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One month on from his win we catch up with 2021 Youth Photographer of the Year @pubarun.basu - full interview is available via our bio link. Over this weekend we'll be celebrating his winning image and some of his other work, including this image Flying Colours. 'The press coverage that my winning image has received has been unbelievable. I would've never imagined my photograph to appear on Forbes, The Guardian, CNN, and all the other big names. I've also had the utmost privilege of getting my story published on some of the best Indian news media agencies too.' Congratulations again Pubarun! 
? © Pubarun Basu 
#lowlight #streetphotography #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards #swpa2021 #sonyworldphotographyawards2021

One month on from his win we catch up with 2021 Youth Photographe Read More

‘At 1,003m, Mount Zas (or Zeus) dominates the Greek island of Naxos. One day in early April, I decided to make my way to the top. By the time I was halfway up, the fog had become so dense it completely obscured the base of the mountain, making me feel as if I was flying. I noticed a small herd of sheep grazing peacefully in this strange environment. I took a shot before moving on and becoming lost in the fog.’ Greece National Award winner Iakovos-Theodoros Apeiranthitis tells us more about his painterly photograph.
? (C) Iakovos-Theodoros Apeiranthitis, Greece, Shortlist, Open competition, Natural World & Wildlife, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards 
#landscapephotography #landscape #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards #sonyworldphotographyawards2021 #swpa2021

‘At 1,003m, Mount Zas (or Zeus) dominates the Greek island of N Read More

Hi all, @africatotheworldzw here. I aim to offer different readings on the presence of the past, and the way it informs our perspectives on who we are today. Questioning my role and my responsibility as a photographer led me to challenge the perception enhancing power of photography by highlighting narratives it missed along the way. With this in mind I conceived the idea to depict future facing images of black women while honouring the power of representation and the necessity of visibility. Read my full interview via the bio link.
#portrait #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards

Hi all, @africatotheworldzw here. I aim to offer different readin Read More

Open Photographer of the Year @africatotheworldzw is next up in our 2022 overall winners interview series. Tamary Kudita won for her outstanding portrait African Victoria, submitted to the Creative category. The photograph depicts a young black woman dressed in a Victorian dress holding traditional Shona cooking utensils. The image probes at stereotypical contextualising of the black female body and offers an alternative visual language through which a multifaceted African identity is presented. Here we see another image from the same series. Over the next few days Tamary will be sharing more of her arresting portraits.
#portrait #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards

Open Photographer of the Year @africatotheworldzw is next up in o Read More

'Having grown up on a farm in South Africa, I was always surrounded with cattle, horses, donkeys and chickens from a young age, many of which I still own and love to this day. My background as a young farmer motivated me to explore how other young farmers are contributing to building a better and more sustainable future in South Africa. My insider perspective played a large role in my subject choice and how their images are conveyed. Throughout the project the goal was always to convey the truth and to stay objective, but at the same time the images should always be read as an insider perspective. In a metaphorical manner, I am taking portraits of myself and the land I have come to love.' Read our full interview with #SWPA2021 Student Photographer of the Year @coenraadtorlage via our bio link. 
?: © Coenraad Heinz Torlage, Academy of Design and Photography, South Africa, Student Competition, Student Photographer of the Year, Sony World Photography Awards 2021
#youngfarmers #aerialshot #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards #southafrica #photodocumentary #photoseries #student #studentcompetition #studentphoto

'Having grown up on a farm in South Africa, I was always surround Read More

'The Young Farmers series has motivated me to continue with it for another year. I have to relate to and understand my subjects intimately in order to photograph them.� This year I will be visiting more farms, farmers and people related to this industry in South Africa. I want to capture this sector in terms of storytelling and documentation. The subtext of my images concerns food sustainability, political ecology and the roles my subjects play out in the land. The culmination of this work will be an examined exhibition and book.' Read our full interview with #SWPA2021 Student Photographer of the Year @coenraadtorlage via our bio link. 
?: © Coenraad Heinz Torlage, Academy of Design and Photography, South Africa, Student Competition, Student Photographer of the Year, Sony World Photography Awards 2021
#youngfarmers #aerialshot #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards #southafrica #photodocumentary #photoseries #student #studentcompetition #studentphoto

'The Young Farmers series has motivated me to continue with it fo Read More

With the launch of #SWPA2022 just 12 days away, we're catching up with the #SWPA2021 overall winners to discover more about the benefits of entering the Awards. Next up is Student Photographer of the Year @coenraadtorlage, who caught the judge's attention with his compelling series Young Farmers. Read our interview via the bio link. 
?: © Coenraad Heinz Torlage, Academy of Design and Photography, South Africa, Student Competition, Student Photographer of the Year, Sony World Photography Awards 2021
#youngfarmers #aerialshot #swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards #southafrica #photodocumentary #photoseries #student #studentcompetition #studentphoto

With the launch of #SWPA2022 just 12 days away, we're catching up Read More

?VIEW THE #SWPA2021 VIRTUAL EXHIBITION NOW!? Alongside selected images from winning series in our Professional competition, Student Photographer of the Year, Youth Photographer of the Year plus winners of the Alpha Female Award and Professional Latin America Award is this arresting portrait by @africatotheworldzw, which was awarded Open Photographer of the Year. Click on our bio link to view the digital display! 
? Tamary Kudita, Open Photographer of the Year, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards

?VIEW THE #SWPA2021 VIRTUAL EXHIBITION NOW!? Alongside selected i Read More

Experience 150 of the most successful images from #SWPA2021 in our virtual exhibition! Enjoy the vast array of imagery in this year’s display, which includes this beautiful still life shot on wet plate by @petereleveld, a category winner in this year’s Professional competition. You can travel through the exhibition at your own pace and zoom in to photographs to take a closer look, read the accompanying captions or listen to the audio descriptions for the Professional competition series. See more via our bio link! 
?: Peter Eleveld, Netherlands, Category winner, Professional competition, Still Life, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards
#swpa #sonyworldphotographyawards2021 #wetplate #wetplatecollodion #wetplatephotography #stilllife #stilllifephotography #bnwphotography #bnwphoto

Experience 150 of the most successful images from #SWPA2021 in ou Read More
