Tony Roberts
Tony Roberts is one of the top influencer with 33823 audience and 1.6% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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Divine punishment or 5G,
the root of evils conspiracy, 
belittles those risking there lives,
who’s aim majority survives.
These aren’t enrolled to military,
at risk they’d not expect to be,
and yet these people global wide,
we all should show respect and pride,
their life's each day put on the line,
this isn’t fake and not a sign,
real people, real jobs,
Are fighting against all the odds.
For you, your friends, your family, 
stop with the conspiracy,
It cheapens what these people do,
some giving there lives up for you.?‍⚕️?‍⚕️❤

Divine punishment or 5G, the root of evils conspiracy, belittles Read More

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you� Read More

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but thought about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Set yourself some goals and smash their heads in! ?️‍♂️?

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but thou Read More

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about lea Read More

Life plays out in ripples?
From all we do and say. ?
Each of us has an impact
Just living day to day.
Though the way that we are
Is all we can control,
We are drops in an ocean
That we should consider our whole.?
Positivity and its opposite
Are so easily spread?
Through variable actions
And words that are said.?
Bring out other’s sunshine?
And help diffuse their tension.
Make words spoken about you
Have nothing bad to mention.
Find the joy in life
Through the little things you do
And remind yourself daily
That you’re lucky to be you!?
So be a beacon of light
That cuts through the dark.?
Let your ripples be love
So only good can take spark.?♥️

Life plays out in ripples? From all we do and say. ? Each of us h Read More

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see all the things that are

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see all the Read More

With all the tragic things that are happening in the world as a result of the coronavirus, now might seem like an unusual time to talk about being positive. Yet staying positive is fucking vital and the only choice we have right now so get a grip!❤️ I believe that now more than ever, is the time for us to be proactive about creating small moments of happiness in our days. ?

Appreciate everything no matter how small or big and stop the negative bullshit!❌ •Strengthen your connections: for those of us in family lockdown, now is the opportunity to spend quality time with our loved ones. Take the time to hug your family, kids or partner, look them in the eyes and tell them how appreciated they are! Not that it should take this to make you realise! ?
•Look for the good in others: These types of crises can bring out both the worst and the best in human nature. I like to think that the best in human nature is rising to the coronavirus challenge. Philanthropists are donating money to scientists to find a cure. Doctors and medical staff are working overtime to help sick patients. Neighbourhoods are putting together care packages for people who are sleeping rough. Keep reminding yourselves that good things can come from this. ?‍⚕️??❤️ •Take charge of your mental health and capture the small moments will help as we enter the unknown. ?? Guys remember that every cloud has a silver lining and this is your chance to thicken that lining and take charge of your mental health so that you come out of this experience. ☁️ ✨✨✨

With all the tragic things that are happening in the world as a r Read More

Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience.??‍♂️
Anyone who abandons you is for 
teaching you how to stand up 
on your own two feet. ??‍♂️
Anything that angers you is for teaching you forgiveness and compassion. ?
Anything that has power over you is for teaching you how to take your power back.⚡️
Anything you hate is for 
teaching you unconditional love.❤️
Anything you fear is for 
teaching you courage to 
overcome your fear.?
Anything you can’t control is for teaching you how to let go and trust the Universe! ? 
#thebestisyettocome #staystrong #covid_19

Anything that annoys you is for teaching you patience.??‍♂️ Read More

The problems with the majority of people is that they aren’t very good at reacting to the unknown. ? Humans are, when push comes to shove, awful at interpreting risk. We’re much more freaked out over turbulence on a plane than a near-miss in traffic, even though of the two a car crash is far more likely to be the source of our untimely demise. ✈️ ? We balk at the unknown dangers of illegal drugs with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. ??
We fear what we don’t understand. And what we fear, we seek to control. ❌
In the case of the coronavirus, there are some pretty obvious examples. Reports are out that people are panic-buying everything from toilet paper to ibuprofen, even if there is no outbreak in their local area nor a strong likelihood of a shortage of either any time soon.??People are taking to pharmacies in droves, dragging masks off the shelves like there’s no tomorrow, even though the evidence strongly suggests that masks are a waste of time for most people. The main reason to buy a mask – something that health authorities have been saying for weeks – is if you yourself are sick, because it stops your phlegm from getting on other people’s faces. ?And don’t get me started on those selling supplements to cure coronavirus, because if we want to look at exactly why each immunity-boosting echinacea tea is probably worthless we’ll be here until the end of time itself. Guys seriously stay at home, stay positive and use this time to work on yourself! Set yourself fitness goals, read a book, learn a language, re-evaluate your relationship with family and friends and start appreciating EVERYTHING you have because it won’t be here for ever!?

The problems with the majority of people is that they aren’t ve Read More
