper way in order to get their attention.



Hashtags are great because they make the content very obtainable. Almost every social media have hashtags to make the content very achievable for everyone. Also, people, really like to use hashtags in their post which make them even more obtainable. 


You can either search for hashtags that are relevant to your brand or you can search for hashtags like #ad #influencer #sponsored in order to see who is already interested in promoting products. If you are going to search for hashtags that are relevant to your brand, try to be specific, so you can get better results and save your time.

Once you liked someone’s content, do not jump into connecting with them. Review particular metrics that are important to you – check if their audience is ideal for you, assess their engagement level, and see if their other post is also relevant to your brand. When everything is okay, then do not forget to add the influencer to your list in order not to forget about them and keep your bound with them. It is very necessary for turning them into brand advocates.

Advanced search tools


Some social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin have advanced search tools. This is very time-saving as you can dive deeper faster. 


Search for the topic that you are interested in. Once the search results come out, you will have the chance to use filters for people. You will have several filters like location, industry, company, business type and so on. Choose the filter that you need and the search will give you the results that are very close to your need. 

The aim is to reduce the number of results and retain only the most relevant and needed ones. The advanced search tools can give you very specific information and also you can easily contact the influencer through used social media.

Influencer Marketing Platforms


If you want to skip all the steps above, you can use influencer marketing platforms that do everything for you. Keepface Influencer Marketing Platform can be an example of such kind of platforms. It introduces you to its database of influencers with their social media profiles, performance data, audience analysis, and special insights. 


You can get to know the location (country, state, city), demographics (gender, age), score and ranking of each influencer. It also provides you with top-performing posts, estimated impressions, posting frequency and followers growth of the influencer. 


With the Audience analysis tool, you can get valuable information like demographics, languages, ethnicity, interests of audiences. You can also benefit from a special insight that tells you about influencer media value, similar influencers by content and audience, as well as, fake followers. It is a very user-friendly and all-in-one platform. 

You can easily register as a brand, create your own projects, find influencers for these projects from a wide range of influencer database and get the creative help of an in-house project team for briefing the influencers. 

It’s the fastest way of finding the most ideal influencers for your brand 


All the tools above can be very helpful and effective if you use them in the right way. You can try them and choose the most appropriate and effective one for yourself. But do not forget that if you want to add influencer marketing to your strategy then you better learn how to use Influencer Marketing Platforms because they are the most time-saving and cost-effective way. 


Also, bear in mind that these influencers are getting various offers from different companies. Therefore, you should come with the best offer in order to get their attention. Once you find the fitting influencers for your project that would be a huge mistake to lose contact with them when the project ends. The more you build closer relations with them, the more they will be willing to promote your product. 

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