Sophie Johnson
Sophie Johnson is one of the top Beauty influencer in United Kingdom with 22263 audience and 0.62% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Sport and life will continually throw you

112/365 • MINI CURVE BALLS . Sport and life will continually th Read More

Sadly conflict with other road users is becoming an increasingly common occurrence, to the point where I know several friends swapping road riding for mountain biking, where they enjoy quieter, less aggressive rides. ???
Conflict with other road users, typically car drivers can leave you feeling frustrated, vulnerable and worse case, injured. For those of you who are still riding on the road, here are a few tips for dealing with road conflict.
As tempting as it is to sink to their level, try not to engage and retaliate, you want to try and diffuse the situation not exacerbate it. 
This is incredibly difficult, but try to conduct yourself in a considered manner, try to collect the details of the driver, take pictures of the location and if they will not cooperate then take a picture of their number plate.
Lastly don't feel scared to report the incident to the police. It's easy to feel like this is a waste of time, but in doing so you could prevent further aggression or a potential accident.
It's hard to describe to other road users just how vulnerable we are as cyclists, with no metal box protecting us, and I hate hearing stories of people giving up cycling because of bad experiences. Hopefully with more reporting of incidents and better education we can make our roads safer!⚠️?⚠️

120/365 • DEALING WITH CONFLICT . Sadly conflict with other roa Read More

Sometimes it feels like our goals are miles away, a tiny spec on the horizon, but every day keep your focus firmly on where you want to go.
Never lose sight!
? @willisjparker

129/365 • EYES ON THE PRIZE . Sometimes it feels like our goals Read More

118/365 • WARM UP
Warming up for an event or race is absolutely essential. On the face of it, the concept of a warm up is very simple; it does exactly that- warm you up! However there are several other benefits to warming up which are equally as valuable, these sit in 3 different categories; physiological, neuromuscular and psychological. ????
Physiological ??❤️??
By raising your temperature, blood vessels open up which allows greater volumes of blood to reach your muscles. Your range of motion also improves which helps with actions such as standing. By increasing your heart rate and depth of breathing your cardiovascular system starts to open up and get ready for the effort ahead. 
Neuromuscular ???
Your body starts to fire up neuromuscular connections which are responsible for the control and execution of everything from body position to pedal stroke.
Psychological ???
The warm up is the perfect time to menally

118/365 • WARM UP . Warming up for an event or race is absolute Read More

117/365 • SELF- BELIEF
So yesterday I talked about self- identity and self-belief being key to growth; today I'd like to touch on what I think self- belief is, and where it comes from. ?⚠️?
I think that

117/365 • SELF- BELIEF . So yesterday I talked about self- iden Read More

There are 2 things that I strongly believe; 1) That having self awareness is the key to all growth, and 2) That your life becomes a reflection of who you believe you are. ??
When athletes are finding it hard to reach the next level I encourage them to develop their self awareness by reflecting inwards. The aim is to uncover who they truly believe they are, by unpicking and talking about their self- identity and therefore self- belief. Usually this leads to identifying limiting beliefs and reasons why they are not reaching their potential. ???
The key to whether this exercise is successful or not is being able to self- reflect without fear. The deeper you dig, the more uncomfortable you may feel about what you may uncover about yourself. Being honest about how you feel is incredibly hard, and actually where a lot of confusion lies.?⏰?
Once you have discovered your self- identity and the extent of your self- belief you can start to change the way you view yourself, and with it unlock your potential. 
With an altered perception of yourself you can truly step into the person you want to become by making changes at a much deeper level. These changes translate into your daily thoughts, and actions and contribute to a truer identity and greater self- belief. ????
? @willisjparker

116/365 • SELF AWARENESS . There are 2 things that I strongly b Read More

As much as it's good practice to look to others for advice and inspiration, it's also important to understand that this is your journey, and you should walk (or pedal) it however you wish.
? Do whatever you're doing, for you.
? Take inspiration from whoever you wish.
? Choose to take advice from whoever you want.
? Don't feel the pressure to reach your goals in record time.
? Make decisions that are best for you.
We are all different, so it's to be expected that our journey's will be too. We can learn a hell of a lot from those who have been there before, but I promise you that your journey will be much more fulfilling if it's original and unique to you. ???
? @willisjparker

115/365 • IT'S YOUR JOURNEY . As much as it's good practice to Read More

114/365 • COURSE RECON 2
I've already touched on how important it is to recon a course, and the sorts of things to look out for, in this post I'm going to give advice on how I approach a

114/365 • COURSE RECON 2 . I've already touched on how importan Read More

113/365 • HAVE FUN
Less of a tip, more of a reminder.
Whatever you're doing, have fun! ??
? @willisjparker

113/365 • HAVE FUN . Less of a tip, more of a reminder. . Whate Read More
