Jordan Syatt
Jordan Syatt - SyattFitness is one of the top Beauty influencer in Jordan with 791362 audience and 3.25% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Check the comments cause some people are gonna be pisssssed about this ?

Also make sure you read the caption because it’s important.

I’m not saying you’re only “allowed” to eat if you’re willing to eat an apple.

That’s stupid.

You’re an adult.

You can eat whenever the fuck you want.

But if you’re trying to decipher whether or not you’re truly hungry or if you’re just bored…this is a solid tool.

If you’re gonna be one of the people who say, “bUt i nEvEr LiKe aPpLeS,” cool.

Substitute any fruit you want.

And make it a fruit you enjoy.

Oranges, watermelon, banana, grapefruit…doesn’t matter. Pick a fruit you like and make it your baseline for the test.

Again, this is simply a way to see if you’re actually hungry or just bored.

Not a way to shame you for eating even if you are just bored.

Cause, fuck, I boredom eat all the time. Who doesn’t? It’s fun. And, candidly, very enjoyable.

Issues arise if this becomes an unconscious habit. And one that develops into something that becomes increasingly difficult to control.


If you need a tool to help you decipher whether you’re actually hungry or just bored…give the apple test a shot.

And while you’re at it…text me: 617-249-7381


Text that number and I’ll send you workouts and update you when new podcasts and YouTube videos to live.

#apple #apples #fruit #banana #watermelon #weightloss #fatloss #diet #calories #caloriedeficit

Check the comments cause some people are gonna be pisssssed about Read More

Or a one-time fee of $10 for every pound left out.

Fair or fair?

#weights #weightrraining #strengthtraining #weightlifting #powerlifting #deadlift #squat #benchpress #chinups #rows

Or a one-time fee of $10 for every pound left out. Fair or fair? Read More

On the off chance you’re getting frustrated at your “slow” weight loss.

Fucking relax.


Stop letting the scale dictate your emotions.

And start using it like an adult who understands progress is never linear.


#thursday #health #healthy #diet #dieting #fitnessmotivation #bodybuilding #powerlifting #weightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #weightwatchers #fitness #fitnesslife

On the off chance you’re getting frustrated at your “slow” Read More

Someone in my Q&A yesterday asked me to expand on why progressive overload is so important.

I’ve spoken about about it ad infinitum in regard to strength training.

And I’m more than happy to continue discussing why it’s so important for strength and muscle growth.

But as I was thinking about how to answer their question, I realized progressive overload is essential for, literally, anything and everything you want to improve in life.

Want to get better at public speaking? Start speaking in public more. Begin with smaller groups and progress to larger crowds more frequently.

Want to get better at entrepreneurship? Start with one small start-up. Build it from the ground up. Progress to two. So on and so forth until you progressively reach a point in which you can oversee and manage far more than you could when you first started.

Want to get stronger? Start by going to the gym. Lifting weights. Learning the technique. And progressively challenge yourself to lift heavier and with better technique until one day you’re easily repping weights you used to think would be impossible for you.

Progressive overload is so important because it’s the only way you can improve in life. Not just weight lifting.

If you want to get better at, literally, anything you need to embrace progressive overload. 

You need to understand tremendous amounts of effort and discomfort are required in order to reach your full potential.

And you need to internalize the process of reaching your potential won’t happen overnight. It’s going to take years and years and years of slow, steady, and progressive improvements over time.

That’s why progressive overload is so important.

Not just because it’s essential for getting stronger.

But because it’s essential for living your best life.

#progressiveoverload #progress #progressnotperfection #personaltrainer #personaltraining #weightlifting #strengthtraining

Someone in my Q&A yesterday asked me to expand on why progressive Read More

I recently cut from 152lbs to 141lbs for my jiu jitsu competition.

And, as you can see, I was able to do this while both growing my beard & eggplant.

To be clear, I wouldn’t have covered my penor w/ the eggplant. But several Karen’s were very upset they could see the outline of him and reported my page so now I’m censoring my penor to be safe.


I’m making a whole YouTube video explaining exactly how I did this cut and it will be up within the next week.

But, for now, I want to explain some important details.

1) I ate in a calorie deficit.

Shocker, I know.

But some people still don’t believe calorie deficit works so it’s always worth mentioning.

2) I got, at least, 10,000 steps/day. It’s not a magic number and it isn’t bad if you don’t get 10,000 every day. But it’s important to be aware of your daily activity and if you aren’t getting an average of 7,000/day it’s probably worth putting effort into making it happen.

3) I cut out all liquid calories. Not because they’re bad for you. But because they’re the easiest and quickest way to reduce your daily calories without making any major adjustments.

4) I ate, at least, 1 pound of watermelon every day. Usually more. Think about that the next time someone says watermelon (or any fruit) makes you fat “because sugar.” It was mainly watermelon packaged in plastic btw. If you know you know.

5) I slept, at least, 7-8 hours every night. Parents with young kids…I’m sorry. I know sleep is rough for you right now. And that makes it way harder. Doesn’t mean you can’t make progress. It just means it’s gonna be harder.

6) I strength trained 2-3x/week. That’s it. I also got significantly stronger in the process. I increased my deadlifts and weighted chin-ups dramatically while losing weight. If you aren’t getting stronger while losing weight, you’re doing it wrong.

That’s it. Nothing crazy or dramatic or magical.

I’ll go into detail in the YouTube video.

If you want me to remind you when the video goes live, text me: +1-617-249-7381


Text that number and I’ll tell you when the video goes live. I’ll also text you random workouts throughout the week.


#caloriedeficit #weightloss #calories

I recently cut from 152lbs to 141lbs for my jiu jitsu competition Read More

The next question is always, “BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW MANY CALORIES I BURN!?!?!?!?”

It doesn’t matter.

1️⃣ Track your calorie intake (accurately).

2️⃣ Track your progress (accurately). Via weight, measurements, pictures, pant size, performance, etc.

If your progress is good (average of 1/2lb to 1lb of weight loss per week) mazel tov, keep going.

If your progress is too fast, add more calories back into your diet.

If your progress is too slow (it probably isn’t, you’re just being impatient), reduce your calories slightly.

You don’t need to worry about how many calories you burn when you’re tracking your intake and progress accurately.

Not sure how many calories to eat to lose fat?

Link in bio for my free weight loss calorie calculator.

#calorie #calories #fitness #fitnessgoals #weightloss #weightlossdiet #fatloss #fatlosstips #deadlift #powerlifting #weightlifting

The next question is always, “BUT HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW Read More

Most people screw themselves over because they feel like they’r Read More

I’d like to thank the several hundred watermelons who made this cut possible ? ?

If you’ve been following my stories for the past month you’ve watched me prep for The Austin International Open and ended taking silver ?

Obviously not the result I wanted but it’s been incredible documenting my cut with you and hearing your feedback about nutrition, the scale, etc.

I’ll make a whole YT video (hopefully within 2 weeks but don’t hold me to that ?) explaining my entire cut and training process in detail.

Thank you for all of your encouragement and support.

Thank you @alexmartinsjiujitsu for coaching me every day.

Thank you to all of my training partners.

Thank you to my fiancée for making the, literal, best big ass salads every damn day.

And thank you to the watermelons ?

Now…we pizza ? 

#jiujitsu #watermelon

I’d like to thank the several hundred watermelons who made this Read More

Watch this quick clip. It’s 53 seconds and I think you’re go Read More
